Lee Edward Travis
Lee Edward Travis was a founding
father of the profession of Speech-Language Pathology in America. He was one
of the 25 charter members of ASHA and was instrumental in setting up one of
the first speech-pathology programs in the country located at the University
of Iowa.
His best known research was in the area of stuttering. In particular, he conducted a number of studies, that were aimed at validating his cerebral dominance theory of stuttering. He proposed, following the ideas of Samuel Orton at the University of Iowa, that lack of brain dominance resulted in in stuttering symptoms. He was aong the first in the USA to use electrophysiological measures for studying the brain.
Travis wrote several editions of what became a classic text in the field of speech pathology: Handbook of Speech Pathology. Travis's handbook contained chapters on the scientific state of the art in different areas of speech pathology.
BA, Iowa 1922
MA, Iowa, 1923
Ph.D. Iowa, 1924
Founder and Director of the Psychology Clinic and Professor of Psychology and Speech at the University of Iowa from 1928-1937.
Founder and Director of the Speech and Hearing Clinic and Professor of Psychology and Speech, Univ of Southern CA., 1938-1942.
World War II, Lt. Col, 1942-1946, Officer in Charge, Psychological Services, Convelascent Hospital.
Vice President, Gibralter Savings and Loan Association, Beverly Hills, CA, 1957-1960.
Clinical Professor in Psychology, University of Southern California, 1960-64.
Private Practice in Psychotherapy, Beverly Hills, CA, 1960-1964.
Founder and Dean of the Graduate School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary, 1965-1975.
Fellow, American Speech and Hearing Associaton
Honors of the American Speech and Hearing Association, 1947
President of the American Speech and Hearing Association
Honors of the California Speech and Hearing Associaton, 1965
Fellow and Honors, American EEG Society
Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences
Fellow, American Scientific Affiliation
Fellow, Western Association of christians for Psychological Studies
Diplomate in Clinical Psychology of the American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology
Cited as the Distinguished Christian Psychologist, Western Association of Christians for
Psychological Studies, 1975
D.SC., conferred by Fuller Theological Seminary, June 1975.
Outstanding Educators of America Award, 1975
Distinguished Service Award, Graceland College Alumni, 1977.
Doctor of Humane Letters, Graceland College, 1986.
Archives from Fuller Theological Seminary in the History of Psychology Archives, Akron Ohio, David Baker, Archivist (bakerd@uakron.edu).
Writings of Lee Edward Travis, arranged chronologically
Travis, L. E. (1922). Studies in dissociation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 5, 338-346.
Travis, L. E. (1924). Mental conflicts as the cause of bad spelling and poor writing. Psychoanalytic Review, 11, 175-180.
Travis, L. E. (1924). Suggestability and negativism as measured by auditory threshold during reverie. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 19, 350-368.
Travis, L. E. (1924). Test for distinguishing between schizophrenoses and psychoneuroses. Journal of Abnorman and Social Psychology, 19, 283-298.
Travis, L. E. (1925). Muscular fixation of the stutterer's voice under emotion. Science, 62, 207-208.
Travis. L. E. (1925). The effect of a small audience upon eye-hand coordination. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 20, 142-146.
Travis, L. E. (1926). A phono-photographic study of the stutterer's voice and speech. Psychological Monographs, 36, 109-141.
Travis, L. E. (1926). Changes in auditory acuity during performance of cetain mental tasks. American Journal of Psychology, 37, 139-142.
Travis, L. E. & Davis, M. (1926). The relation between faulty speech and lack of certain musical talents. Psychological Monographs, 36, 71-81.
Travis, L. E. (1927). Studies in stuttering I. Disintegration of the breathing movements during stuttering. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 18, 673-690.
Travis, L. E. (1927). Studies in stuttering II. Photographic studies of the voice in stuttering. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 18, 998-1014.
Travis, W., Travis, L., Hunter, T. (1927). The tetanic nature of the knee-jerk and the achilles jerk. American Journal of Physiology, 81, 670-678.
Tuttle, W., Travis, L., Hunter T. (1927). A study of the reflex time of the knee-jerk and the achilles jerk. American Journal of Physiology, 82, 99-1050.
Travis, L. E. (1927). Studies in stuttering. Journal of the American Medical Association. 89, 25, 2142.
Tuttle, W. & Travis, L. (1927). A comparative study of the extent of the knee jerk and the achilles jerk. American Journal of Physiology, 82, 147.
Travis, L. E. (1928). A comparative study of the performances of stutterers and normal speakers in mirror tracing. Psychological Monographs, 39, 45-50.
Travis, L. E. (1928). The influence of the group upon the stutterers speech in free association. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 23, 45-51.
