Zhangyu Guan

Associate Professor

Wireless Intelligent Networking and Security Lab
Department of Electrical Engineering
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Address: 221 Davis Hall, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 - 1920
Phone: (716) 645-1147
Email: guan@buffalo.edu

Biography | Research | Acknowledgment | Team | Publications | Service | Teaching | Links


Sept. 2024: Our work on UnionLabs, "Cloud-Based Federation Framework and Prototype for Open, Scalable, and Shared Access to NextG and IoT Testbeds," will be presented at the 18th ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH'24), colocated with ACM MobiCom 2024 in Washington, D.C. in November.

Sept. 2024: The 6th Buffalo Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things [website] will take place at the University at Buffalo on October 18, 2024.


I am an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering at University at Buffalo (UB). I received my Ph.D. degree in Communication and Information Systems from Shandong University in China in 2010. I was a visiting Ph.D. student at UB from 2009 to 2010. I also worked at UB as a Postdoctoral Research Associate from 2012 to 2015. After that, I worked as an Associate Research Scientist with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University (Boston), from 2015 to 2018. I direct the Wireless Intelligent Networking and Security (WINGS) Lab at UB, focusing on research and technology transfer in zero-touch computing and networking, space-air-ground networking, wireless network security, software and testbed design for future networks, and printable electronic circuits.

Current Research Areas

  Wireless Sensing, Communications and Networking for Advanced Air Mobility 
UAVs (aka “drones”) have been envisioned as a key tool for a wide set of new applications, thanks to their unique characteristics such as fast deployment, high mobility, processing capabilities, and small size. However, the resource orchestration in UAV-enabled wireless systems is rather challenging, primarily because the high-mobility UAVs will increase significantly the complexity of modeling, control and optimization of the resulting wireless systems. We investigate new sensing, communication and networking technologies to enable safe, secure and intelligent wireless UAV applications, e.g., Advanced Air Mobility (AAM).

  AI-Enabled Ultra-broadband NextG Networks  
Most of traditional data-driven control based on AI/ML algorithms highly relies on the availability of a sufficient amount of well-labeled, contextual data for policy training. It is challenging to collect sufficient training data while minimizing the interaction of the agents with the physical environments and ensuring good policy generalizability. To address these challenges, we explore new digital twin-based approach to accelerate the data generation and policy training in AI-enabled ultra-broadband NextG networks that may operate across microwave, mmWave as well as sub-THz frequency bands.

  Experimentation and Softwarization for Future Wireless Networks  
The wireless research community still lacks a mature shared facility to support rigorous and repeatable experimental evaluation of wireless networked systems. The goal of this research is to address three grand challenges with experimental wireless research in diversity, generalizability and accessibility by creating a grassroots campaign to democratize access to 5G/6G and IoT testbeds with heterogeneous hardware, software and computing resources, spanning space, aerial, ground, underwater, and underground domains.

  Printable Circuits for Chip-based and Chipless RFID  
Design flexible and scalable RFID prototyping methods based on conductive thermal transfer printing technology, and enhance the reading range and coverage based on advanced radio frequency signal sensing and processing as well as communication techniques.



Current Team

Maxwell McManus [Website]
Ph.D. Student (started Jan. 2020)
Co-advised with Dr. Scott Pudlewski at Georgia Tech Research Institute
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship

Yuqing Cui [Website]
Ph.D. Student (started Jan. 2023)
Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship

Josh (Zhaoxi) Zhang [Website]
Ph.D. Student (started Jan. 2023)
Co-advised with Dr. Nick Mastronarde

Sidharth Santhinivas [Website]
Ph.D. Student (started Jan. 2023)

Tenzin Rinchen
Software Engineer

Annoy Dey
Software Engineer

Dave Satterlee
Software Engineer

Chenzhi Zhao
Master Student (started August 2024)

Shreshta Sheker
Research Assistant

Summanth Thota
Research Assistant

Yijie Yin
Undergraduate Student

Yuanzangnan Gao
Undergraduate Student

WINGS Alumni

Jiangqi Hu [Website]
Ph.D. Graduate (Graduated May 2024)
Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Eastern New Mexico University

Yixiao Shang
Undergraduate Student (Graduated May 2024)
Master Student at University of Southern California

Xiaohong Guo
Undergraduate Student (Graduated May 2024)
Master Student at Georgia Institute of Technology

