Marx's introduction to
his political economy

Value, Price, and Profit (Abridged): An Introduction to the Theory of Capitalism

Research in Political Economy

Paul Zarembka, Series Editor
Department of Economics
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260
Fax: (716) 645-2127 . . . . . Tel: (716) 645-2121

arrow Abstracts for chapters are available via links at the publisher's website

Editorial Board:
Paul Cooney Seisdedos, University of Rhode Island, U.S.A.
Radhika Desai, University of Manitoba, Canada
Thomas Ferguson, University of Massachusetts at Boston, U.S.A.
Virginia Fontes, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
Seongjin Jeong, Gyeongsang National University, South Korea
Jie Meng, Fudan University, People's Republic of China
Isabel Monal, University of Havana, Cuba
Ndongo Samba Sylla, International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), Senegal
Jan Toporowski, SOAS, University of London, U.K.
Key Elements of Social Theory Revolutionized by Marx

Paul Zarembka, 2021
Brill, or low-cost Haymarket ed.

Brill Cover

"... highly recommended"
— J. D. White
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prior Volume 38

Volume 39 (2024)


Editor: Rémy Herrera, National Center of Scientific Research (CRNS), France

Drawing on the perspectives of both leading experts and early career academics from China, Senegal, Cuba, Brazil, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK, this 39th issue of Research in Political Economy integrates, articulates, and discusses the concepts of value, profit, money, and capital within a common theoretical and empirical framework. Divided into four distinct parts, chapters highlight: *the relevance of value in contemporary Marxist theory, *the hegemony of the US dollar and its recent erosion, *major monetary problems currently faced by Africa as a result of colonial legacies, *alternative monetary and financial tracks being tested in Latin America, including monetary regionalization and resistance to the domination of the dollar, *the current state of national debt in the Global South, including possible solutions, *the difficulties in evaluating transnational corporate profit in the era of globalization, *the evolution of profit rates in the United States, Europe, and Latin America over the past several decades, *a study of France's rate of profit over more than a century, *fictitious and financial capital, and *the recent emergence of cryptocurrencies and some of the challenges that this entails.

Connecting fundamental, theoretical, and empirical subjects with the most current scholarship on value, money, profit and capital today, this book makes sense of our increasingly interconnected global economy, highlighting key issues and proposing real-world solutions from the most knowledgeable researchers in the field.

Volumes 24 to 38:

Imperialism and Debt (#38)

Polish Marxism (#37)

Imperialism; Transition (#36)

Commodification: Animals (#35)

Classes in Periphery (#34)

Environment in South (#33)

Macro-Dynamics in Asia (#32)

Risking Capitalism (#31)

Geopolitical Economy (#30)

Sraffa; Neoliberalism (#29)

Contradictions (#28)

Revitalizing Theory (#27)

National Question; Crisis (#26)

Why Capitalism Survives (#25)

Transitions in Latin Amer. (#24)

Rémy Herrera


Money, Credit, and Fictitious Capital in Marx's Theory of Value
Alfredo Saad-Filho

Critique of Value Criticism
Fabien Trémeau

Turning One's Loss Into a Win? The US Trade War With China in Perspective
Zhiming Long, Zhixuan Feng, Bangxi Li, and Rémy Herrera


Colonial Legacy, Monetary Policy, and Resource Mobilization for Development in Africa
Demba Moussa Dembele

Surplus Production and Unequal Development in Latin America: A Comparative Study with the US From a Political Economy Perspective
Juan Pablo Mateo

From “Crypto-Alternatives” to a Regional Unit of Account: Monetary Proposals in Latin America for a Greater Shared Autonomy
Joaquín Arriola and Juan Barredo-Zuriarrain


Multinational Firms' Practices: An Attempt at a Marxist Theorization
Christian Palloix

Turnover Time and Marx’s Decomposition of Profit Adjustment in the Process of Equalization
Guido De Marco

Profit Rates: Their Dispersion and Long-Term Determination
William Paul Cockshott

Elements for a Study of the Profit Rate: France, 1896–2019
Weinan Ding, Zhiming Long, and Rémy Herrera


Fictitious Capital, Fictitious Profits, and Their Extreme Fetishism
Mauricio de Souza Sabadini and Gustavo Moura de Cavalcanti Mello

Crisis and Fictitious Capital
Rosa Maria Marques and Paulo Nakatani

Money, Fictitious Capital, and Cryptocurrencies: Their Impact on the World Economy
Ernesto Molina Molina

About the Contributors


250 pages, 2024  

Volumes 1 (1977) to 23:

Hidden History of 9-11 (#23),
and also 2nd Edition

The State and Economy (#22)

Neoliberalism (#21)

Race; Famous Economists (#20)

Capitalism and Ideology (#19)

Capitalist Dynamics (#18)

Burch supplement,

Volumes: 17, 16, 15,
14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9,
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley, BD16 1WA United Kingdom
Emerald's web page for Research in Political Economy

For orders go to: Emerald's Bookstore

Statement of Purpose: This RESEARCH annual is founded on analyzing society in a manner consistent with the importance of the role of class. International in scope, the annual volumes deal primarily with economic and political issues and the unity between them. Both theoretical and empirical works are included. While published papers must be appropriate for developing class analysis of society, they need not be explicitly marxist. The RESEARCH can accept longer works and thus, in addition to usual journal length papers, may be appropriate for work which is not book length, yet is substantial. For submissions, please send your paper electronically, double-spaced typed with notes as endnotes followed by a reference list, to the volume's editor or general editor. Usual practice is review by two competent persons, on a double-blind basis, within a relatively short period of time.

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