Speech/Tone production

2022. Word-medial strengthening in Mixtecan languages. University of Texas at Austin.

2021. Phonetic variation in the production of glottal stops and glottalization. Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT.

2020. El análisis de la prosodia léxica en lenguas otomangues: lecciones fonéticas. Invited (virtual) talk at Escuela Nacional de Historia y Antropología (ENAH), Mexico City.

2020. (with Jared Sharp) Initial weakening in Mixtecan languages? Annual Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (Online, November 2020) and International Symposium on Speech Production (ISSP). ASA citation here.

2019. Beyond tonogenesis: the role of speech reduction and redundant cues in the diversification of Otomanguean tonal systems, The 5th Workshop on Sound Change, UC Davis, 6/2019; Colloquium talk presented at Cornell University; 9/2019.

2018. (with Richard Hatcher) Is Intonation universal?, Colloquium talk presented at University of Massachussetts, Amherst. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here

2018. (with Richard Hatcher) Does Itunyoso Triqui have intonation?, Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Prosody 4 / Sound Systems of Latin America 3; University of Massachussetts, Amherst. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here

2017. (with Joshua Benn and Rey Castillo García) The phonetics of prosody in Yoloxóchitl Mixtec, University of Toronto. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here

2017. (with Joshua Benn and Rey Castillo García) Desenredando los efectos de posición y entonación en la producción de tono en mixteco, Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America VII (CILLA), Austin, TX.

2017. (with Joshua Benn and Rey Castillo García) Word and sentence level prosody in complex tone languages, 91st meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Austin, TX. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2016. (with D.H. Whalen, Christopher Geissler, and Hannah King) Acoustic realization of a distinctive, frequent glottal stop: The Arapaho example, 171st meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.

2016. (with Joshua Benn and Rey Castillo García) La fonética del focus en mixteco de Yoloxóchitl, Coloquio de lenguas otomangues y vecinas (COLOV) VII: Juan José Rendón, Oaxaca, Mexico. Los sonidos en la ponencia se encuentra acá.

2014. (with Whalen, D.H.) Vowel production in a spoken Arapaho corpus. Talk presented at the 46th annual Algonquian conference.

2014. (with Amith, J. A. and Castillo-García, R.) Moraic alignment of Mixtec tone: exploring complex timing relations in Oto-Manguean tonal systems. Talk presented at the Workshop on Tonal Dimensions, UMASS, Amherst, June 2014. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2014. Phonetic patterns in Oto-Manguean tonal systems. Plenary talk presented at the Tonal Aspects of Languages Conference (TAL), May 2014, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2014. Triqui tonal coarticulation and contrast preservation in tonal phonology. Talk presented at the Workshop on Sound Systems in Mexico and Central America, Yale University, April 2014. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2013. Phonetic patterns in Arapaho vowels (with D.H. Whalen) The 45th Algonquian conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2013. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2012. Phonetic Alignment in Yoloxóchitl Mixtec Tone. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Portland, OR. 2012. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.
Speech perception

2014. Tone Perception in Rural Mexico: Cultural Expectations and Speech Theory. American Academy for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, 2014, Special session on The large cognitive implications of small languages. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2011. Perceptual Cues of Laryngeal Contrasts in Itunyoso Trique. Paper presented at the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 2011. Cross-linguistic perception of Itunyoso Trique tone. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. 2010.

2008. The Acoustic and Visual Phonetic Basis of Place of Articulation in Excrescent Nasals. (with Keith Johnson and Laurel MacKenzie), 2008, Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago. (The powerpoint presentation of this talk is available here).

Fieldwork, computational methods, and historical phonology

DiCanio, 2022. Changes in Space: Fieldwork. Discussant talk at the 18th Meeting of Laboratory Phonology (online).

DiCanio, 2022. Challenging WEIRD phonetic assumptions: phonetic fieldwork in rural Mexico. Panel on “Suitcase Phonetics: Creating a Portable Phonetics Laboratory” organized by Megan Cychosz and Kathryn Franich. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting. Washington DC.

DiCanio, C. 2020. Phonetics and DEL/DLI: experimental methods and tools for endangered language corpora. Talk presented at the panel The Intellectual Merit of Language Documentation Research, organized by Kristine Hildebrandt, The Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. New Orleans, LA. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

Hatcher, R. and DiCanio, C. 2019. Constructing a forced alignment system for Itunyoso Triqui: Challenges, Outcomes, and Opportunities. Talk presented at the Central New York Humanities Corridor Workshop: Celebrating Indigenous and Refugee Language Communities in New York State; Cornell University, 9/2019.

DiCanio, C. 2019. Texts and the grammar of tones: discoveries and challenges in the documentation of San Martín Itunyoso Triqui Colloquium talk presented at Syracuse University. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here

Hatcher, R. and DiCanio, C. 2018. Negation strategies in Itunyoso Triqui: evidence from experimental and corpus data Talk presented at SSILA 2018 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

2017. Phonetic variation and the construction of the Mixtec spoken language corpus Talk presented at McGill University and the University of Toronto, November 2017. The sound files can be found here.

2015. ¿Por qué nos importan los tonos otomangues? Ponencia plenaria, CILLA VII, October 2015. Los sonidos que pertenecen a la ponencia se encuentra acá.

2015. (with D.H. Whalen and H. Nam) Labor-saving use of “forced alignment” for two endangered languages, 89th Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.

2014. The Sounds of Triqui: quantitative approaches to language description and its ramifications for historical change. Talk presented at the University of Albany (SUNY), November 2014. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2013. Automatic Alignment in Yoloxóchitl Mixtec Documentation Corpora . Talk presented at the special session Multimedia Linguistic Documentation and Analysis cosponsored by the Linguistic Society of America and the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, 2013, Boston, MA.

2012. Assessing agreement level between forced alignment models with data from endangered language documentation corpora. Talk presented at INTERSPEECH, 2012, Portland, OR.

2012. Fieldwork and tone in Mexico. Workshop presented to the Endangered Language Initiative, CUNY Graduate School. Sound files going along with the talk can be found here.

2012. La fonética de los tonos y del acento en Ixcateco. Ponencia presentada en la 5a Coloquio sobre lenguas otomangues y vecinas (COLOV), Oaxaca, Mexico. Se encuentraN los archivos de sonidos que pertenece a la ponencia acá

2011. Laryngeal Timing in Ixcatec Consonants. 19th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, England. 2011.

2006. Pre-Stopped Nasals in Trique , paper presented at Endangered Languages, Endangered Sounds: Laboratory, Field, and Phonetic Universals (In Honor of Ian Maddieson), Berkeley, CA.