
D. Scott Mackay

Department of Geography
State University of New York
105 Wilkeson Quadrangle
Buffalo, NY 14261 USA

Phone: +1-716-645-0477
Fax: +1-716-645-2329

dsmackay at buffalo dot edu




April 2023:
Bhaskar Mitra (PhD 2011) starts new tenure track
position at
James Hutton Institute

September 2022:
New DOE grant to study
hydraulic redistribution and
rhizosphere processes

PhD student Greg Bream
joins the group

Plant, Cell & Environment
paper explores
physiological trait networks

March 2022:
Nature Reviews E & E paper
on woody-plant mortality

June 2021:
Welcome Do Hyoung Kim!
Postdoctoral Associate

January 2020:
Diane Wang starts new
faculty position at
Purdue University

November 2019:
Paper by X. Tai, in JGR
adds a plant hydraulic
mechanism for trees
survival of bark beetles

July 2019:
Paper in New Phytologist
suggests conifers survive
drought using deep roots

March 2019:
JXB paper by Diane W.
advances integration
of genomics and
biophysical modeling

August 2018:
Xiaonan joins
University of Utah
as Post Doc

June 29 2018:
Xiaonan and Jon
successfully defend
their dissertations

June 2017:
Welcome Diane Wang!
Postdoctoral Associate

April 2017:
Jon Pleban awarded
CAS Diisertation Fellow

April 2017:
Xiaonan Tai a finalist
in UB 3-minute thesis

January 2017:
Xiaonan Tai awarded
CUAHSI Pathfinder
for field research

September 2016:
New NSF grant on
biophysical modeling
and plant genomics

July 2016:
New paper on roles of
plants hydraulics and
topography on SAD
Tai et al New Phytol.

June 2016:
Phil Savoy joins the
Biology Department at
Duke University
as a post doc

June 2016:
Phil Savoy successfully
defended his PhD

December 2015:
New paper on
Massive Conifer Mortality
Nature Climate Change
Report at LANL

AGU's From the Prow:
The Next 50 Years of WRR

August 2015:
New paper on coupling
plant hydraulic traits
and canopy process
published in
Water Resources Research

May 2015:
Two new NSF grants
from Plant Genome
and Integrated Ecology
Physiology programs

April 2015:
Phil Savoy awarded
CAS Dissertation Fellow

May 2014:
Jon Pleban receives
award for field research

August 2013
Huicheng Chien
joined SUNY New Paltz
as Assistant Professor

August 2012:
Mike Loranty
joined Colgate U.
as Assistant Professor

April 2012:
Jonathan Pleban
awarded an IGERT

February 2011:
Bhaskar Mitra
joins the U. Arizona
as a Post Doc

Huicheng Chien
successfully defends
his Ph.D. dissertation

October 2010:
Bhaskar Mitra
successfuly defends
his Ph.D. dissertation

May 2009:
Bhaskar Mitra receives
award for field research

March 2009:
Mike Loranty's PhD
reported by NSF


 Ecohydrology Group's Personnel


D. Scott Mackay (Ph.D. 1997, University of Toronto)
Professor & Department Chair
ORCID ID 0000-0003-0477-9755

Postdoctoral Associates (Current)

Do Hyoung Kim (June 1, 2021 to present)
Funding: NSF, UB CAS

Ph.D. Students (Current)

Greg Bream (Ph.D., Geography, 2027 anticipated)

Dissertation title:
Funding: CAS, NSF

Mitchell Hitchcock (Ph.D., Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, 2024 anticipated)

Dissertation title:
Funding: CAS, NSF, DOE
Awards: Schomburg Fellow

Master's Students (Current)

Noah Deer (M.S., Geographic Information Science, February 2025, anticipated)

Undergraduate Students


Douglas E. Ahl (Ph.D. 2002; Post-Doc 2002; UW-Madison)
Dissertation title: A measurement and modeling perspective on requirements for future remote sensing vegetation indices and classification
Funding sources: USDA McIntire-Stennis, NASA;
Previous positions: Technical Director, Energy Center of Wisconsin;

Director of research, Seventhwave
Current position: Vice President of Information Technology, Slipstream LLC

Kathryn M. Brown (M.A. 2014)
Project title: Investigating the death of a river: Identifying correlation between channel processes and state of channel decline
Current position: Teacher, Fredonia Central School District

Sean N. Burrows (Ph.D. 2002; UW-Madison)
Dissertation title: Geostatistical estimation of leaf area index and net primary production of five North american biomes
Funding sources: USDA McIntire-Stennis, NASA;
Current position: Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of Ascend Analytics

