For the text of the Round Robin on issues of concern to these institutions, which was distributed via the Big Heads electronic discussion list in the weeks prior to the Philadelphia, PA meeting see
Meeting Chairperson, Lee Leighton (Berkeley)
Lee Leighton announced he is resigning as Co-Chair. He
Judith Nadler to succeed him. She was elected unanimously.
Dr. Noreault said they hope to involve 100 libraries in the
project; so far 12 have signed up and 30 more have expressed interest.
Phase 1 will focus on such questions as: What are the rules and standards
involved in providing good descriptions. The second phase will study
what uses can be made of the database.
What are libraries currently doing to provide access to electronic
resources? Either:
There are several problems with pathfinders: Duplication of effort as
different libraries catalog the same resources, lack of currency as links
change and web pages change in content, and the sheer rapid growth in the
number of electronic resources. He estimated that there are from one to
two million collections that need to be described. That would be beyond
the capability of any single library but with many libraries working
cooperatively it could be done. He suggested a sort of web approval
plan as a solution.
We need tools that will help libraries provide pathfinders that
will integrate web and OPAC access to resources. The solution that OCLC
envisages is to build a cooperative database of high quality records using
two standards, MARC (AACR2) and Dublin Core and to map between those
standards. The richness that MARC provides is needed to provide full
The project includes provision of authority control and use of
some automatic cataloging (automatic cataloging doesn't work very well now
but the output of such a program can be a good starting point for humans.)
What are the CORC objectives? To build pathfinders that will
provide database access and to find ways to create records using metadata.
All participants will get a copy of the full database. The
starting point of the database will be the 170,000 records from Intercat
and Netfirst. The project is scheduled to end January 2000.
He then asked for questions. Duane Arenales (NLM) said she was of 2 minds about the
value of this project; she wondered if it duplicates existing work of the
Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC).
The answer came partly in the form of a question: Can we get
metadata providers to provide more information?
We need to find out how durable these collections and records
We need to reduce cost of cataloging.
Brian Schottlaender (UCLA) expressed himself as less
sanguine about getting content providers to provide descriptions. He
noted that Dr. Noreault was describing access points primarily.
Providers are less interested in content standards than in coding
standards. Lots of people at UCLA are creating pathfinders but without
opac records for those pathfinders many potential users are not getting
access to them. He referred to the California Digital Library.
John Lubans (Duke) asked if libraries will be able to take
the CORC records and put them in the local catalogs; the answer was Yes.
Beth Warner (University of Michigan) asked if libraries
would be able to export MARC records from local catalogs to CORC? Again
the answer was Yes; if fact it is already being done.
Sally Sinn (NAL) asked to what extent would CORC be
involved in record sharing among utilities. Is OCLC looking at ways to
make the sharing and notification of new and updated records among
participants better? The answer consisted of two points:
Mike Kaplan (Indiana University) said he was interested in
ejournals and aggregators. He asked whether any ejournal creators have
been asked to be involved? The answer was, No, not in this phase but they
hoped to do that in the second phase.
Joan Swanekamp (Yale University) asked whether OCLC planned
to turn this into self-sustaining product after the CORC Project ends?
In response Dr. Noreault said OCLC will test to see whether CORC turns out
to be useful and, if so, whether they can find a model that will be
self-sustaining so that OCLC can turn it into a product.
Carol Diedrichs (Ohio State University) asked for comments
on changing records. What is needed is a model by which we can all see the
most updated version of records. Dr. Noreault said that they have to
figure out how to move to a position where we have a shared catalog but
also local versions.
Judith Nadler (University of Chicago) said that CORC should
be thought of as more of a learning project than a means of record
In preparation for CORC participation at Chicago the following goals
had been set up:
A question that has come up so far during the Chicago project
relates to the sharability of records. We are committed to sharing our
records nationally, and records created in conjunction with NEH-funded
projects have this as a requirement. Can we export CORC records to OCLC
WorldCat? Can we export them to RLIN?
Karen Hsu (New York Public Library) : Do you have
mechanisms to map records from WorldCat to CORC; can you do also do the
opposite? The answer was that it probably would be possible.
