Randall D. Shortridge, Ph.D.
1996-present, Associate Professor, SUNY-Buffalo. 1990-1996, Assistant Professor, SUNY-Buffalo. 1986-1990, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Purdue University. 1982-1986, Graduate Research Assistant, North Texas State University (Ph.D. in Biochemistry,1986).
Research Projects:
Molecular genetics of Drosophila phototransduction. This was our bread-and-butter project for over a decade. Our last efforts were directed at determining how the signaling complex in vision forms with a focus on the interactions that occur between G-protein, phospholipase C, and the inaD (a PDZ-binding) protein. Collaborators include Dr. William Stark, Department of Biology, St. Louis University.
Temperature-sensitive paralysis in Drosophila and what it reveals about the nervous system. This project is being carried out as a collaborative effort with in Dr. Satpal Singh, Department of Pharmacology And Toxicology, SUNY-Buffalo. Paralytic mutants are being studied in order to identify novel pathways regulating the nervous, muscular, or neuro-muscular system. Over thirty mutations have been identified, out of which five are being actively studied at the present time. One of these paralytic mutants has a drastically reduced lifespan and shows phenotypic characteristics (including gene defects) that are very similar to Leigh disease in humans.
BIO201A Cell Biology. Departmental core course. 4 credit hours. Taught yearly in the spring semester.
BIO302 Molecular Biology I. Departmental upper division elective. 3 credit hours. Taught yearly in the Fall Semester.
Shortridge, R. D., Pirtle, I. L. and Pirtle, R. M. (1985) Nucleotide sequence and transcription of a gene encoding human tRNAGlyCCC. Gene, 33, 269-277.
Shortridge, R. D., Pirtle, I.
L. and Pirtle, R. M.
(1986) IBM microcomputer programs that analyse DNA sequences for tRNA
genes. Computer
Applications in the Biosciences, 2, 13-17.
I. L., Shortridge, R. D. and Pirtle, R. M. (1986) Nucleotide sequences
transcription of a human glycine tRNAGCC gene and nearby pseudogene.
Gene, 43,
B. T., Shortridge, R. D., Schneuwly, S., Perdew, M., Montell, C.,
Steller, H.,
Rubin, G., and Pak., W. L. (1988) Isolation of a putative phospholipase
C gene
of Drosophila, norpA,
and its role in phototransduction. Cell,
54, 723-733.
R. D., Bloomquist, B. T., Schneuwly, S., and Pak, W. L. (1988) norpA,
putative phospholipase C gene expressed in the eye of Drosophila.
In Proc. XXI Yamada Conference on Molecular Physiology of
Proteins, T. Hara, T. Yoshizawa, and K. Ozaki
B. T., Shortridge, R. D., Montell, C., Steller, H., Rubin, G., and Pak,
W. L.
(1988) Isolation of a gene associated with eye-specific phospholipase C
in Drosophila. In Molecular Biology of the Eye: Genes, Vision, and
Disease, J. Piatigorsky, P. Zelenka, and T. Shinohara (eds.), UCLA
Symp. Mol.
Cell. Biol., Vol. 88, Alan R. Liss, Inc., N.Y., pp 117-123.
R. D., Johnson, G. D., Craig, L. C., Pirtle, I. L. and Pirtle, R. M.
(1989) A
human tRNA gene heterocluster encoding threonine, proline, and valine
tRNAs. Gene,
79, 309-324.
J., Shortridge, R. D., Bloomquist, B. T., Schneuwly, S., Perdew, M. and
Pak, W.
S., Shortridge, R. D., Larrivee, D. L., and Pak, W. L. (1989)
R. D., Yoon, J. Y., Lending, C., Bloomquist, B. T., Perdew, M., and
Pak, W.
W. L. and Shortridge, R. D. (1991)
Inositol phospholipid and invertebrate photoreceptors.
Photochem. and Photobiol., 53,
P.A., Shortridge, R.D., and Pak, W.L. (1993)
Distinctive subtypes of bovine
phospholipase C that have preferential expression in the retina and
homology to the norpA
gene product of Drosophila. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 90, 6042-6046.
L., McKay, R.R., and Shortridge, R.D. (1993)
Tissue-specific expression of phospholipase C encoded by the norpA
gene of Drosophila
melanogaster. J. Biol. Chem.,
R.R., Miller, K., Weckstrom, M., Torkkeli, P., Jarvilehto, M. and
R.R., Zhu, L., and Shortridge, R.D. (1994)
Membrane association of phospholipase C encoded by the
norpA gene of Drosophila
melanogaster. Neuroscience,
R.R., Zhu, L., and Shortridge, R.D. (1995)
A Drosophila gene that encodes a member of the protein disulfide
isomerase/phospholipase C-a family. Insect
Biochemistry and
Biology, 25, 647-654.
McKay, R.R., Chen, D.-M., Miller, K., Kim, S., Stark, W.S. and Shortridge, R.D. (1995) Phospholipase C rescues visual defect of norpA mutant of Drosophila melanogaster, J. Biol. Chem., 270, 13271-13276. http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/full/270/22/13271
S., McKay, R.R., Miller, K., and Shortridge, R.D. (1995) Multiple
subtypes of phospholipase
C are encoded by the norpA gene of
Drosophila melanogaster, J. Biol. Chem.,
270, 14376-14382.
R.D. and McKay, R.R. (1995)
Invertebrate phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipases
C and their role in cell signaling, Invertebrate
Neuroscience, 1, 199-206.
M.T., Randall, L.L., Shortridge, R.D. and Pak, W.L. (1996)
Molecular, biochemical,
and electrophysiological characterization of Drosophila norpA
mutants, J. Biol.
Van Huizen, R., Miller, K.,
Chen, D.-M., Li,
Y., Lai, Z.-C.,
Raab, R.W., Stark, W.S.,
Shortridge, R.D. and Li, M.
(1998) Two distantly
positioned PDZ domains mediate multivalent INAD-phospholipase C
essential for G protein-coupled signaling. EMBO
Journal, 17, 2285-2297.
G., Shortridge, R.D., Seong, C., Oh, Y., Baek, K. and Yoon J.
(1998) Molecular
characterization of a novel Drosophila gene which is expressed in the
nervous system. Molecules
& Cells, 8, 750-757.
Shim, K, Zavarella, K.M., Thomas, C.F.,
R.D. and Stark, W.S. (2001) Evidence for
indirect control of phospholipase C
(PLC-b) by retinoids in Drosophila
phototransduction, Molecular Vision, 7, 216-221.
S., Chen D-M, Zavarella, K., Fourtner, C.F., Stark, W.S. and
Shortridge, R.D.
(2003) Substitution of a non-retinal
phospholipase C in Drosophila
phototransduction. Insect Mol. Biol.,
12, 147-153.
W., Gnanasambandam, R., Benjamin, J., Kaur, G., Getman, P.B., Siegel,
A.J., Shortridge, R.D. and Singh, S.
(2007) Mutations in cytochrome c
oxidase subunit Via cause neurodegeneration and motor dysfunction in
Genetics, 176, 937-946. http://www.genetics.org/cgi/content/full/176/2/937
Shortridge, R.D. (2012) Impact of studies of the Drosophila norpA mutation on understanding phototransduction, J Neurogenetics, 26, 123-131. http://informahealthcare.com/doi/full/10.3109/01677063.2011.647142
and Misc:
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