Shashank Pagidimarri
M.S. Student (Graduated Dec. 2023)
Research Foundation of City University of New York

David Bone
M.S. Student (Graduated Dec. 2023)
US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)

Shaik Mohammed Suhail
Research Assistant (Graduated Dec. 2023)
ANDRO Computational Solutions

Sabarish Krishna Moorthy [Website]
Ph.D. Graduate (Graduated May 2023)
ANDRO Computational Solutions

Haolun Li
M.S. Student (Graduated May 2023)
ANDRO Computational Solutions

Zhiyuan Zhao
M.S. Student (Graduated May 2023)
Northrop Grumman

Ishita Dhopeshwar
M.S. Student (Graduated Dec. 2022)
Tarana Wireless

Ranjith Samuel Suresh Kumar
M.S. Student (Graduated Dec. 2021)

Ankush Hari
M.S. Student (Graduated May 2021)

Chencheng Lu
M.S. Student (Graduated May 2021)
Automotive Robotics


Journal and Magazines

  • J. Hu, S. K. Moorthy, A. Harindranath, Zhaoxi Zhang, Zhiyuan Zhao, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, S. Pudlewski, and Z. Guan, "A Mobility-Resilient Spectrum Sharing Framework for Operating Wireless UAVs in the 6 GHz Band," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 3128-3142, December 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, M. Medley, and Z. Guan, "OSWireless: Hiding the Specification Complexity for Zero-Touch Software-Defined Wireless Networks," Computer Networks (Elsevier), vol. 237, December 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • M. McManus, Y. Cui, J. Zhang, J. Hu, S. K. Moorthy, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, M. Medley, and Z. Guan, "Digital Twin-Enabled Domain Adaptation for Zero-Touch UAV Networks: Survey and Challenges," Computer Networks (Elsevier), vol. 236, November 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • J. Hu, Z. Zhao, M. McManus, S. K. Moorthy, Y. Cui, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, M. Medley, and Z. Guan, "NeXT: Architecture, Prototyping and Measurement of a Software-Defined Testing Framework for Integrated RF Network Simulation, Experimentation and Optimization," Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol. 210, October 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, N. Mastronarde, S. Pudlewski, E. S. Bentley, and Z. Guan, "Swarm UAV Networking With Collaborative Beamforming and Automated ESN Learning in the Presence of Unknown Blockages," Computer Networks (Elsevier), vol. 231, July 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, Z. Guan, "Beam Learning in MmWave/THz-band Drone Networks Under In-Flight Mobility Uncertainties," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1945-1957, June 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, M. McManus, Z. Guan, "ESN Reinforcement Learning for Spectrum and Flight Control in THz-Enabled Drone Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 782-795, April 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, L. Bertizzolo, E. Demirors, T. Melodia, "WNOS: Enabling Principled Software-Defined Wireless Networking," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 1391-1407, June 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, H. Kulhandjian, T. Melodia, "Stochastic Channel Access in Underwater Networks With Statistical Interference Modeling," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 3020-3033, Oct. 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • N. Cen, Z. Guan, T. Melodia, "Compressed Sensing based Low-Power Multi-view Video Coding and Transmission in Wireless Multi-path Multi-hop Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 3122 - 3137, Sept. 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • L. Bonati, S. D'Oro, L. Bertizzolo, E. Demirors, Z. Guan, S. Basagni, T. Melodia, "CellOS: Zero-touch Softwarized Open Cellular Networks," Computer Networks (Elsevier), vol. 180, Oct. 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, N. Cen, T. Melodia, S. Pudlewski, "Joint Power, Association and Flight Control for Massive-MIMO Self-Organizing Flying Drones," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1491-1505, August 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • N. Cen, Jithin Jagannath, Simone Moretti, Z. Guan, Tommaso Melodia, "LANET: Visible-Light Ad Hoc Network," Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), vol. 84, pp. 107-123, 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan and T. Melodia, "The Value of Cooperation: Minimizing User Costs in Multi-broker Mobile Cloud Computing Networks," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 780-791, Oct.-Dec. 2017. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • N. Cen, Z. Guan, and T. Melodia, "Inter-view Motion Compensated Joint Decoding of Compressive-Sampled Multi-view Video Streaming," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1117-1126, June 2017. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • L. Zhang, Z. Guan, and T. Melodia, "United Against the Enemy: Anti-jamming Based on Cross-layer Cooperation in Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 5733-5747, Aug. 2016. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, G. E. Santagati, and T. Melodia, "Distributed Algorithms for Joint Channel Access and Rate Control in Ultrasonic Intra-body Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 3109-3122, Oct. 2016. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, T. Melodia, D. Yuan, and D. Pados, "Distributed Resource Management for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Relays," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1675-1689, June 2016. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, T. Melodia, and G. Scutari, "To Transmit or Not to Transmit? Distributed Queueing Games for Infrastructureless Wireless Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 1153-1166, April 2016. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. Pudlewski, N. Cen, Z. Guan, and T. Melodia, "Video Transmission over Lossy Wireless Networks: A Cross-layer Perspective," IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 6-22, Feb. 2015. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan and T. Melodia, "Cloud-assisted Smart-camera Networks for Energy-efficient 3D Video Streaming," IEEE Computer, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 60-66, May 2014. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Jiali Xu, Z. Guan, "Joint Relay Selection and Cognitive Spectrum Access Based on Genetic Algorithm in Cooperative Wireless Networks," The Journal of New Industrialization, vol. 5, 2014.