Travis, L. E. (1928) Correlation between intelligence and speed in conduction of the nerve impulse in a reflex arc. Science, 67, 41-43.
Travis, L. E. (1928). The influence of the group upon the stutterer's speed in free association. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 23, 45-51.
Travis, L. E. & Fagan, L. (1928). Studies in stuttering III. A study of certain reflexes during stuttering. Archives of Neurology anbd Psychiatry. 19, 1006-1013.
Travis, L. E. & Tuttle, W. W. (1928). Periodic fluctuations in the extent of the knee-jerk and the achilles-jerk. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 11, 252-257.
Travis, L. E. (1928). A coparative study of the performances of stutterers and normal speakers in mirror tracing. Psychological Monographs, 39, 45-50, (No. 178).
Travis, L. E. & Hunter, T. A. (1928). The relation between 'intelligence' and reflex conduction rate. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 11, 342-354.
Travis, L. E. (1929). Recurrence of stuttering following shift from normal to mirror writing. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 21, 386-391.
Travis, L. E. (1929). The relation of voluntary movement to tremors. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 12, 515-524.
Travis, L. E. (1929). Recent research in speech pathology. Psychological Bulletin, 26, 275-304.
Travis, L. E. (1929). Studies of action currents in stutterers. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 21, 61-68.
Travis, L. E. & Dorsey, J. (1929). Effect of alcohol on the patellar tendonreflex time. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 21, 613-624.
Travis, L. E. & Dorsey, J. (1929). Patellar tendon reflex time in psychiatric and neurologic cases. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 22, 99-104.
Travis, L. E. (1929). Studies in stuttering: IV. Studies of action currents in stutterers. Arcives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 21, 61-68.
Travis, L. E. & Herren, R. (1929). Studies in stuttering V. A study of simultaneous antitropic movements of the hands of stutterers. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 22, 487-494.
Travis, L. E. (1930). Effect of alcohol on the patellar tendon reflex time in dogs. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 24, 48-51.
Travis, L. E. & Young, C. (1930). The relations of electromyographically measured reflex times in the patellar and achilles reflexes to certain physical measurements and to intelligence. Journal of General Psychology, 3, 374-400.
Travis, L. E. & Dorsey, J. (1930). The relation of 'intelligence' and reflex conduction rate as found in hypophrenic children. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 13, 370-372.
Travis, L. E. & Herren, R. Y. (1930). Action currents in the cerebal cortex of the dog and the rat during reflex activitity. American Journal of Physiology, 93, 693.
Travis, L. E. (1931). Speech pathology: A dynamic neurological treatment of normal speech and speech deviations . NY: D. Appleton Co.
Travis, L. E. & Dorsey, J. (1931) An electrophysiological exploration of the nervous system of the rat. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry.
Travis, L. E. & Herren, R. (1931). The relation of electrical changes in the brain to the reflex activity. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 12, 23-40.
Travis, L. E. & Lindsley, D. (1931). The relation of frequency and extent of action currents to intensity of muscular contraction. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 14, 359-381.
Travis, L. E., & Rasmus, B. (1931). The speech sound discrimination ability of cases with functional disorders of articulation. Quarterly Journal of Speech Education, 17, 217-226.
Travis, L. E. (1931). Mass responsiveness in the central nervous system. Archives of Neruology and Psychiatry. 26, 141-145.
Travis, L. E. (1931). Certain tremor frequencies. Journal of General Psychology, 5, 255-259.
Travis, L. E. (1931). Diagnosis and treatment of stuttering cases. In R. West (Ed). A symposium on stuttering. Madison Wisconsin: American Society for the Study of Disorders of Speech.
Travis, L. E. (1932). Diagnosis and treatment of stuttering. Mind and Body, 39, 14-15.
Travis, L. E. & Hunter, T. A. (1932). Voltage frequency relationships in action currents. Science, 75, 19, 220-221.
Travis, L. E. & Dorsey, J. (1932). Reflex response latencies in manic depressive cases of the cyclothymic group and in cases of catatonic stupor of the schizophrenic group. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 27, 687-690.
Travis, L. E. (1932). Action current studies of simultaneously active disparate fields of the central nervous system of the rat. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 28, 331-338.
Travis, L. E. & Ruckmick, C. A. (Eds.). (1932). University of Iowa Studies in Psychology. No. XV. Psychological Monographs, 43, 1. (Whole Number 194)
Travis, L. E. & Ruckmick, C. A. (Eds.). (1933). University of Iowa Studies in Psychology. No. XV1. Psychological Monographs, 44, 2. (Whole Number 198).
Travis, L. E. (1933). A neurological consideration of stuttering. Spoken Word, 1, 8-11.
