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Around the Bay

Robin and Jack Olkowski,with Carol Garrison enjoy the pasta dinner at the Conventon Centre in Hamilton.

Katherine Switzer autographs her book for NW Eileen Lawrence.

Our 2-man team, JD Cruisers Jim Waldron and Dave Lawrence covered 15k each.

NW winning team TURTLE AND TWO HARES members Lisa Marsh, Sue Brown and Ellen Willard prepare for the race.

NW Chris Bruck, Wendy Felt, Lisa Marsh and Jack Olkowski prepare to walk the first 10k of the Relay together.

NW Len Borzynski hands off his ankle chip to Eileen Lawrence at the 20k mark.

The NW GO_GO_WALKERS team of Chris Bruck, Diane Lawrence and Carol Garrison pose with their finishing medals just after the race.

Half of our NW squad are shown awaiting results in the food hall after the race: Carol (foreground), Jack, John, Robin, Len, Dave and Eileen.

Comments: Web Coordinator
Last updated: April 21, 2004