1. The behavior and deportment of all campers, counselors and camp staff must conform to the rules outlined in the Camp Rules and Regulations, Camp Medical Plan, Camp Safety Plan and Camp Fire Plan.

  2. The following are strictly prohibited:
    Use or possession of alcohol, non-prescription drugs or controlled substances; Use or possession of fireworks;
    Deliberate destruction of camp property;
    Going over the fence along the cliff;
    Swimming or wading in the lake;
    Going to the beach alone.;
    Leaving campgrounds without permission of the Camp Director or Managers;
    Smoking in any building or pool area;
    Going into the pool area when it is closed;
    Going into a cabin occupied by the opposite sex without permission of Camp Directors or Managers.

The following are statements of general camp policy:
  1. The Managers must be notified of any damage, malfunction or other problem immediately.
  2. All valuables should be stored in the office or safe. The camp is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
  3. Bare feet and wet bathing suits are not allowed in the dining hall.
  4. Upper body covering is required in the dining hall.
Walking barefoot on the campgrounds is not appropriate.

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| Camp  | Alcohol/Drug Policy | News Flash | General Meeting

Phone: 716-834-2266
Fax: 834-2272