  • Z. Guan, D. Yuan, H. Zhang, and L. Ding, "Cooperative Bargaining Solution for Efficient and Fair Spectrum Management in Cognitive Wireless Networks," International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 3441-3459, Nov. 2014. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, T. Melodia, and D. Yuan, "Jointly Optimal Rate Control and Relay Selection for Cooperative Wireless Video Streaming," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1173-1186, August 2013. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, D. Yuan, and H. Zhang, "Optimal and Fair Resource Allocation for Multiuser Wireless Multimedia Transmissions," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2009. [pdf] [bibtex]

Conference Papers

  • Annoy Dey, Maxwell McManus, Josh (Zhaoxi) Zhang, Guanying Sun, Nicholas Mastronarde, Elizabeth Serena Bentley, and Zhangyu Guan, "AirTwinX: A High-Fidelity Digital Twin for Advanced Air Mobility with Ray Tracing," Demo at IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, January 10-13, 2025. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Yuqing Cui, Maxwell McManus, Zhaoxi (Josh) Zhang, Hatef Nouri, George Sklivanitis, Dimitris Pados, Elizabeth Serena Bentley, Nicholas Mastronarde, and Zhangyu Guan, "WaveBox: Software-Defined RF Generator with Seamless Waveform Switching and Open Integration," Demo at IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, January 10-13, 2025. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Sidharth Santhinivas, Prem Sagar Pattanshetty Vasanth Kumar, Maxwell McManus, Hatef Nouri, George Sklivanitis, Dimitris Pados, Elizabeth Serena Bentley, Nicholas Mastronarde, and Zhangyu Guan, "Resilient Communications with Lightweight Signature Synchronization on MPSoC Radios," Demo at IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, January 10-13, 2025. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Maxwell McManus, Tenzin Rinchen, Annoy Dey, Sumanth Thota, Zhaoxi (Josh) Zhang, Jiangqi Hu, Xi (Leo) Wang, Mingyue Ji, Nicholas Mastronarde, Elizabeth Serena Bentley, Michael Medley, and Zhangyu Guan, "Cloud-Based Federation Framework and Prototype for Open, Scalable, and Shared Access to NextG and IoT Testbeds," in Proc. of the 18th ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH'24), Washington, D.C., November 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Maxwell McManus, Yuqing Cui, Zhaoxi (Josh) Zhang, Elizabeth Serena Bentley, Michael Medley, Nicholas Mastronarde, and Zhangyu Guan, "On the Effects of Modeling on the Sim-to-Real Transfer Gap in Twinning the POWDER Platform," in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Testbeds as a Service for Future Networks: Challenges & State of the Art, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Maxwell McManus, Tenzin Rinchen, Shaik Mohammed Suhail, Sidharth Santhinivas, Annoy Dey, Shashank Pagidimarri, Yuqing Cui, Jiangqi Hu, Josh (Zhaoxi) Zhang, Xi (Leo) Wang, Mingyue Ji, Nicholas Mastronarde, and Zhangyu Guan, "Demo: UnionLabs: AWS-based Remote Access and Sharing of NextG and IoT Testbeds," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Vancouver, Canada, 20–23 May 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • I. Dhopeshwar, M. McManus, D. Harrison, B. Ralston, C. Janson, A. Rae, A. Levesque, and Z. Guan, "Antenna Design and Measurements for Conductive Thermal Transfer Printing Based RFID Production," in Proc. of IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, 5-8 September, 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • N. Mishra, Y. V. Iyengar, A. C. Raikar, N. Thomas, S. K. Moorthy, J. Hu, Z. Zhao, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, M. Medley, and Z. Guan, "Demo: Scaling Out srsRAN Through Interfacing Wirelessly srsENB With srsEPC," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), New York area, USA, May 17-20, 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • J. Hu, M. McManus, S. K. Moorthy, Y. Cui, Z. Guan, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, and M. Medley, "NeXT: A Software-Defined Testbed with Integrated Optimization, Simulation and Experimentation," in Proc. of IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF): WS5: Federated Testbed as a Service for Future Networks: Challenges & the State of the Art, Montreal, Canada, October 2022. [pdf] [bibtex] (Best Paper First Runner-up Award)

