Ryan Muldoon
Ryan Muldoon is a Professor of Philosophy (as of August 2024) at the University at Buffalo. Before joining UB in 2015, he was a Senior Research Fellow in the Philosophy, Politics and Economics program at the University of Pennsylvania. He was also a Core Author of the 2015 World Development Report at the World Bank. His research aim has been developing New Diversity Theory, a novel approach to social and political philosophy that he first began developing in his 2016 book Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World. His work emphasizes the value of diversity, dynamism and discovery. His work, which ranges from political philosophy to the philosophy of science, relies on the tools and insights of the interdisciplinary field of Philosophy, Politics and Economics. He can be reached at rmuldoon@buffalo.edu
Academic Positions
Philosophy Department
University at Buffalo - SUNY -
2018-2024Associate Professor
Philosophy Department
University at Buffalo - SUNY -
2015-2018Assistant Professor
Philosophy Department
University at Buffalo - SUNY -
2013-2015Senior Fellow
Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program
University of Pennsylvania -
2011-2013Postdoctoral Fellow
Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program
University of Pennsylvania -
2009-2011Postdoctoral Fellow
Rotman Institute of Philosophy
University of Western Ontario