School Projects


  • Hardware Software Integration
    • A Talking Head for elderly patients. Provides a computerized attendant for people who live alone – simply an on-screen intelligent face with personality to greet patients every morning, prompt them for activity and monitoring (such as taking a diabetic blood glucose reading) and then react appropriately to the results (such as calling a doctor). It acts as an intermediary between the doctor and the patient.
  • Computer Organization
    • Programmed a boot loader in the MIPS Assembly language
    • Programmed a 32bit ALU in Verilog
  • Operating Systems
  • Software Engineering
    • Problem Statement: A Talking Head for elderly patients. This system would provide a computerized attendant for people who live alone – simply an on-screen intelligent face with personality to greet patients every morning, prompt them for activity and monitoring (such as taking a diabetic blood glucose reading) and then react appropriately to the results (such as calling a doctor). It must be configurable for many traits: voice, image, time of interactions, etc. It must be scriptable as to prompts, appropriate responses, and actions to be taken. It must archive and chart responses (like blood glucose levels).
  • Hardware/Software Integration System Design