Henry Freund


Henry Freund was born in Yugoslavia and educated as a physician in Vienna. He was a neurologist, a psychiatrist, as well as a speech pathologist. He served as director of various speech clinics in Europe where he also engaged in a private practice of logopedia (speech pathology). For approximately 25 years he worked in the United States in the area of mental and emotional disorders. He served as Chief of a Veterans Administration Hygiene Clinic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Freund died in 1982. After his death, his friend Charles Van Riper published an essay by Freund in which he describes his career and his speech therapy for his stuttering problem (Van Riper, 1984). His therapists were famous European speech pathologists (The Gutzmanns, Emil Froeschels, Alfred Appelt).


Freund, H. (1934). Studies in the relationship between stuttering and cluttering (in German). Mscbr. Ohrenheilk 68:1446—1457.

Freund, H. (1934a). Ueber inneres Stottern. Zeitschr. Ges. Neurology Psychiat. 151, 585-98

Freund, H. (1934b) Zur Frage der Beziehungen zwischen Stottern und Poltern. Monatschr. Ohrenheilk. Laryngol. Rhinol., 68, 1446-57.

Freund, H. (1952) Studies in the interrelationship between stuttering and cluttering. Folia Phoniatrica, 4, 146-168.

Freund, H. (1955). "Scientific publications of Dr. Emil Froeschels". Folia Phoniatrica. 7, 3, 124–132. ISSN 0015-5705. PMID 13305656.

Freund, H. (1955). Psychosis and stuttering. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 122, 2, 161-72.

Freund, H. (1966). Psychopathology and the problem of stuttering. Springfield, Illinois: C.C. Thomas.

Freund, H. (1970). Observations on tachylalia. Folia Phoniatrica, 22, 280-288. https://doi.org/10.1159/000263405

Freund, H. (nd) Self improvements after unsuccessful treatments. Retrieved from: https://www.stutteringhelp.org/self-improvement-after-unsuccessful-treatments

Van Riper, C. (1984) Henry Freund: 1896-1982. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 9, 2, 93-102.

Kuster, J. (nd) Henry “Hinko” Freund. Retrieved from: http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/pioneers/freund/freund.html

DeFino, S. (nd). Stuttering treatments in Europe: A case study of Henry Freund. Retrieved from: http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/pioneers/freund/difino.pdf

Review of Freund book by Wischner, Contemporary Psychology 1967, 12, 8, p. 409—first page of a review: