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So ... Why Not Just Run?

Racewalking provides ALL of the cardiovascular benefits of running. Just as a runner can jog or sprint, a racewalker can walk at any speed - maintaining any heart rate up to his or her maximum. But racewalkers enjoy certain advantages over runners.

First, racewalkers get a much better upper-body workout than most runners because of the accentuated use of the back, shoulders and arms.

Second, racewalking is much less injury prone that running. Because of the smooth and fluid stride, the body lands with much less force than in running -- resulting in less pounding on the feet, legs, knees, hips, and back. Because of an erect posture racewalkers rarely encounter back problems. The prospect of fewer injuries brings many runners into racewalking, allowing them to extend their fitness programs and competitive careers well into their golden years.

      you do not have to race to racewalk!

Cardiovasular fitness is based primarily on how high the heart rate is elevated and for how long -- NOT on how far or fast one travels during exercise. When done at the same heart rate and for the same period of time, running, racewalking and other aerobic activities provide similar cardiovascular benefits.

Comments: Web Coordinator
Last updated: January 19, 2004