Henry Herbert Goddard


Goddard's writings, chronologically arranged

Goddard, H. (1897). Are drugs unnecessary to the cure of disease? The Hypnotic Magazine, 155-158. (In this article, Goddard solicits subjects for his doctoral study.)

Goddard, H. (1898). The effects of mind on body as evidenced by faith cures. American Journal of Psychology, 10, 431-452. (This was Goddard's dissertation study.)

Goddard, H. (1900). Child study for Pennsylvania teachers. In: Some report of what was done in the sections of the round table conferences at state association. Pennsylvania School Journal, 49, 127-130.

Goddard, H. (1902) Negative ideals. In Earl Barnes (Ed.) Studies in Education, 2, 392-398.

Goddard, H. (1905). Child study. In "Some report of what was done in the sections of department conferences at state association". Pennsylvania School Journal, 54, 120-125.

Goddard, H. (1906). Ideals of a group of German children. Pedagogical Seminary, 13, 208-222.

Goddard, H. (1907). Psychological work among the feeble-minded, Journal of Psycho-Asthenics, 12, 1, 18-30.

Goddard, H. (1908). A group of feeble-minded children with special regard to their number concept. Training School Bulletin Supplement 2, #49, (March 1908): 1-16.

Goddard, H. & Morrison, Alice (1908). Teaching numbers to backward children. Training School Bulletin, 5: 2 (April 1908): 4-7.

Goddard, H. (1908). Two months among the European Institutions. Training School Bulletin, 5:5 (July 1908: 11-16.

Goddard, H. (1908). The fool class. Training School Bulletin, 5:7 (September 1908: 7-8.

Goddard, H. (1908). Impressions of European institutions and special classes. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics, 13: 1 (September, 1908): 18-28.

Goddard, H. (1908). The grading of backward children. Training School Bulletin. 5:9. (November 1908): 12-14.

Goddard, H. (1908). New apparatus for testing hearing. Training School Bulletin, 5:9 (November 1908): 5.

Goddard, H. (1908). The Binet and Simon tests of intellectual capacity. Training School Bulletin, 5:10 (December 1908): 3-9.

Goddard, H. (1909). Summer school. Training School Bulletin, 5:11 (January 1909: 10-11.

Goddard, H. (1909). Will the backward child outgrow its backwardness? Training school Bulletin, 5:11 (January 1909): 1-3.

Goddard, H. (1909). Bibliography of mental deficiency. Training School Bulletin, 6, 2&3 (April and May, 1909): 11-19.

Goddard, H. (1909). A growth curve for feeble-minded children: Height and weight. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics, (September, 1909). 9-13.

Goddard, H. (1910). A measuring scale for intelligence. Training School Bulletin, 6:11 (January 1910). 146-155.

Goddard, H. (1910). Research in school hygiene: Experiences in and institution for the feebleminded. Pedagogical Seminary, 17 (March): 51-53.

Goddard, H. (1910). The story of Abbie. Training School Bulletin, 7:1 (March): 182-185.

Goddarfd, H. (1910) The story of Albert. Training School Bulletin, (April) 193-198.

Goddard, H. (1910). Suggestions for a prognostical classification of mental defectives. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics, 14, 1-4 (September and December 1909/ March and June 1910): 48-54.

Goddard, H. (1910). What can the public school do for sub-normal children? Training School Bulletin, 7:5 (September 1910): 242-248.

Goddard, Hl. (1910). An American institution for feeble-minded children. Education (October).

Goddard, H. (1910). The story of Charlie. Training School Bulletin, 7:6 (October) 262-265.

Goddard, H. (1910). The institution for mentally defective children an unusual opportunity for scientific research. Training School Bulletin, 7:& (November) 275-278, and 7:8 (December) 293-296.

Goddard, H. (1910). Four hundred feeble-minded children classified by the Binet method. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics, 15:1 and 2 (September and December: 17-30.

Goddard, H. (1910). Heredity of feeble-mindedness. American Breeders' Magazine (Third Quarter): 165-178.

Goddard, H. (1910). The application of education psychology to the problems of special class. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1, 521-531.

Goddard, H. (1910). Research in school hygiene, in the light of experiences in an institution for the feeble minded. Abstract. In Lectures and addresses delivered before the departments of psychology and pedagogy in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the opening of Clark University (51-53). Worcester, MA: Clark University.

Goddard, H. (1911). What can the public schools do for subnormal children. National Educational Association, 912-919.

Goddard, H. (1911). Two thousand children tested by the Binet scale. Training School Bulletin, 7:9 (January) 310-312.

Goddard, H. (1911). The elimination of feeble-mindedness. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 37, March, 505-516.

Goddard, H. & Hill, Helen F. (1911). Feeble mindedness and criminality. Training School Bulletin, 8: 1 (March) 3-6.

Goddard, H. & Hill, Helen F. (1911). Delinquent girls tested by the Binet scale. Training School Bulletin, 8: 4 (June) 50-56.

