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MCH 311: Chemistry of Drug Action (Fall 2000)

Course Instructor: Thomas Kalman (e-mail: tkalman@acsu.buffalo.edu)
Course Location: Diefendorf 147, South Campus
Course Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00-11:50 AM
Class Schedule: For the class schedule click HERE
Course Materials: For course materials click HERE

Text: None required. Notes (required) are available from "Makin' Copies" at the UB Commons (636-8440) at a cost of approx. $15 (or less) plus tax. The notes consist of a text covering the material, including structural formulas and equations; three sets of study questions with answers, a set of course outcomes ("to dos") that students should be able to do after completion of the course, and three previous examinations with answers.

Grading Policy: The final grade is based on two hourly examinations (25% each) and a comprehensive final examination (50%). Plus/minus grades are given, approximating the following ranges, for scores of a possible 100 points (projected C-average of 70%):

90-100A- to A
80-89B- to B+
68-79C- to C+
55-67D to D+

Examination Policy: Students must take examinations when scheduled, except when excused for acceptable cause, such as a documented illness (doctor's certificate needed). A student must notify the instructor by e-mail before an examination, if (s)he is unable to take a scheduled examination. Any student who is not excused from a scheduled examination will receive a zero for the missed examination. No make-up exams are given.

Course Goals: Designed for pharmacy students, MCH 311 has as its goals to provide: 1) an introduction to drug sources and methods used in drug design and discovery; 2) a chemically oriented introduction to pharmacology and therapeutics; 3) an understanding of the factors, especially drug structures and properties, that influence the body's response to drugs; 4) molecular mechanisms of action of representative drugs; and 5) the chemical basis of drug incompatibility and drug interactions. These goals will be met by reviewing the material covered in the lectures and discussions during class, and completion of question sets I - III, based on the class notes.

Student's Responsibilities: Learning is the student's responsibility. Students are responsible for reading the notes before class. Attendance is required and all material discussed in class are potential topics for examination questions, therefore notes should be taken. Course outcomes/"to dos" are provided to focus student attention on specific learning responsibilities.

Health Sciences Library Reserve (Reference Textbooks): Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Foye, Williams & Lemke, Eds. (1995).
Wilson & Gisvold's Textbook of Organic Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Delgado & Remers, Eds. (1998).
Pharmacology, Rang, Dale, Ritter, Gardner (1995)
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry: How Drugs Act, Gringauz (1997)
Smith and Williams' Introduction to the Principles of Drug Design and Action, Smith, Ed. (1998)

Help/Questions/Discussions/Conferences: Use e-mail, as the best way to contact the instructor. Personal appointments may be made by e-mail (or phone).


Last Modified: Friday August 25, 2000