All branches perform some technical services functions though not
necessarily cataloging. Since not all branch staff are equally trained
Berkeley introduced a program to bring all to the same level. They plan to
do an overview of monographic cataloging, serials cataloging, ordering,
preparation of materials for storage, replacements; and public services
interpretation of records. The program involves offering multiple
sessions of the same topic.
Bob Wolven (Columbia University) asked whether the training
documents are available on the Web. Leighton said that they will be;
Berkeley is still at the stage of creating documentation but making them
available on the Web is also one of the program goals.
Jeffrey Horrell of Harvard University, a very decentralized
environment, asked how Berkeley planned to avoid duplication of work.
Leighton said they had reached no conclusions on that point. They lacked
space in Central Technical Services to move branch staff there. A great
deal of independent thinking goes on in the branches.
? Someone asked where Berkeley performs monographic ordering? The
answer was CTS. To the question of where serials are received, the answer
was mixed. For the more easily controlled titles, receipt is
decentralized; the rest are received in CTS.
Arno Kastner (New York University) commented that serials
checkin is a problem in a decentralized system; there is a need to upgrade
some staff person to serve as the point person to answer serials-related
questions. Leighton noted that claiming at Berkeley is done in CTS.
Judith Nadler (University of Chicago) asked whether
Berkeley was working on deciding what work needs to be done? Leighton
responded that they had done that first. It had been essential to
determine what steps were really necessary since Berkeley had lost 30% of
its technical services staff.
Barbara Stelmasik (University of Minnesota) asked who
measures performance? Leighton answered that performance standards had
mounted on the Web. Branch supervisors measure the performance of their
staff but often in consultation with CTS.
Duane Arenales (NLM) : One factor that may influence how
long it takes different libraries to perform different functions is what
Integrated Library System (ILS) they use. In her experience commercial
library systems do not make it easy to collect time and cost data.
Perhaps if we had some generally agreed upon desired data it might be
useful in discussions with vendors. To Boissonnass response that he is
more interested in analyzing time data Arenales said you need ways to
the data before you can analyze it.
Brian Schottlaender (UCLA) added that it was important to come up
with common definitions and the fact that the group had been able to do
that was a major accomplishment.
Judith Nadler (University of Chicago) said that the
software will be a good management tool to help with such problems as
determining which materials are the best candidates for outsourcing.
Lee Leighton (Berkeley) asked when the information about
the project will be available to other libraries. Boissonnas said that,
once the five libraries had gone through it themselves, had input data,
and had generated reports, he could see no reason why there could not be
greater participation in the project, but this would really be up to the
group to decide.
Beacher Wiggins (LC) : There will be some negative impact
on output, through October 1, 1999 when the ILS is scheduled for full
implementation, and beyond. LC is not sure what the learning curve will
be after the October 1 implementation date. LC has told Congress that the
numbers will not likely start climbing until after October 1, 2000. LC
will concentrate on current receipts rather than arrearages except in some
specialized areas such as CJK. The period to eliminate the print
arrearages has been extended to Sept. 30, 2004 while the period for
dealing with the Special Formats arrearages (approx. 18,000,000 items) has
been extended to June 30, 2007.
Bob Wolven of Columbia wondered what we could do to
minimize the impact of LCs productivity drop in our libraries. Brian
Schottlaender (UCLA) said that the drop in productivity for the
Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) is important for all other PCC
libraries as many of them are also implementing new systems; he is looking
at a 20% drop in productivity at LC. Sally Sinn (NAL and PCC Chair)
said that PCC isn't forecasting any decline in productivity, based on
members' estimates of bibliographic record contributions for FY 1999, but
there has been a reluctance for new libraries to join PCC while they are
implementing a new ILS. Judith Nadler (University of Chicago)
said we should not under-estimate the drop in productivity because of a
new ILS.
Bob Wolven asked if the LC drop in productivity would
impact the distribution of MARC records to OCLC. Beacher Wiggins (LC)
said that while the number of records available to be distributed
will drop he did not anticipate any decrease in the speed with which new
records will be ready to be distributed. LC's Cataloging Distribution
Service will be able to pick up newly created records as of Cataloging Day
1 in June 1999. Duane Arenales commented that NLM anticipates a
5-month delay in distributing records. Carton Rogers said that
the University of Pennsylvania had gotten back to initial productivity
levels but has a one and a half year backlog in loading records to its
Bob Wolven (Columbia) asked what is the relationship of
ILS implementation to LCs overseas offices? Beacher responded that they
are impacted but that impact should be transparent to users of records.
