Math 431,432

Analysis in Euclidean Spaces
This document is a guide to the various theorems and definitions contained in Math 431 and Math 432.
The document is a work in progress. I will update it throughout the semester.

Change of variables

Frequently asked questions

What is the point of these documents?
I wanted a summary of the information contained in the classes, in order to organize the information that my students need to know for their course.

Do the sections in the documents correspond to sections in the book?
No. The section numbers in the documents are completely unrelated to the section numbers of the book.

Where did you get the examples from?
Some of them I got from the course textbook. Others (most of them) I just made up.

Are you sure that everything in these documents is correct?
If you think you've found a mistake in the documents, I implore you to let me know by e-mail.

How did you make these visually splendid documents?
LaTeX, of course.

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Mathematics Department