"Where do you want to travel this summer?"



Spend two weeks in Cape Town learning about the history, life and culture of South Africa first hand.

You will be introduced to South Africa's history from its origins to the establishment of black majority rule in 1995.Through a mix of history and literature, we chart the course of South African society from the first Dutch clashes with the Khoisan people through the British imperial wars with Zulu, Xhosa and 'Boer,' the rise and fall of apartheid in the late 20th-century, to the emergence of the Rainbow Nation in the 1990s. We will focus on the landmark Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the post-apartheid era. Our history lessons are enriched by recent films and literature -- the novels of Nobel laureates, Nadine Gordimer and J M Coetzee among them.

The course is complemented by several field trips including a moving visit to the late Nelson Mandela's prison cell on Robben Island. Field trips include:

ACCOMMODATION: In Cape Town we will stay at the Ashanti Travel Lodge