The overseas offices are not getting client-server software loaded.
Beacher Wiggins said that LC is looking at spring or summer
2000 for pinyin conversion, after the implementation of the ILS. Its
impact on subject headings, authorities, and classification will affect
Big Heads libraries. Any record with a Chinese heading will be affected.
LC is considering asking the PCC members to cooperate in this work.
Judith Nadler (University of Chicago) said she had not
seen anything about OCLCs commitment to pinyin conversion. The Big Heads
group should find out what their plans are and to lobby for action.
Mike Kaplan (Indiana) asked if LC had a feel for the number
of headings involved in the conversion to pinyin. Wiggins said they don't
have a grand total but there are 916 name authorities that include Peking
alone and over 2,800 associated bibliographic records.
Beth Warner (Michigan) asked about cooperation with
libraries in China to adopt their standards. Wiggins responded that the
pinyin romanization scheme is based on what Chinese libraries use.
Otherwise there is little cooperative effort with Chinese libraries.
Bob Wolven (Columbia) said that there would seem to be real
potential for automated assistance in authority control conversion. Is
anyone working with vendors who provide automated authority control on the
impact that conversion to pinyin will have on their systems and what their
plans are to deal with it? Lee Leighton said that Berkeley planned to
adopt pinyin on day 1 of LCs implementation. They hope to have software
that can search both Wade-Giles and pinyin romanizations.
Karen Smith-Yoshimura (RLG) said from the audience that
RLG plans to produce a list of all headings that will be affected by
conversion from Wade-Giles to pinyin; RLG will make the list available as
an FTP file free to anyone who wants it. This weighted list of headings,
with the number of times the headings have been used on bibliographic
records, will help to determine which authorities to convert first.
Mike Kaplan (Indiana) suggested that Big Heads continue
discussing this topic at the ALA summer conference in New Orleans.
Bob Wolven started by asking what exactly is meant by
aggregator databases? There is no uniformly perceived answer even within
Columbia. What vision do we want to accomplish by cataloging aggregator
databases? Various models have been proposed, e.g., some form of the
multiple versions approach with all formats listed as part of one record,
different levels of fullness of records, aggregating sub-components of
these databases, etc.
Christian Boissonnas (Cornell) said that Why we want
to do
something is an important question to ask. It is not clear that anything
is jelling yet at the directors level but is jelling at catalogers level.
Karen Calhoun (of Cornell) said from the audience that
Haas of Harvard is chair of the CONSER Task Group on Access to Serials in
Aggregators which is working on the cataloging of aggregator databases.
The Task Group has done two surveys; the first assessed the feasibility
and ease of providing title level access to titles in full-text databases
such as UMI's Proquest, EbscoHost, Lexis-Nexis, etc. The second survey
followed on the first to assess the need for access at the title level,
the most desired forms of access, and willingness to cooperate. Sixty-two
libraries responded, 95% of which license full-text aggregator databases.
Access methods currently in use (respondents could choose all appropriate
methods) were:
As to the desired form of access (respondents had to choose one):
Combining those who responded either Single records or Separate
records plus the half of the None of the above responses who wanted
multiple approaches means that 71% of the responding libraries wanted
records in their OPACs so as to provide a single point of access to ALL
library resources.
There is a great deal of interest in collaborating to solve the
problem of providing access to electronic journals within full-text
databases. Over half of the responding libraries said they would be
willing to work with CONSER libraries to create and maintain record sets,
and over half were willing to work with vendors to create metadata for
these titles. Almost 75% said they wanted to purchase sets of records.
As a next step the Task Group will be meeting to discuss how it
might work with vendors.
Judith Nadler (University of Chicago) asked whether there
was a way to assess how respondents came up with choices? Karen said that
the technical services respondents had been asked to check with their
reference staff. Many respondents provided rationales for their choices.