Travis, L. E. (1933). Speech pathology. Chapter 16 in C. Murchison (Ed). Handbook of Child Psychology, Worchester, MA: Clark University Press.
Travis, L. E. (1933). Dissociation of homologous muscle function in stuttering. Psychology Bulletin, 30, 579.
Travis, L. E. (1933). Dissociation of homologous muscle function in stuttering. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 31, 127-133.
Travis, L. E. & Buchanan, A. (1933). A contribution to vowel theory. Science, 77, 121-122.
Travis, L. & Lindsley, D. (1933). An action current study of handedness in relation to stuttering. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 16, 258-270.
Travis, L. E. & Peterson, M. (1933). Rate and direction of the contraction wave in muscle during voluntary and reflex movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 16, 208-220.
Travis, L. E. & Malamud, W. (1933). The relationship between physical habitus and stuttering. Psychological Bulletin, 30 726.
Travis, L. E. & Malamud, W. (1933). The relationship between physical habitus and stuttering. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 21, 132-140.
Travis, L. E. (1934). A neurological consideration of stutering. Spoken Word, 1, 8-11.
Travis, L. E. (1934). Dissociation of homologous muscle function in stuttering. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 31, 127-133. (1038-1044?)
Dorsey, J. & Travis, L. E. (1934). Effect of direct stimulation of brain and spinal cord on reflex time. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 31, 1038-1044.
Travis, L. E., Bender, W. & Buchanan, A. (1934). Research contribution to vowel theory. Speech Monographs, 1, 65-71.
Travis, L. E. & Johnson, W. (1934). Stuttering and the concept of handedness. Psychological Review, 41, 534-562.
Travis, L. E., Malmud, W., & Thayer, L. (1934). The relationship between physical habitus and stuttering. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 29, 132-140.
Travis, L. E. (1934). A study of retinal summation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17, 773-786.
Travis, L. E. (1935). Diagnosis in speech. In the Yearbook of the National Society for Studies in Education, 34, 399-434.
Travis, L. E. (1935). Intellectual factors. Thirty-fourth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, 34, 37-47.
Travis, L. E. (1935). The relation of precedence of movement in homologous structures to handedness. The Research Quarterly, 7, 3-14.
Travis, L. E. (1936). A point of view in speech correction. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 22, 57-61.
Travis, L. E. (Ed.) (1936). Studies in speech pathology. Archives of Speech, 1, (2). Whole issue.
Herren, R., Travis, L. & Lindsley, D. (1936). The effect of lesions in the central nervous system of the rat upon reflex time. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 63, 241-249.
Knott, J. & Travis, L. (1936). A note on the relationship between duration and amplitude of cortical potentials. Journal of Psychology, 3, 169-172.
Travis, L. E. & Griffith, P. (1936). Electric current thresholds at audio frequencies. American Journal of Psychology, 48, 422-433.
Travis, L. E. & Knott, J. (1936). Brain potential studies of perseveration I. Perseveration time to light. Journal of Psychology, 3, 97-100.
Travis, L. E. (1936). Brain potentials from the rat. Psychological Bulletin, 22, 770.
Travis, L. E. & Milisen, I. (1936). Brain potentials from the rat. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 49, 405-409.
Travis, L. E. & Knott, J. (1936). Brain potentials from normal speakers and stutterers. Journal of Psychology, 2, 137-150.
Travis, L. E., Tuttle, W., & Bender, W. (1936). An analysis of precedence of movement in simultaneous contraction of homologous muscle groups. Archives of Speech. 1, 170-178.
Travis, L. E., Tuttle, W., & Cowan, D. (1936). A study of heart rate during stuttering. Journal of Speech Disorders, 1, 21-26.
Travis, L. E. & Gottlober, A. (1936). Do brain waves have individuality? Science, 84, 532-533.
Travis, L. E. (1937). Brain potentials and the temporal course of consciousness. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 21, 302-309.
Travis, L. E. (Ed.). (1937). Studies in clinical psychology. Volume III. Psychological Monographs, 49, 1, (Whole Issue No. 217).
Travis, L. E. & Cofer, C. (1937). The temporal relationship between brain potentials and certain neuro-muscular rhythms. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 21, 565-569.
Travis, L. E. & Gottlober, A. (1937). How consistent are individual's brain potentials from day to day? Science, 85, 223.
Travis, L. E., & Johnson, W. & Shover, J. (1937). The relation of bilingualism to stuttering. A survey of the East Chicago, Indiana Schools. Journal of Speech Disorders, 2, 185-189.
Travis, L. E. & Knott, J. (1937). Brain potential studies of perseveration II. Perseveration time to visually presented words. Journal of ExperimentalPsychology, 21, 353-358.
