I am a broadly trained human geographer who teaches and publishes on corporate social and environmental responsibility, global governance networks, international trade, and diverse economies. I am particularly interested in new forms of politics, including corporate campaigns and the overlapping of marketplace and traditional political spheres, and the impact of new governance mechanisms on trade and economic development patterns. I have also recently engaged debates on environmental gentrification, specifically focusing on Greenpoint, Brooklyn and how gentrification is affecting environmental activism and the neighborhood’s economic and ecological re-visioning. My research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy, the UB Humanities Institute, and the UB Canadian-American Studies Committee.

My current research projects include:

  1. Corporate campaigns and the corporate responsibility industry:
  2. Just Green Enough: Contesting environmental gentrification in Brooklyn and beyond (with Winifred Curran, DePaul University):
  3. Ethical havens: Constructing and contesting ethical spaces for the global diamond trade:
Dr. Trina Hamilton
Department of Geography
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14261-0055
Telephone: (716) 645-0482
Fax: (716) 645-2329
E-mail: trinaham at buffalo dot edu
Trina eats geography for breakfast
118 Wilkeson Quad
PhD (Geography), Clark University, 2006.
BA (Geography and English Literature), University of British Columbia, 1998.