Week 6: October 3 - 7

Deterministic Dynamical Systems

This week we study “deterministic dynamical systems”. These are systems which develop over time, where the current state completely determines the future.

Cellular Automata

Cellular automata are a type of dynamical system in which both time and space are discrete. They represent a way to study the evolution of large physical systems, and have been closely related to the development of the field of artificial life. We implement a simple one-dimensional cellular automaton and explore its behavior under different transition rules.

Images and the RGB Color Model

NumPy arrays can be used to represent both color and grayscale images. We learn how colors are represented in terms of red, green, and blue components, and some of the functions Matplotlib provides for saving, loading and displaying images.


  • random.randint
  • roll


  • imread
  • imsave
  • imshow
  • subplot

Quiz 5: Loops

  • while loops
  • for loops
  • range
  • break
  • continue

Sample Quiz 5