Travis, L. E. & Knott, J. (1937). Bilaterally recorded brain potentials from normal speakers and stutterers. Journal of Speech Disorders, 2, 239-241.
Travis, L. E. & Malamud, W. (1937). Brain potentials from normal subjects, stutterers, and schizophrenic patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 93, 929-932.
Travis, L. E., Knott, J. & Griffith, P. (1937). Effect of response on latency and frequency of the Berger rhythm. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 16, 391-401.
Travis, L. E., Johnson, W., & Shover, J. (1937). The relation of bilingualism to stuttering. Journal of Speech Disorders, 2, 185-189.
Travis, L. E. (1938). The effect of tactile stimulation upon the Berger rhythm. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 22, 269-272.
Travis, L. E. & Hall, M. (1938). Effect of visual after sensations upon brain potential patterning under different degrees of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 22, 472-479.
Travis, L. E. & Egan, J. (1938). Conditioning of electrical response of the cortex. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 22, 524-531.
Travis, L. E. & Egan, J. (1938). Increase in frequency of alpha rhythm by verbal stimulation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 23, 384-393.
Travis, L. E. (1938). Bilaterally recorded brain potentials from normal speakers and stutterers. Proceedings of the American Speech Correction Association. Madison, Wisconsin: College Typing Co. Issue 8, 17-20.
Travis, L. E. (1940). The need for stuttering. Journal of Speech Disorders, 5, 193-202.
Travis, L. E. (1940). The pedagogical significance of the motokinesthetic method in speech therapy. Journal of Speech Disorders, 281-284.
Travis, L. E. & Baruch, D. (1941). Personal problems of everyday life. NY: Appleton Century Crofts.
Travis, L. E. (1943). Chapter in E. Hahn (Ed.). Stuttering: Significant Theories and Therapies. Stanford Ca: Stanford University Press.
Travis, L. E. (1945). Symposium on the work of the psychological services brance of the convalescent services division of the A. A. F. redistribution station number 4. Psychological Bulletin, 42, 539.
Travis, L. E. (1946). My present thinking on stuttering. Western Speech, 10, 3-5.
Baruch, D. & Travis, L. E. (1946). You're out of the army now: The veteran's guide to civilian life. NY: Appleton Century Crofts.
Travis, L. E. (1947). The importance of trends in psychology to speech education. Western Speech, 11, 17.
Travis, L. E. (1950). Speech pathology. Encyclopedia of Educational Research. NY: MacMillan Co.
Bercel, N., Travis, L., Olinger, L., & Dreikurs, E. (1956). Model psychoses induced by LSD-25 in normals. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 75, 612-618.
Travis, L. E. (1957). Handbook of Speech Pathology. NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Travis, L. E. (1957). The nonspeakable feelings of people with special reference to stuttering. In L. Travis (Ed.), Handbook of speech pathology, (pp. 916-946). New York: Appleton Century Crofts.
Travis, L. E. (1959). A theroetical formulation of stuttering. Western Speech, 23, 133-140.
Travis, L. E. (1963). On allegorical language, figure and field. The Voice, 12, 3-5.
Travis, L. E. (1966). The transparent therapist. Journal of American Scientific Affiliation, 18, 127-129.
Travis, L. E. (1967). What I have said I have said. The Voice, 16, 13-14.
Travis, L. E. (1968). Two great gifts of God. The Bulletin. Pasadena California: Fuller Theological Seminary, 18, 3.
Travis, L. E. (1971). Handbook of speech pathology. NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Travis, L. E. (1972). Poems. Acta Symbolica, Spring 3, (1), 16.
Travis, L. E. (1976). The essayist: An answer to a struggle for immortality. In D. Tweedie & P. Clement (Eds.). Psychologist pro-tem: In honor of the 80th birthday of Lee Edward Travis (pp. 39-48) Los Angeles, California: University of Southern California Press.
Travis, L. E. (1976). The poet: Selections. In Psychologist pro-tem: In honor of the 80th birthday of Lee Edward Travis (pp. 49-55). Los Angeles, California: University of Southern California Press.
Travis, L. E. (1978). Neurophysiological dominance. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 43, 275-277.
Travis, L. (1978). The cerebral dominance theory of stuttering, 1931-1978. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 43, 278-281.
Travis, L. (1986). Ensnared in Love. Pasadena CA: Integration Press.
Writings about Lee Edward Travis
Obituary, ASHA, December 1987, October issue
ASHA honors, Journal of Speech Disorders, March 1948, 1-2.
Tweedie, D. & Clement, P. (Eds.) (1976). Psychologist pro-tem: In honor of the 80th birthday of Lee Edward Travis. Los Angeles, California: University of Southern California Press.