Linear Programming

Linear programming problems are a special class of optimization problem. They involve finding the maximum (or minimum) of some linear objective function f(x) of a vector x = (x_1 , x_2 , \ldots, x_n ), subject to a set of linear equality constraints A_{eq} \cdot x = b_{eq} and inequality constraints A_{ub} \cdot x \leq b_{ub}. The online class notes give a more detailed description on page 66.

Report Description

  • Model the pipelines problem in Python using linprog from the scipy.optimize package.
  • Use linprog to find the maximum possible flow through the pipelines using the “simplex” algorithm. This is the default method used by linprog.
  • Give full details of your solution, clearly identifying the flow through each pipeline.
  • Suggest a way to increase the maximum flow by at least 3 units for as little cost as possible.
  • Confirm that the suggested change is successful.


Describing the pipelines problem as a linear programming problem means first answering the following key questions before starting to code:

  • What are the variables?
  • What are the bounds on each variable?
  • What is the objective function?
  • What are the inequality constraints?
  • What are the equality constraints?