George Makuen's advertisement for his stuttering therapy

From The Sun newspaper of Fort Covington, NY

April-June, 1914

Dr. Hudson-Makuen
at the Polyclinic Hospital, Phila-
delphia asserts that persons afflict-
ed, with stammering may be cured
if they will reverse the use of their

His theory is that if a stammer-
er is left-handed he should cultivate
the use of the right hand and the
stammering will probably "dis-
appear. The same applies to right-
handed person.

Dr.Makuen has treated 2,000
persons afflicted with stammering.
In many cases permanent cures
resulted. Of the number, 77 per
cent. were males/ 83 per cent, of
average mentality, 14 per cent,
below normal, and l per cent,