Dr. Ehsan Tarkesh Esfahani
Dr. Esfahani is the director of human in the loop systems (HILS) laboratory. He is an associate professor in the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering at University at Buffalo (UB). He is also a core faculty member of Computational and Data-Enable Science and Engineering Program (CDSE) and SMART Center of Excellence at UB.
Oct 2015 Dr. Esfahani will serve as the conference chair of the 9th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices Conference in the incoming IDETC 2016. Sep 2015 Dr.Esfahani received funding from National Science Foundations to study cognitive home based rehabilitations. Aug 2015 Amir received ASME-CIE Graduate Research Poster Award in IDETC 2015. Aug 2015 Mostafa received ASME-VIB Graduate Research Travel Award. June 2015 Chams received SUNY Chancellor award for student excellence. March 2015 Dr.Esfahnai received funding from Institute for Person-Centered Care to develop wearable sensors for home-based monitoring of stroke patients. Jan 2015 Our BJUI Paper is highlighted in Nature Review. June 2014 Somayeh received travel awards to attend IROS 2014. April 2014 Margaret received Research and Creativity Scholarship from UB Honor College to develop Spring Origami. April 2014 Brain and Chams received Research and Creativity Scholarship from UB Honor College to develop modular snake robots.