Irus Braverman

Tree Wars Project: Trees in Israel/Palestine

Olive tree near Jerusalem's Old City Walls and the Tower of David. Photo by Irus Braverman Replanted olive trees, occupied West Bank. Photo by Irus Braverman Shajara/Etz ('tree' in Arabic and in Hebrew). Sign on pine tree in a public street, German Colony, Jerusalem, Photo by Irus Braverman Pine and olive trees on the road leading up to Jerusalem. Photo by Irus Braverman Pine forests planted and maintained by the JNF, Jerusalem mountains. Photo by Irus Braverman Pines in Jerusalem Forest. Photo by Irus Braverman 'Blooming the Land 1969-1978' from JNF Website. Courtesy of JNF/KKL Palestinian olive groves in the Galilee, Israel. Photo by Irus Braverman Olive Park by sculptor Ran Morin, southern Jerusalem. Photo by Irus Braverman Palestinian women from Tawane village eyeing damages to their olive groves, January 2006. Courtesy of Yesh Din IDF uprooting olives for Separation Barrier. Courtesy of B'Telem

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In August 2009 my second book, Planted Flags, was published by Cambridge University Press. The book is structured around the two dominant tree landscapes in Israel and the occupied West Bank: pine forests and olive groves. By narrating and interpreting over 60 in-depth, open-ended interviews, as well as participatory observations, government documents, statutes, and regulations, the book makes visible how technologies of power operate through practices of landscaping and, in particular, how these technologies manifest through ecological narratives that revolve around the tree. Planted Flags oscillates between the desire to describe the pine and olive lawfare in Israel/Palestine as a bifurcated national construction and the even stronger desire to demonstrate how these natural and national bifurcations could be and are in fact contested, subverted, and perhaps even transcended in this lived space.


(2009) Planted Flags: Trees, Land, and Law in Israel/Palestine (Cambridge University Press). [reviews]

(2009). Planting the Promised Landscape. Natural Resources Journal 49(2): 317-366. [SSRN]

(2009). Uprooting Identities: The Regulation of Olives in the Occupied West Bank. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 32(2): 237-264. [SSRN]

(2008). "The Tree is the Enemy Soldier:" A Sociolegal Making of War Landscapes in the Occupied West Bank. Law and Society Review 42(3): 449-482. [SSRN]

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