Zeshing Cai (M.S. 2013)
Project title: TOPMODEL add-in: A GIS extension for ArcMap that implements TOPMODEL to simulate streamflow within a watershed

Ryan Cassens (M.A. 2009)
Thesis title: Using Aster L1A data to identify locations of Japanese knotwood (Fallopia japonica) along the West Kill and Schoharie creeks in Green County, NY

Erin Cavagnaro Beyer (M.A. 2014)
Current position: Management Consultant, ARCADIS, Buffalo & New York City

Shana Chapman (M.A. 2015)
Project title: Comparison of side scan sonar substrate classification methods to assess accuracy

Eileen Chen (M.S. 2002; UW-Madison)

Project title: Effects of combining non-spatial simulation units and explicit models of sediment delivery on an agricultural nonpoint source pollution model
Funding source: USDA Hatch

Current position: Groundwater Resources Scientist, Alameda County Water District, Fremont, California

Matthew Chen (M.S. 2016)

Zhuo Chen (M.A. 2012)
Current position: Software engineer, Apple Corporation

Huicheng Chien (Ph.D. 2011)
Dissertation title: Time-series analysis of watershed scale predictions of water quantity and quality export from agricultural watersheds
Funding sources: EPA, NSF Hydrology
Previous position: Post-doc, University of Saint Louis
Current position: Associate Professor, SUNY New Paltz

Brian Conley (M.A. 2012)
Current position: GIS Research Analyst, University at Buffalo Regional Institute

Jose Covarrubias Rocha (M.A. 2007)
Thesis title: Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Evaluation of vegetal coverage in the Bolivian Andean Plate (Kori Kollo Mine)

Larry Cutforth (M.S., 2003; UW-Madison)
Current position: GIS State Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, Madison, Wisconsin

Brian W. Dudek (M.A. 2009)
Thesis title: Water stress and scarcity in metropolitan Phoenix using the Water Poverty Index: An examination of vulnerability

Brent E. Ewers (Postdoctoral Fellow, 1999-2002; UW-Madison)
Funding source: NASA
Current position: Professor & Department Head, Department of Botany and Program in Ecology, University of Wyoming

Thomas W. FitzHugh (M.S. 1999; UW-Madison)
Thesis title: Spatial aggregation of an agricultural nonpoint source pollution model
Funding source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Current position: Supervising Water Resources Scientist, MWH Global, Bellevue, WA, 2015-present

Previous positions:
Water Resources Modeler, Bureau of Reclamation; Global Freshwater Water Management Analyst, The Nature Conservancy; GIS Analyst, The Nature Conservancy

Mary (Freiss) Masse (NSF REU Summer 2010)
Project: Modeling plant hydraulic strategies under drought conditions in a northern hardwood forest
Funding source: NSF REU
Current: Ph.D. student, Department of Geology, University at Buffalo

Michael Graham (M.A. 2007)

J. Lynn Hickerson (NSF REU Summer 2014)
Project: Quantifying the stress response of Brassica rapa genotypes, with experimental drought in two nitrogen treatments

Funding sources: NSF REU

Sanhanat Isama Ael Rtn (M.S. Geographic Information Science, 2024)
Current position: GIScience Instructor, Thailand Navy

Alexander Jackson (M.A. 2012)

Shikai Jin (M.S. 2013)
Project: Analysis of crime cases distribution pattern of Buffalo City, NY: On spatial and space-time scale
Past position: MS Computer Software Engineering, San Jose State University
Current position: Software development engineer, Amazon, Sunnyvale, CA

Steven Knapp (M.A. 2004)
Current position: Geologist at National Fuel and Gas, Amherst, NY
Previous position: GIS Analyst, Verdi & Company, Buffalo, NY

Chang Liu (M.S. Geographic Information Science, 2023)

Yang Liu (M.S. GIScience, 2020)

Michael M. Loranty (Ph.D. 2009)
Dissertation title: Towards a mechanistic understanding of spatial patterns of forest transpiration, and its implications for scaling
NSF Discoveries: Taking the pulse of the forest
Funding sources: NSF Hydrology
Awards: NSF IGERT Fellow, UB Dissertation Fellowship
Past position: Post Doc, Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA
Current position: Professor, Department of Geography, Colgate University (see Loranty Lab)

Kristina M. Macro (Summer 2014)
Past position: MS Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo
Current position: Hydroinformatics Engineer at Xylem, Buffalo, NY

Judy Malas
(NSF REU Summer 2017)

Project: Quantifying chloroplast movement as part of a broader use of rapid phenotyping in understanding crop produciivty responses to the environment