  • S. K. Moorthy, Z. Guan, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, M. Medley, "OSWireless: Enhancing Automation for Optimizing Intent-Driven Software-Defined Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), Denver, Colorado, October 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • M. McManus, Z. Guan, N. Mastronarde, S. Zou, "On the Source-to-Target Gap of Robust Double Deep Q-Learning in Digital Twin-Enabled Wireless Networks," in Proc. of SPIE Conference Big Data IV: Learning, Analytics, and Applications, Orlando, Florida, April 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, A. Harindranath, M. McManus, Z. Guan, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, M. Medley, "A Middleware for Digital Twin-Enabled Flying Network Simulations Using UBSim and UB-ANC," in Proc. of IEEE DCOSS Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments (WCNEE), LA, California, June 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • N. Mastronarde, D. Russell, Z. Guan, G. Sklivanitis, D. Pados, E. S. Bentley, M. Medley, "RF-SITL: A Software-in-the-loop Channel Emulator for UAV Swarm Networks," in Proc. of IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Wireless Networking, Planning, and Computing for UAV Swarms (SwarmNet), Belfast, United Kingdom, June 14-17, 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, C. Lu, Z. Guan, N. Mastronarde, G. Sklivanitis, D. Pados, E. S. Bentley, and M. Medley, "CloudRAFT: A Cloud-based Framework for Remote Experimentation for Mobile Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Communication and Networking for Swarms Robotics (RoboCom), Virtual Conference, January 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • J. Hu, S. K. Moorthy, A. Harindranath, Z. Guan, N. Mastronarde, E. S. Bentley, and S. Pudlewski, "SwarmShare: Mobility-Resilient Spectrum Sharing for Swarm UAV Networking in the 6 GHz Band," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON), Virtual Conference, July 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, Z. Guan, S. Pudlewski, E. S. Bentley, "FlyBeam: Echo State Learning for Joint Flight and Beamforming Control in Wireless UAV Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Virtual/Montreal, Canada, 14-24 June, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • M. McManus, Z. Guan, E. S. Bentley, S. Pudlewski, "Experimental Analysis of Cross-Layer Sensing for Protocol-Agnostic Packet Boundary Recognition," in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Robot and UAV Networks (WiSARN), Virtual Conference, May 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • S. K. Moorthy, Z. Guan, "FlyTera: Echo State Learning for Joint Access and Flight Control in THz-enabled Drone Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON), Como, Italy, June 2020. [pdf] [bibtex] [Video]

  • S. K. Moorthy, Z. Guan, "LeTera: Stochastic Beam Control Through ESN Learning in Terahertz-Band Wireless UAV Networks," in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments (WCNEE), Toronto, Canada, July 2020. [pdf] [bibtex] [Video] [source code] (Best Paper Runner-Up Award)

  • A. Anand, R. S. Suresh Kumar, F. Malandra, Z. Sun, Z. Guan, "UBSpot: A Universal Broadband Flying Hotspot Experimental Testbed Toward Programmable Aerial-Ground Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Radio & Wireless Symposium (RWS): Internet of Things (IoT) and the mmWave Frontier, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 26-27 January 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • L. Bertizzolo, S. D'Oro, L. Ferranti, L. Bonati, E. Demirors, Z. Guan, T. Melodia, S. Pudlewski, "SwarmControl: An Automated Distributed Control Framework for Self-Optimizing Drone Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Toronto, Canada, July 2020. [pdf] [bibtex] [video]

