Emigres to the US from Europe in the 1930s and 1940s
These researchers and clinicians had a lasting impact on the emergence of the field of Speech-Language pathology in America.
Alfred Adler
1934 emigrated to New York City
Held a professorship at Long Island College of Medicine
Entered the lecture circuit to promote his ideas
Gottfried Arnold
1949 emigrated to New York City
1949-1963: New York City, worked at the National Hospital for Speech Disorders, a facility founded by J. S. Greene;
Served on the Faculty of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary.
1963-1979 was founding director of the Division of Otolaryngology in the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Frederick Brodnitz
1937 emigrated to New York City
1942 passed the American Board of Otolaryngology.
Worked at the Clinic for Phoniatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital NYC
Taught speech and voice pathology at the Institute of Health Sciences at Hunter College in New York City
Katrina de Hirsch
1941 emigrated to New York City
Private practice as an educational therapist in New York City
1941-1972 Director of the Pediatric Language Disorder Clinic at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center from 1941 to 1972.
Esti Freud
1942 Emigrated to New York City
1941-1971 worked as a speech pathologist at Cornell Medical College, New York Hospital and at the East Orange Veterans administration Hospital, and at the Veterans Administration Mental Hygiene Clinic in Newark, New Jersey.
1955 completed her Ph.D in clinical psychology from the New School for Social Research.
Henry Freund
1940 Emigrated to the US
Director of VA Mental Hygiene Clinic, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Emil Froeschels
1938 emigrated to St. Louis
Served as research professor at Central Institute for the Deaf.
1940 moved to New York City
1940-1949 Founder and Director of Speech and Voice Clinic Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC
1950-1955 Founder and Director of Speech and Voice Clinic at Beth David Hospital, NYC
1962 Consultant in speech and voice disorders at Grand Central Hospital, NYC
Taught at Pace University. The speech clinic at Pace is named after him.
Kurt Goldstein
1934 emigrated to New York City.
1936-1940, Professor of Neurology at Columbia
1938 he delivered the William James lectures at Harvard.
1940 to 1945 he Professor at Tufts in Boston
Neuropsychiatry practice
1950-1955 lecturer at City University of New York
Augusta Jellinek
1939 emigrated to the St Louis.
1940 Private Practice NYC
Shulamith Kastein
1940 Emigrated to New York City
Studied speech pathology at Mt Sinai Hospital, NYC
1948 Joined staff of Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, NYC
Director of Mount Saint Ursula’s Speech Center in the Bronx
Hans von Leden
1930s emigrated to the USA
1941 Graduated from Loyola University in Chicago
Worked as an ENT in Chicago
Mayo Clinic
1951 Northwestern University, College of Medicine
1961 UCLA Medical School
Opened an institute of Laryngology and Voice Disorders at UCLA
1966 Chair of Biocommunication UCLA
Alfred Strauss
1933 to University of Barcelona
1937-1943 to Northville, Michigan USA, Director of Child Care at Wayne County School
1949 Founded Cove School in Racine, Wisconsin, a residential school for brain injured children.
Deso Weiss
1947 emigrated to New York City, via Cuba
1947-1952 Assistant neurologist at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City
1952-1970 Supervising psychiatrist at Creedmore State Hospital, Queens, Long Island, NY
1971 Staff psychiatrist at the Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn
1971 In private practice in NYC, specializing in psychiatry, speech and voice therapy, and neurology
Heinz Werner
1933 emigrated to Ann Arbor, Michigan
1933-1936 University of Michigan
1937-1945 Senior resident Wayne County Training School, Northville Michigan
1947 Chair of the Psychology Department, Clark University
Gertrud Wyatt
1939 emigrated to New York City
1940-1942 worked as a speech therapist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Nerve Clinic
1941-1945 Head of speech clinic at Children’s Hospital Boston
1940-1948 Consultant to the Nursery Training School of Boston
1953 School psychologist and Director of Speech Correction, Wellesley Elementary Schools.
1956 Received a license as a school psychologist.
1958 PhD. Boston University