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Research in Political Economy, Volume 15


Editors: Paul Zarembka, State University of New York at Buffalo,, and
Ajit Sinha, University of Newcastle,

Class Analysis and Radical Social Theories: Discovering the Missing Link Alvin Y. So, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Marx and Activity John O'Manique, Carleton University

Economic Structure and Technological Change: Marx and Beyond Ross Thomson, University of Vermont

Exploitation and Racial Inequality: The U.S. Case Gary A. Dymski, University of California at Riverside

Maurice Dobb: Between a Marxist and a Smithian Interpretation of the Transition to Capitalism Ricardo Duchesne, University of New Brunswick

Lenin and the Socialist Transition in Russia James Lawler, State University of New York at Buffalo

A Critique of Part One of CAPITAL Volume One: The Value Controversy Revisited Ajit Sinha, University of Newcastle

On Post-Keynesian and Marxian Approaches to Labor Values Angelo Reati, European Commission, Brussels

Kalecki and Marx Bruce McFarlane, University of Newcastle


Marx Before Sraffa Giorgio Lunghini, University of Pavia

Piero Sraffa's Vision of the Capitalist Process Augusto Graziani, University of Rome

The Notion of Capital as Totality Claudio Napoleoni, University of Turin

Sraffa in Context Riccardo Bellofiore, University of Bergamo

314 Pages, 1996

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