  • L. Bertizzolo, E. Demirors, Z. Guan, T. Melodia, "CoBeam: Beamforming-based Spectrum Sharing With Zero Cross-Technology Signaling for 5G Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Toronto, Canada, July 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan and Tejas Kulkarni, "On the Effects of Mobility Uncertainties on Wireless Communications Between Flying Drones in the mmWave/THz Bands," in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments (WCNEE), Paris, France, 29 April - 2 May 2019. [pdf] [bibtex] [source code]

  • N. Cen, N. Dave, E. Demirors, Z. Guan, T. Melodia, "LiBeam: Throughput-Optimal Cooperative Beamforming for Indoor Visible Light Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, 29 April - 2 May 2019. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, Nan Cen, T. Melodia, Scott Pudlewski, "Self-Organizing Flying Drones with Massive MIMO Networking," in Proc. of Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net), Capri, Italy, June 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, L. Bertizzolo, E. Demirors, and T. Melodia, "Demo Abstract: WNOS: Software-defined Generation of Distributed Optimal Control Programs for Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Honolulu, HI, April 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, L. Bertizzolo, E. Demirors, and T. Melodia, "WNOS: An Optimization-based Wireless Network Operating System," in Proc. of ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), Los Angeles, USA, June 2018. [pdf] [bibtex] [source code]

  • Z. Guan and T. Melodia, "CU-LTE: Spectrally-Efficient and Fair Coexistence between LTE and Wi-Fi in Unlicensed Bands," in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2016. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • N. Cen, Z. Guan, and T. Melodia, "Multiview Wireless Video Streaming Based on Compressed Sensing: Architecture and Network Optimization," in Proc. of ACM Intl. Symp. on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), Hangzhou, China, June 2015. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, G. E. Santagati, and T. Melodia, "Ultrasonic Intra-body Networking: Interference Modeling, Stochastic Channel Access and Rate Control," in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Hong Kong S.A.R., PRC, April 2015. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • J. Shi, Z. Guan, C. Qiao, T. Melodia, D. Koutsonikolas, and G. Challen, "Crowdsourcing Access Network Spectrum Allocation Using Smartphones," Poster in ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), Santa Fe, New Mexico, Feb. 2015. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • J. Shi, Z. Guan, C. Qiao, T. Melodia, D. Koutsonikolas, and G. Challen, "Crowdsourcing Access Network Spectrum Allocation Using Smartphones," in Proc. of ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), Los Angeles, California, USA, Oct. 2014. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • L. Zhang, Z. Guan, and T. Melodia, "Cooperative Anti-jamming for Infrastructure-less Wireless Networks with Stochastic Relaying," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Toronto, Canada, April 2014. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • N. Cen, Z. Guan, and T. Melodia, "Joint Decoding of Independently Encoded Compressive Multi-view Video Streams," in Proc. of Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), San Jose, CA, December 2013. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, T. Melodia, and G. Scutari, "Distributed Queuing Games in Interference-limited Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, T. Melodia, and D. Yuan, "Stochastic Channel Access for Underwater Acoustic Networks with Spatial and Temporal Interference Uncertainty," in Proc. of ACM Intl. Conf. on UnderWater Networks and Systems (WUWNet), Los Angeles, CA, USA, November 2012. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, T. Melodia, D. Yuan, and D. A. Pados, "Distributed Spectrum Management and Relay Selection in Interference-Limited Cooperative Wireless Networks," in Proc. of ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 19-23, 2011. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan T. Melodia, and D. Yuan, "Optimizing Cooperative Video Streaming in Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), Salt Like City, Utah, June 27-29, 2011. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, L. Ding, T. Melodia, and D. Yuan, "On the Effect of Cooperative Relaying on the Performance of Video Streaming Applications in Cognitive Radio Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, D. Yuan, and H. Zhang, "Co-opetition Strategy for Collaborative Multiuser Multimedia Resource Allocation," in Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Q. Jin, D. Yuan, and Z. Guan, "Distributed Geometric-Programming-Based Power Control in Cellular Cognitive Radio Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Barcelona, Spain, April. 26-29, 2009. [pdf] [bibtex]