Goddard, H. (1911). The menace of the feeble-minded. Pediatrics, 83, (June) 350-359.

Goddard, H. (1911). A revision of the Binet scale. Training School Bulletin, 8:4, (June) 56-62.

Goddard, H. (1911). Two thousand normal children measured by the Binet measuring scale. Pedagogical Seminary, 18 (June) 99.

Goddard, H. (1911). Causes of backwardness and mental deficienty in children. Journal of Education, 74 (July) 125.

Goddard, H. (1911). The story of Camilla. Trainig School Bulletin, 8:5 (September): 70-76.

Goddard, H. (1911). A new classification (Tentative) of the feeble-minded. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics, 15, 68-71.

Goddard, H. (1911). The story of Logan. Training School Bulletin, 8:6 (October, 84-88.

Goddard. H. (1911). Wanted: A child to adopt. Survey 27, October 14, 1999: 1003-1006.

Goddard, H. (1911). The story of Harry. Training School Bulletin, 8:7 (November) 97-100.

Goddard, H. (1911). Experience versus training. Training School Bulletin, 8:8 (December) 119-121.

Goddard, H. (1911). The juvenile court studying children. Training School Bulletin, 8:8 (December) 121-122.

Goddard, H. (1911). Suggestions for a special class room. Training School Bulletin, 8:8 (December) 114-116.

Goddard, H. (1911). The bearing of heredity upon educational problems. Journal of Educational Psychology, 2, 491-497.

Goddard, H. (1911). Defectives and Schools for Defectives. In P. Monore (Ed.) A cyclopedia of education. (275-280). NY: Macmillan.

Goddard, H., Davenport, Charles Benedict, Laughlin, H. H., Weeks, David, Johnstone, E R. (1911). The study of human heredity. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Eugenics Record Office Bulletin #2.

Goddard, H. (1911). The treatment of the mental defective who is also delinquent. Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, 64-65.

Goddard, H. (1911). Two thousand children tested by the Binet measuring scale for intelligence. National Education Association, 870-878.

Goddard, H. & Gifford, Mrs. E. Garfield (1912). Defective children in juvenile court. Training school Bulletin, 8:9 (January, 132-135.

Goddard, H. (1912). The significance of feeble mindedness. Life and Health (January) 26-29.

Goddard, H. (1912). The story of David. Training School Bulletin, 8:9 (January, 129-131.

Goddard, H. (1912). Estimated number of feeble minded persons in state reformatories and industrial schools. Training School Bulletin, 9:1 (March), 8-10.

Goddard, H. (1912). Te basis for state policy: Social investigation and prevention. Survey, 27 (March 1), 1852-1856.

Goddard, H. (1912). Phonetic keys and the scientific attitude. Journal of Educational Psychology, 3, (April). 219-221.

Goddard, H. (1912). How shall we educate mental defectives? Training School Bulletin, 9:3 (May) 42-45 and 9:4 (June), 56-61.

Goddard, H. (1912). The form board as a measure of intellectual development in children. Training School Bulletin, 9: 4 (June), 49-52.

Goddard, H. (1912) Importance of field workers studying heredity in charity work. Training School Bulletin, 9:4 (June) 447.

Goddard, H. (1912). Joint meeting on the feeble-minded and epileptic. Survey, 28, (June 14). 446-447.

Goddard, H. (1912). Sterilization and segregation. Bulletin of the American Academy of Medicine, 13 (August), 210-219.

Goddard, H. (1912). Extension of the research work. Training School bulletin, 9. (September) 68-70.

Goddard, H. (1912). The responsibility of children in the juvenile court. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 3, (September), 365-375.

Goddard, H. (1912). Feeble-Mindedness and immigration. Training School Bulletin, (October), 91-94.

Goddard, G. (1912). Hygiene of the backward child. American Psysical Education Review, 17 (October) 537-539.

Goddard, H. (1912). The feeble minded immigrant. Training School Bulletin, 9:7 and 8 (November and December) 109-113.

Goddard, H. (1912). The story of Billikens. Training School Bulletin, 9: 7 and 8 (November and December), 101-104.

Goddard, H. (1912). Feeble-mindedness and crime. Proceedings of the American Prison Association, 353-357.

Goddard, H. (1912). The Kallikak family: A study in the heredity of feeblemindedness. NY: Macmillan.

Writings about Henry Herbert Goddard

Burtt, H. E. & Pressey, S. L. (1957). Henry Herbert Goddard, 1866-1957. American Journal of Psychology, 70, 656-657.

Irvine, Paul (1971). Henry Herbert Goddard, 1866-1957: A biographical sketch. Journal of Special Education, 5, 210.

Zenderland, Leila (1987). The debate over diagnosis: Henry Herbert Goddard and the medical acceptance of intelligence testing. In Michael M. Sokal (Ed). Psychological testing and American society, 1890-1930. (pp. 46-74). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.