Funding sources: NSF REU
Current position: PhD student, University of Illinois Chicago

Shelby Marshall (NSF REU Summer 2011)
Project: Spatial dynamics of nitrate in Conewango Creek, New York
Funding sources: NSF REU

Bhaskar Mitra (Ph.D. 2011)
Dissertation title: Role of plant hydraulics in influencing the spatial distribution of carbon flux across the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem: A quantitative analysis
Funding sources
Awards: Presidential Fellowship, Abrahams-Woldenberg Scholarship, Mark Diamond Fellowship
Past positions: Post Doc,
The University of Arizona,
NC State / Texas A&M / Northern Arizona University
Current position: James Hutton Institute, Tenure-Track

Chukwumerije Bryson Okeoma (M.A. 2006)

Jonathan R. Pleban (Ph.D., 2018, Post-doc Aug-Dec 2018)

Dissertation title: Advances in phenotyping photosynthesis: An experiment modeling approach using crop species Brassica rapa
Awards: NSF IGERT Fellow

Spencer Podsiadlo (M.A Geography, 2018)

David E. Roberts (M.S. 2012)
Thesis title: Development of a coupled ecosystem exchange plant hydraulic model to explore drought related plant mortality
Funding source: NSF Hydrology, DOE NICCR
Current position: Senior Software Engineer, Resource Data Inc., Portland, OR

Michael Ruffino (M.A. 2014)
Thesis title: A survey of recovery, and geography in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous: A case study of location and recovery from alcoholism
Current position: Information Technology Engineer - GIS, Erie County Division of Sewerage Management, Buffalo, NY

Xiaohan Rui (M.S. GIS, 2018)

Sudeep Samanta (M.S. 2001, Ph.D. 2005; UW-Madison)
Ph.D. dissertation title: Bayesian analysis of a conceptual transpiration model with a comparison of canopy conductance sub-models
M.S. thesis title: Influence of event characteristics on predictive uncertainty of a hydrologic model
Funding sources: UW Graduate School, USDA Hatch, NASA, NSF
Current position: Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Research Center

Philip Savoy (Ph.D. 2016)
Research: Modeling the seasonal course of canopy dynamics: Incorporating physiology into phenological models
Funding: College of Arts & Sciences
Awards: CAS Dissertation Fellow
Past position: Post Doc, Duke University, USGS
Current position: Physical Scientist, USGS

Aga Shirazi (B.A. 2005)
Funding source: NSF
Previous position: GIS Analyst, First American Flood and Data Services, Virgina
Current position: Sr. Task Leader, Undus Corporation, Washington D.C.

Marta Szumski (B.S. Biology, 2018)
Project: Leaf growth dynamics of Brassica rapa

Funding sources: CAS
Current position: Science Teacher, Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School, Buffalo, NY

Warit Silavisesrith (Ph.D. 2008)
Dissertation title: Contextually-based framework for improved data reduction in regional scale analytic element groundwater models
Current position: Senior GIS Applications Developr, Wendel Companies, Buffalo, New York.

Ryan Stotz (M.S. 2012)
Current position: Asset manager, Veolia Water North America, Buffalo, NY

Xiaonan Tai (Ph.D., 2018)
Dissertation title: Spatial variations of drought-induced forest mortality: Integrating plant hydraulics and distributed hydrology
Funding: NSF IOS, State
Awards: UB Presidential Fellow, CUAHSI Pathfinder, 3MT finalist
Past position: Postdoctoral Associate, University of Utah
Current position: Assistant Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Kevin Tan (B.S. GIS, 2018)
Project: Using Forest Inventory and Analysis data to quantify and predict tree mortality responses to drought

Funding sources: CAS

Taryn V. Tomasik (M.A. 2011)
Funding source: DOE NICCR
Current position: New York Department of Conservation

Patricia Trawinski (Ph.D., 2007)
Dissertation title: Spatio-temporal landscape models for West Nile Virus vector population abundance and distribution
Current position: Assistant Professor, Erie Community College, Buffalo, NY

Danqing Wang (M.S. GIScience, 2019)
Project title:

Diane R. Wang (Post doc, June 2017 to December 2019)
Funding: NSF PGRP, CAS
Current position: Assistant Professor, Purdue University

Jiaqi Wang (M.A. 2013)

Aileen Zebrowski (NSF REU, summer 2016)
Project: Influences of nitrate concentration on the productivity of four Brassica rapa genotypes
Funding sources: NSF REU, NSF PGRP
Current position: Environmental Engineer, K. Singh & Associates, Inc, Madison, Wisconsin

(c) 2024 D.S. Mackay