
I am all about my family. I have three adult children, that's an oxymoron. In any case, they are all doing their own things and getting along with their lives.

That leaves more time for my husband, of 27 years and 3 months, for travel. We have managed to do a few of our dream vacations over the past few years. Finally it's time for us!

Here is a list of the places we have visited in the past few years.

  • Cruise to the Eastern Caribbean in 2003
  • Trip to Mexico...olay, olay
  • Trip to Las Vegas in Elvis sang..."Viva Las Vegas...."
  • Weekend in Boston to watch a base ball game...even though I am a Yankees fan, I purchased a Boston cap. My oldest son (a die hard Yankee fan did not take kindly to this). I just really liked the lime green color!

I still have a few places that I would like to visit before I leave this place.

  • I really want to visit Hawaii and become part of the culture. I prefer not to have tourist status. I want to experience the local towns and customs.
  • A trip to Europe is also on my scope. I want to wake up in a little house on a cobble stone street in Tuscany, Italy and have Espresso in a small cafe near by.

Ok, enough dreaming for one day. What I would love to do is quit my job, enroll in culinary school and open my own restaurant, maybe in Italy.

My hobbies include cooking. Until recently, I never thought of cooking as a hobby, but more of a necessity with a family of 5, but I realized that I really love to cook and have loved it since I was a little girl. Maybe then it is no surprise that one of my favorite Websites is Food TV

I also enjoy working out and striving for a healthy life style. My husband, Jeff and I recently joined a local health club where we spend most of our free nights when we are not watching the Yankees on TV.