S. Tulyakov, N. Sankaran, S. Setlur, and V. Govindaraju, "Utilizing Template Diversity for Fusion Of Face Recognizers", in IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA2019), 2019.
N. Sankaran, S. Tulyakov, S. Setlur, and V. Govindaraju, "Metadata-based Feature Aggregation Network for Face Recognition", in International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2018), 2018.
R. R. Nair, N. Sankaran, B. U. Kota, S. Tulyakov, S. Setlur, and V. Govindaraju, "Knowledge Transfer Using Neural Network Based Approach for Handwritten Text Recognition," in 2018 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2018, pp. 441-446.
S. Tulyakov, N. Sankaran, S. Setlur, and V. Govindaraju, "Score Normalization in Stratified Biometric Systems", in International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB2017), 2017.
J. Hartloff, M. Morse, B. Zhang, T. Effland, J. Cordaro, J. Schuler, S. Tulyakov, A. Rudra, and V. Govindaraju, "A multiple server scheme for fingerprint fuzzy vaults," in 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2015, pp. 119-127.
S. Tulyakov and V. Govindaraju, "Handprinted Character and Word Recognition," in Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition, D. Doermann and K. Tombre, Eds.: Springer London, 2014, pp. 359-389.
J. Li, S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju, "Improved Local Correlation Method for Fingerprint Matching," in Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 2014 Second International Symposium on, 2014, pp. 560-562.
M. Morse, J. Hartloff, T. Effland, J. Schuler, J. Cordaro, S. Tulyakov, A. Rudra, and V. Govindaraju, "Secure Fingerprint Matching with Generic Local Structures, in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2014 IEEE Conference on, 2014, pp. 84-89.
T. Effland, M. Schneggenburger, J. Schuler, B. Zhang, J. Hartloff, J. Dobler, S. Tulyakov, A. Rudra, and V. Govindaraju, Secure fingerprint hashes using subsets of local structures, in Proc. SPIE 9075, Biometric and Surveillance Technology for Human and Activity Identification XI, 2014, pp. 90750D-90750D-17.
S. Tulyakov and V. Govindaraju, "Matching Score Fusion Methods," in Handbook of Statistics. vol. 31, C. R. Rao and G. Venu, Eds.: Elsevier, 2013, pp. 151-175.
S. P. Satheesan, S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju: A feature information based approach for enhancing score-level fusion in multi-sample biometric systems, in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2013 Fourth National Conference on, 2013.
J. Hartloff, J. Dobler, S. Tulyakov, A. Rudra, and V. Govindaraju: Towards Fingerprints as Strings: Secure Indexing for Fingerprint Matching, in International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2013), 2013.
J. Hartloff, M. Bileschi, S. Tulyakov, J. Dobler, A. Rudra, and V. Govindaraju: Security analysis for fingerprint fuzzy vaults, in SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Symposium (DSS), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2013.
Cheng, X., Tulyakov, S., and Govindaraju, V.: Minutiae-based Matching State Model for Combinations in Fingerprint Matching System, in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2013 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 2013.
Cheng, X., Tulyakov, S., and Govindaraju, V.: Utilization of Matching Score Vector Similarity Measures in Biometric Systems, in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 2012.
Kashyap, A.L., Tulyakov, S., Govindaraju, V.: Facial Behavior as a Soft Biometric. International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2012), 2012.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju, Predicting Performance in Large-Scale Identification Systems by Score Resampling, in Multibiometrics for Human Identification, B. Bhanu and V. Govindaraju, Editors. 2011, Cambridge University Press. p. 363-388.
Cheng, X., S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju. Combination of Multiple Samples Utilizing Identification Model in Biometric Systems. in International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB2011). 2011. Washington, USA.
Cheng, X., S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju. Multiple-sample fusion of matching scores in biometric systems. in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2011 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 2011.
Cheng, X., S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju. Combination of user- and enrollee-specific statistical information in verification systems. in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2011 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 2011.
Tulyakov, S., C. Wu, and V. Govindaraju, On the Difference Between Optimal Combination Functions for Verification and Identification Systems. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2010. 24(2): p. 173-191.
Mansukhani, P., S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju, A Framework for Efficient Fingerprint Identification Using a Minutiae Tree. Systems Journal, IEEE, 2010. 4(2): p. 126-137.
Kumar, G., S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju. Combination of Symmetric Hash Functions for Secure Fingerprint Matching. in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2010). 2010.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju. Predicting Performance in Large-Scale Identification Systems by Score Resampling. in International Biometric Performance Conference (IBPC 2010). 2010.Poster. Long version.
