The Origins of this Site
Other Thank You's

Salem History
Carter Salem

The Early Years
The Journey To America
Life In America
Carter Salem Vital Stats
Images of Ain Ez-Zaitoune
Images Family Ez-Zaitoune
Documents & Notes
Images of Carter Salem
Stories Remembered
Research Thanks
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The Origins of this Site

We can all tell when summer vacation is over. No longer can the kids stay up late playing PS2, watching TV or having a good game of hide and seek. The alarm clocks must be set and lunches must be made. Then the backpacks, those enormous boulders attached to our children’s backs with school papers, 5 subject notebooks, pens, pencils, books and Social Studies projects from Mr. Reinstein. Oh no! Colin got Mr. Reinstein. The school project madman. Oh #$%. Projects that become a family affair!

Colin’ s first project for 8th grade history was titled the “Family Origin and Immigration Project”. The project required Colin to interview an older living relative and then trace the path of a family relative from their ethnic country of origin to the New World.

Colin decided he wanted to trace the history of his great grandfather Carter SaIem. I recognized he would need a small assist getting the project started. I decided to help Colin by calling a relative and then let Colin take over from there. Well, one interview turned into a half dozen. A quick check of one website prompted links to,,,, and on and on and on. I then sought some assistance from a Lebanese friend, Mohammed, for translation of some of Grandpas old letters. I also commissioned assistance from Lebanon for photos of Grandpa's birthplace. My first hint that I may have taken things too far was when Mom said she was a little nervous faxing me information related to our Lebanese grandparent who just happened to have lived in Lackawanna, New York. This was happening just as we were hearing about the arrests of men of Middle Eastern descent in Lackawanna, New York! It wasn’t until after I checked into some Lebanese Internet chat rooms and started receiving unsolicited subscriptions to jihad mailings that Susan said enough is enough!

Well, either way it turned into a lot of fun for Colin and me. Colin created a poster for his presentation. He also used these notes to create a two page report that was presented to his eighth grade history class. We both learned a lot. We decided to create this document which is a recap of all of the family interviews, web research and research of documents, photos, newspaper articles and your memories. Information in this document came from many of you who are reading this. The web research Colin and I completed resulted in a few new findings, but again, most of the information came with you.

Yet, from what we can gather we didn’t have one document that recapped Carter Salem’s life journey. You will see there are several instances where dates conflict. We are considering this a work in progress. Feel free to make any additions or changes to this. We think this is a good beginning but we are certain all of you may be able add much more. Please do! Have the kids’ make a quick read of this. It may help them to better understand their family history.
  Other Thank You's

Works Cited
Encyclopedia Encarta used for basic research related to Lebanon and World War I.

Translation services and recent photography of Lebanon provided by Mohammed Zhort

Internet research completed on the following websites;,, National,

Copies of newspaper articles, personal documents and photos were provided by
   Edward Salem
   Joan Salem
   Theresa Salem provided original copies.

Interviews with the following family members provided a wealth of information –
   Betty Druzbik
   Edward Salem
   Nelson Salem
   Carter Salem
   Joan Salem