While high-throughput genomics technologies are revolutionizing many aspects of modern biology, it is now clear that the lack of computational algorithms and resources for analyzing massive data generated by these techniques has become a rate-limiting factor for scientific discoveries in biology research.
We study machine learning, data mining, bioinformatics, and their applications to cancer informatics and microbial ecology. The main focus of our current research is on developing advanced algorithms to help biologists keep pace with the unprecedented growth of genomics datasets available today and enable them to make full use of their massive, high-dimensional data for various biological enquiries. Our work is based on solid mathematical and statistical theories, and supported by National Science Foundation, Bankhead-Coley Cancer Foundation, and Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Our work on metagenomics and high-dimensional data analysis has been used by more than 200 research institutes worldwide.
We are always looking for talented people to join our team. If you have strong training on mathematics and computer science and are interested in using your computational skills to address challenging scientific problems, you may want to send an email to Dr. Yijun Sun.
Patience and diligence, like faith, remove mountains.
- William Penn (1644-1718)