Zhang, Z., S. Tulyakov, J. Li, and V. Govindraju. Combining Facial Skin Mark and Eigenfaces for Face Recognition. in International Conference on Biometrics. 2009.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju. Neural Network Optimization for Combinations in Identification Systems. in Multiple Classifier Systems, 8th International Workshop, MCS 2009. 2009. Reykjavik, Iceland: Springer.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju, Use of Identification Trial Statistics for Combination of Biometric Matchers. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on, 2008. 3(4): p. 719-733.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju, Issues and Advances in Biometrics, in Information Assurance, Security and Privacy Services, H.R. Rao and S.Upadhyaya, Editors. 2009, Emerald.
Li, J., S. Tulyakov, F. Farooq, J. Corso, and V. Govindraju. Integrating minutiae based fingerprint matching with local mutual information. in International Conference on Pattern Recognition. 2008.
Tulyakov, S., J. Li, and V. Govindraju. Enrolled Template Specific Decisions and Combinations in Verification Systems. in IEEE Second International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 08). 2008.
Li, J., S. Tulyakov, Z. Zhang, and V. Govindraju. Fingerprint Matching Using Correlation and Thin-Plate Spline Deformation Model. in IEEE Second International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 08). 2008.
Tulyakov, S., Z. Zhang, and V. Govindaraju. Comparison of Combination Methods Utilizing T-normalization and Second Best Score Model. in CVPR 2008 Workshop on Biometrics. 2008.
Tulyakov, S., F. Farooq, P. Mansukhani, and V. Govindaraju, Symmetric hash functions for secure fingerprint biometric systems. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2007. 28(16): p. 2427-2436.
Tulyakov, S., C. Wu and V. Govindaraju. Iterative Methods for Searching Optimal Classifier Combination Function. in Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems, 2007.
Li, J., S. Tulyakov, et al. (2007). Verifying Fingerprint Match by Local Correlation Methods. First IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems, 2007. BTAS 2007.
Wu, C., S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju. Robust Point-Based Feature Fingerprint Segmentation Algorithm. in International Conference on Biometrics. 2007.
Tulyakov, S., T. Slowe, Z. Zhang, and V. Govindaraju. Facial Expression Biometrics Using Tracker Displacement Features. in CVPR 2007 Workshop on Biometrics. 2007.
Zhang, Z., T. Slowe, V. Singh, S. Tulyakov, and V. Govindaraju. Real-time Automatic Deceit Detection from Involuntary Facial Expressions. in CVPR 2007 Workshop on Biometrics.
Tulyakov, S., V. Govindaraju and C. Wu. (2007). Optimal
Classifier Combination Rules for Verification and Identification
Systems. 7th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier
Systems, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tulyakov, S., S. Jaeger, et al. (2007). Review of
Classifier Combination Methods. Learning in Document Analysis and
Recognition. S. Marinai and H. Fujisawa, Springer.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju (2007). Learning matching score
dependencies for classifier combination. Learning in Document Analysis
and Recognition. S. Marinai and H. Fujisawa, Springer.
Mansukhani, P., S. Tulyakov and V. Govindaraju(2007). Using Support
Vector Machines to eliminate False Minutiae Matches during Fingerprint
Verification. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium (DSS), Orlando, FL.,
Wu, C., S. Tulyakov and V. Govindaraju(2006). Image Quality Measures
for Fingerprint Image Enhancement. International Workshop on Multimedia
Content Representation, Classification and Security, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju (2006). Utilizing
Independence of Multimodal Biometric Matchers. International
Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and
Security, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju (2006). Identification
Model for Classifier Combinations. Biometrics Consortium
Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju (2006).
Classifier Combination Types for Biometric Applications. IEEE
Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics, New York.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju (2005).
Identification Model with Independent Matching Scores.
Biometrics Consortium Conference, Crystal City, VA.
Tulyakov, S., F. Farooq and V. Govindaraju (2005). Symmetric
Hash Functions for Fingerprint Minutiae. International
Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Crime Prevention, Security and
Surveillance, Bath, UK.
Tulyakov, S. and G. V. (2005). Using
independence assumption to improve multimodal biometric fusion.
6th International Workshop on Multiple Classifiers Systems (MCS2005),
Monterey, USA, Springer.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju (2005). Combining
Matching Scores in Identification Model. 8th International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2005), Seoul,
Tulyakov, S., V. Chavan and V. Govindaraju (2004). Symmetric
Hash Functions for Fingerprint Minutiae. Biometrics
Consortium Conference, Crystal City, VA.
Chavan, V., S. Chikkerrur, et al. (2004). Securing Pervasive Networks
using Biometrics. Secure Knowledge Management (SKM 2004), Buffalo, NY,
Govindaraju, V. and S. Tulyakov (2003). Postal
address block location by contour clustering. 7th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2003), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, IEEE Computer Society.
Tulyakov, S. and V. Govindaraju (2001). Probabilistic
Model for Segmentation Based Word Recognition with Lexicon.
6th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
(ICDAR 2001), Seattle, USA, IEEE Computer Society.
Tulyakov, S. "A
Complexity Framework for Combination of Classifiers in Verification and
Identification Systems " PhD. Thesis, University at Buffalo,