Home Lectures BCH 413/513 News Page References Class Roster BCH 413/513 Table of Contents Page BCH 413/513 feedback pageLectures


[Under Construction]Lecture 1 - Assumptions Lecture 2 - Comparisons Lecture 3 - Phylogenies Lecture 4 - Change Lecture 5 - Issues Lecture 6 - Programs


The lecture portion of this website will be best understood if you are actually taking the course. Nonparticipants, however, should feel free to browse and get what they can out of it.

About me
Cary 25
No expert; interest-driven

Many programs (or paid personally when affordable)
Molecular Evolution course in Woods Hole 1989 (+ paid)
Time to teach
XT for course, but now inadequate

About you
Expect similarly no expert; interest-driven
Expect computer not an object of fear
Have project of your own (but not required)
Observe copyright laws!

Some programs protected
Some, unprotected but copyright
Some, freely copy
Some shareware
I will give some idea how to get those readily available

Encourage auditors to do project + seminar, too
Encourage collaborations

Some about course
Start as lectures
Will introduce to some programs (in Medical computer lab - Cary 231)
Can also use GCG via CAMBI on unix (if get account) & will make programs available there too if demand
Then do project
Then present seminar

On project even if only partly done
Have some to choose among if you don't have one
Or on burning issue after literature search plus thought

Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6


Send mail to Michael Garrick with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 03, 1998