Matthew S. Dryer: Papers on Word Order 

This page groups together my publications that deal with word order and position of affixes.

For any papers here that are not available for download, please ask me for a copy at If any of the papers that are listed as being available for download fail to do so, please let me know.

For chapters of mine in The World Atlas of Language Structures dealing with word order, click here.

Dryer, Matthew S. 2018. The order of demonstrative, numeral, adjective, and noun. Language 94: 798-833.

Futrell, Richard, Roger Levy and Matthew Dryer. 2017. A statistical comparison of some theories of NP word order. Online:

Dryer, Matthew S. 2017. Word order in Sino-Tibetan languages from a typological and geographical perspective. In Sino-Tibetan Languages, edited by Graham Thurgood and Randy LaPolla, second edition, pp. 70 - 82. Oxon: Routledge

Dryer, Matthew S. 2013. Against the six-way order typology, again. Studies in Language 37: 267 - 301.

Dryer, Matthew S. 2012. On the position of interrogative phrases and the order of complementizer and clause. In Thomas Graf, Denis Paperno, Anna Szabolcsi, Jos Tellings (eds.), Theories of Everything. In Honor of Ed Keenan. UCLA Working Papers 17: 72 - 79. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 2011. The evidence for word order correlations: a response to Dunn, Greenhill, Levinson and Gray's paper in Nature. Linguistic Typology 15: 335 - 380. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 2011. Order of negative morpheme and verb. World Atlas of Language Structures Online, ed. by Matthew S. Dryer and Martin Haspelmath. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library.

Dryer, Matthew S. 2011. Position of negative morpheme with respect to subject, object, and verb. World Atlas of Language Structures Online, ed. by Matthew S. Dryer and Martin Haspelmath. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library.

Dryer, Matthew S. 2009. Problems testing typological correlations with the online WALS. Linguistic Typology 13: 121 - 135. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 2009. Verb-Object-Negative Order in Central Africa. In Negation Patterns in West African Languages and Beyond, edited by Norbert Cyffer, Erwin Ebermann, and Georg Ziegelmeyer. DOWNLOAD [This is not the final draft of this paper.]

Dryer, Matthew S. 2008. The branching direction theory revisited. In Sergio Scalise, Elisabetta Magni, Antonietta Bisetto (eds.), Universals of Language Today, Berlin: Springer. DOWNLOAD [This is not the final draft of this paper.]

Dryer, Matthew S. 2008. Word order in Tibeto-Burman languages" Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 31: 1 - 88. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 2007. "Word order". In Clause Structure, Language Typology and Syntactic Description, Vol. 1, edited by Timothy Shopen, 61-131. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press.DOWNLOAD: 236K [This is not the final draft of this paper.]

Dryer, Matthew S. 2003. "Word order in Sino-Tibetan languages from a typological and geographical perspective". In Sino-Tibetan Languages edited by Graham Thurgood and Randy LaPolla. Richmond: Curzon Press

Dryer, Matthew S. 2002. "Case Distinctions, Rich Verb Agreement, and Word Order Type". Theoretical Linguistics 28: 151-157. DOWNLOAD [This is not the final draft of this paper.]

Dryer, Matthew S. 2001. "Mon-Khmer Word Order from a Crosslinguistic Perspective" In Papers from the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, edited by Karen L. Adams and Thomas John Hudak, pp. 83-99. Tempe: Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies.DOWNLOAD: 62K

Dryer, Matthew S. 1998. Aspects of Word Order in the Languages of Europe. In Constituent Order in the Languages of Europe, edited by Anna Siewierska, pp. 283 - 319. European Science Foundation Language Typology series. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1997 "On the 6-way Word Order Typology". Studies in Language 21: 69-103. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1996 "Word Order Typology." In Handbook on Syntax, Vol. 2, edited by J. Jacobs. Walter de Gruyter Publishing, pp. 1050 - 1065. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1995 "Frequency and Pragmatically Unmarked Word Order". In Word Order in Discourse, edited by Mickey Noonan and Pamela Downing, pp. 105-135. John Benjamins.DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1992 "The Greenbergian Word Order Correlations." Language 68: 81-138.DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1992 "Adverbial Subordinators and Word Order Asymmetries." In Performance Principles of Word Order, edited by John A. Hawkins and Anna Siewierska, pp.50-67. EUROTYP Working Papers, European Science Foundation. DOWNLOAD

Jacennik, Barbara, and Dryer, Matthew S. 1992 "Verb-Subject Order in Polish". In Pragmatics of Word Order Flexibility, ed. by Doris Payne, pp. 209-241. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1991 "SVO Languages and the OV/VO Typology." Journal of Linguistics 27: 443-482. DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1989 "Article-Noun Order". In Papers from the 25th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society , pp. 83-97.DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1989 "Discourse-Governed Word Order and Word Order Typology". Belgian Journal of Linguistics 4: 69-90.DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1989 "Salinan Word Order". In Papers from the 1988 Hokan-Penutian Languages Workshop, edited by Scott Delancey. University of Oregon Papers in Linguistics, Publications of the Center for Amerindian Linguistics and Ethnography 1, pp. 40-49.DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1988 "Object-Verb Order and Adjective-Noun Order: Dispelling a Myth." Lingua 74: 185-217.DOWNLOAD

Dryer, Matthew S. 1988 "Universals of Negative Position." In Studies in Syntactic Typology, edited by M. Hammond, E. Moravcsik, & J. Wirth. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 93-124.

Dryer, Matthew S. 1985 "Tlingit: An Object-Initial Language?" Canadian Journal of Linguistics 30: 1-14.

Dryer, Matthew S. 1980. The Positional Tendencies of Sentential Noun Phrases in Universal Grammar. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 25: 123-195.DOWNLOAD

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