Week 4: February 20 - 24

Floating-Point Arithmetic - Hazards and Fixes

Our exploration of floating-point arithmetic continues with an examination of common problems that can arise, and the ways in which these problems can be avoided.

Week 4 Notebook

Jupyter Notebook

  • IPython “magics”: %timeit and %%timeit


  • List concatenation
  • List indexing and slicing


NumPy is the standard package for numerical computing in Python. It uses a new container for numerical data - the ndarray - that supports fast and efficient computation. NumPy also defines routines for accessing and manipulating these arrays.

  • Array creation
  • Array operations
  • Vectorization
  • where


  • legend
  • xlim, ylim

Quiz 3: Markdown and LaTeX

  • Headers
  • Formatting text
  • Mathematical expressions

Sample Quiz 3