  • Z. Guan, D. Yuan, and H. Zhang, "Novel Coopetition Paradigm Based on Bargaining Theory for Collaborative Multimedia Resource Management," in Proc. of IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC), Cannes, France, Sept 15-18, 2008. [pdf] [bibtex]

Intellectual Property - Patents

  • US 11240137, Distributed Wireless Network Operating System [Certificate]

  • US 9924372, Method for Sharing of Unlicensed Radio Frequency Bands by Cellular LTE and WiFi Networks [Link]

  • PCT/US14/58486, A Medium Access Control Scheme for Ultrasonic Communications in the Human Body Based on Second Order Statistics


Conference Organizations

  • TPC Chair, IEEE Consumer Communications Networking Conference(CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, January 2025
  • TPC Vice Chair, IEEE Consumer Communications Networking Conference(CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, January 2024
  • Track Chair, IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Boston, MA, October 2023
  • Chair for Information System (EDAS) for IEEE Consumer Communications Networking Conference(CCNC) 2021-2023
  • TPC Co-Chair, 6th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments (WCNEE), LA, California, May 2022
  • Organizing Committee Chair, 4th Buffalo Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things, Buffalo, NY, Nov. 2022
  • Student Travel Award Co-Chair, ACM/IEEE Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week, May3-6, 2022
  • TPC Chair, 5th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments (WCNEE), July 2021
  • Publicity Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking andCommunications (WiMob), Oct. 2021
  • Organizing Committee Chair, 3rd Buffalo Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things, Buffalo, NY, November 2021
  • TPC Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Robot and UAV Networks (WiSARN 2021), 10-13 May 2021, Virtual Conference
  • Workshop Co-Chair for International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2021), Coral Bay, Pafos, Cyprus June 7 – 9, 2021
  • General Co-Chair, 1st IEEE International Workshop on Communication and Networking for Swarms Robotics (RoboCom), January 2021, Virtual Conference
  • Organizing Committee Chair for the 2nd Buffalo Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things, Nov. 20, 2020, Virtual Event
  • Student Travel Grants Chair, IEEE Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), Como, Italy, June 2020
  • TPC Chair for IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments (WCNEE), Beijing, China, April 2020
  • Organizing Committee Chair for the 1st Buffalo Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things, Buffalo, NY, Nov. 2019
  • Student Travel Grants Chair, IEEE Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), Boston, June 2019
  • TPC Vice-chair for Information System (EDAS) for IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Osaka, Japan, June 2017

  • Journal Editorship

  • Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, January 2024 - present
  • Area Editor, Computer Networks (Elsevier), July 2019 - present

  • TPC Member

  • IEEE INFOCOM, 2016-2025
  • IEEE MASS, 2017-2019, 2021-2024
  • IEEE GLOBECOM, 2015-2024
  • IEEE ICC, 2018-2025
  • IEEE MILCOM, 2016-2019, 2021, 2022
  • IEEE PIMRC, 2013-2017, 2020-2024
  • IEEE ICNC, 2012-2020, 2023
  • IEEE WCNC, 2012, 2014-2024
  • IEEE WONS, 2013-2014, 2016-2024
  • IEEE IPCCC, 2015-2023
  • IFIP NTMS, 2011-2012, 2014-2016, 2018-2020
  • IEEE SwarmNet, 2019-2022
  • IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2020-2024

  • Reviewer

    Proposals: SUNY IITG - Innovative Instructional Technology Grants, NSF Review Panelist, NIST

    IEEE Journals: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE Network Magazine, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE Communications Letters

    Elsevier Journals: Elsevier Journal on Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier Journal on Computer Networks, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Journal of Image Communication

    Wiley Journals: International Journal of Communication Systems, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies



  • EE434/534: Principles of Networking (for undergraudate/graduate students), Spring 2021-2024

  • EE459/559: Programmable Networks (for undergraudate/graduate students), Spring 2019, 2020

  • EE701: The Internet of Things: From Technology to Applications (for graduate students), Fall 2019-2023

  • Links

  • 5th Buffalo Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things
  • Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WiNES) Lab@Northeastern University
  • Electrical Engineering@University at Buffalo
  • Information Science and Engineering@Shandong University