Introduction To Java - MFC 158 G

Week 8 Lecture notes - Fall 2000


Chapter 8 -  Object based Programming- MFC 158 (1 of 2)



Now that we have discussed control structures and methods, we can discuss OOP in more detail

-          OOP encapsulates data (attributes) and behavior (methods) into objects

-          Information hiding - we use well defined interfaces, yet are not concerned with details of a method (instance variables should be declared as private whenever possible)

-          We drive a car without knowing how all the components work (engine, transmission, etc.)

-          The nouns in a system-requirements document help to determine the classes during the design phase

-          The verbs in a system-requirements document can help to determine the methods


Implementing a Time Abstract Data Type with a Class

-          using encapsulation, try to keep data private and manipulate the data with public methods

-          hides implementation details from clients, reducing bugs (easier to modify in the future)

-          when we extend a class (class airline extends Japplet), Japplet is the superclass (or base class) and airline is the subclass (or derived class)

-          using public data is uncommon and is a dangerous programming practice.

-          We can include objects as instance variables of other classes (pg 357)

(Class Employee contains an instance variable which includes a date object-which is a class)



-          method with the same name as the class itself

-          not mandatory, but can be useful in setting up the creation of an object (default constructor)

-          a special method that initializes instance variables of a class object

-          called automatically when an object is instantiated (Time2  t1 = new Time2(12,25,42) )

-          using overloading, it is possible to have several constructors (each with different arguments)

-          instance variables not initialized by the programmer are initialized by the compiler:

primitive numeric = 0, booleans are set to false, references are set to null


Time2  t1 = new Time2(12,25,42)

-          operator new allocates memory in which the Time2 object will  be stored

-          then new calls the Time2 constructor to initialize the instance variables  of the new object


Communication to Objects (set methods and get methods)

-          get method (accessor method - used for reading a value only)

-          set method (mutator methods - typically change a value).

-          Avoid the use of public instance variables!

-          Can perform validity checking.

-          Can assure data integrity


Final Instance Variables (used for constants in a program - value never changes)

Private final int MAX = 10;

Initial values can be set ONLY in a class constructor (or when created as above)










Package Creation - creating your own libraries (pg 336)

-          define a public class

-          choose a package name and add a package statement to your source code

           package com.deitel.jhtp3.ch08

-           compile the class so it gets placed the the appropriate directory 

    javac -d c:\jdk1.2\jre\classes  (must create the classes directory manually first!!!)

-          Creates dir structure and class à C:\jdk1.2\jre\classes\com\deitel\jhtp3\ch08\Time1.class

-          Import the class into your codeà import com.deitel.jhtp3.ch08.Time1;


Using the this reference

-          used to access the instance of data belonging to a particular object

-          the this reference is a reference to an object (the current object being manipulated)

-          since local variables of the same name hide instance variables, we can refer to this for obtaining values.


class SimpleTime {

   private int hour, minute, second;


   public SimpleTime( int hour, int minute, int second )


      this.hour = hour;

      this.minute = minute;

      this.second = second;




-          provides a way to give resources back to the system when no longer needed.

-          Helps to prevent memory leaks

-          When an object is no longer used in a program  (someObject = null), the object is marked for garbage collection.  (no guarantee as to when the memory is actually returned to the system)

-          Classes in Java can have a finalize method that performs other (programmer defined) necessary tasks to assure program/data integrity. 


Static class members

-          each object has its own copy of the instance variables in the class.

-          If we wanted to keep a variable that has class-wide scope (all objects access the same variable), we could create a static member/variable private static int count;    (pg 368)

-          In a video game, each object (martian) might need to know the total instances of martians (and take action based on that information)

-          We can’t use the this operator to refer to a static variable.  The this reference pertains to an instance of an object, not classwide.