Sally Sinn (NAL) commented that libraries don't have
for dealing with multiple versions and so, pragmatically speaking, we are
constrained by the tools we now have; people may say they prefer separate
records because they lack workable systems for providing data relating to
multiple formats on a single record.
Duane Arenales (NLM) commented that no-one has promoted
multiple versions more and longer than NLM but they are a bit nervous
about dealing with electronic journals and how much they diverge from the
print version and how often they change. How can one determine if both
versions are the same work?
Beth Warner (Michigan) asked has anyone thought beyond
description to how to show holdings? Karen Calhoun said from the
audience that the surveys had not asked questions about maintenance but
had gotten lots of comments on that topic. One suggestion: preparation
of a list of desiderata to present to vendors; people are concerned.
There will be more discussion of this topic at the Big Heads meeting in
summer 1999.
Martin Joachim (Indiana) asked about changes in the AACR2
rules dealing with British titles of nobility. Brian Schottlaender
(UCLA) said the proposals are a result of USMARC AND UKMARC
harmonization. One proposal is that when headings are entered under
personal name surnames, that titles of nobility not be added. CC:DA will
be discussing the British proposals at its Saturday afternoon meeting.
Mary Charles Lasater (Vanderbilt) asked if anyone was
addressing the question of aggregator databases of a more monographic
nature. No one had. According to Lasater, the vendor-provided
records are MARC-like but there has been no adherence to AACR2 for form of
headings. The result is that the records will require a horrendous
maintenance job.
Someone from the audience asked about intelligent
cataloging agents and the application of programs against content to
develop rules. (I did not understand the question. JH) Bob Wolven
(Columbia) said that someone will be applying content analysis to
records attached to full text databases to provide subject analysis of
some sort.
Opening remarks, introductions
Bob Wolven announced Carol Mandel is leaving Columbia to become
of the library at NYU; on her departure he will become Deputy University
OCLCs CORC (Cooperative Online Resource
CORC is a research project exploring the cooperative creation
and sharing of metadata by libraries. Terry Noreault from OCLC Office of
Research will describe the project goals and will focus on discussion
issues for us as a group representing the largest US libraries. We also
will ask that he address any projected relationships between CORC and the
CLIR Digital Library programs. Group discussion.
Bob Wolven (Columbia) : What parameters do you see for
building the CORC database that will be useful for collection development
functions? The answer was: Subject description and information on the
nature of holdings
Special Projects Updates; discussion
Five libraries are working on this test project: Cornell, the
University of California at Santa Barbara, Iowa State University,
Vanderbilt, and the University of Missouri-St. Louis. At last summers
ALA Boissonnas had reported that the group had just about completed work
on definitions of cost centers. They have now gathered data for three
randomly chosen sample weeks. Since summer the participants have talked
about how to incorporate overhead data and are making progress. Software
to record and analyze data is still being developed. It is slightly
behind schedule. The module dealing with employee data is mostly
completed, and the one used for recording weekly data is in its second
version. The module which generates the reports is currently being coded,
and the group has not yet decided how many and what kinds of reports will
be needed. Boissonnas did not know when the software will be ready for
distribution or how it will be priced. He also said that, by summer, he
will have analyzed Cornell's data for at least four sample weeks and begun
to develop new baseline data for times and costs.
Berkeley -- Technical Services Training
Program (Lee Leighton)
Cornell, et al. Analysis of Technical Services
Costs (Christian Boissonnas)
Short Break
LC ILS implementation impacts on
us; what are we tracking?
Examples: Z39.50 access to LC
databases; impact on cataloging (etc.) output, pinyin conversion; PCC
initiatives; authorities. What else? (Leighton)
Wade-Giles to pinyin conversion.
LCs plans go only so far in helping our local catalogs; are
there cooperative initiatives that we as a group should arrange to
minimize impacts to our catalogs and authority files? Does someone want
to take a lead on this issue for ALA Annual? (Leighton)
Cataloging and/or analyzing aggregator
Any practical scheme will require
cooperation from our institutions. (Bob Wolven Columbia)
Other items for
cooperative action?
None were presented.
Audience input on Technical Service issues and on
agenda for Annual meeting. We encourage audience comments.