Math 311 E

On ordered pairs

On types of statements

Test review document

On mathematical induction

Getting started with LaTeX:

1. Acquire LaTeX by following the directions at this link.
2. (optional) Download a LaTeX editing program. My favorite is TeXMaker.
3. Download my sample of LaTeX code. Click the link and save the file wherever you please on your computer.
4. Save this image to the same directory as the sample code. (Right-click the link and select "Save link as.")
5. Open the file using TeXWorks, or whatever LaTeX editor you prefer.
6. Typeset the file. (In TeXWorks, this is accomplished by pressing the big green button on the upper left side of the window.)
7. If everything has gone smoothly, then you should now be looking at the source code and the PDF output, side-by-side. Everything in the PDF output corresponds to something in the source code, so you can tinker and experiment with the source code in order to practice your skills with the software.

Suggestion: go to "File > Save as" and save the file under a new name. Delete everything in the document that you don't need, and replace it with your homework.

The sample is a collage of a bunch of documents that I wrote in LaTeX, along with a few lists of simple constructions. I made it with the intention of demonstrating the main sorts of objects that I commonly need to typeset.

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