Advanced Linux

BCH 519
Spring 2021

Andrew E. Bruno

Video Recordings

Videos for BCH519 Unit 2 can be found at:

Outline for this lecture

  • Recapping Linux Basics
  • A Few Additional Commands
  • Working Through Some Examples
  • Gene Expression and File Reformatting

Text Manipulation

  • Search for patterns in file: grep
  • Find differences between files: diff
  • Print first/last n lines: head, tail
  • Print selected parts of file: cut
  • Sort file: sort
$ grep "pattern" my_file
$ diff -u file1 file2
$ head -n 20 my_file
$ tail -n 20 my_file
$ cut -f 1,3 my_file
$ sort my_file

Input/Output redirection

  • > takes output from command and writes it to file
  • >> takes output from command and appends it to file
  • < takes input from file and sends it to command
$ echo "Hello World" > hello.txt
$ cat hello.txt
Hello World
$ echo "Goodbye" >> hello.txt
$ cat < hello.txt
Hello World
$ grep "Hello" hello.txt > results.txt
$ cut -f 1,3 output.txt > columns-1-3.txt


  • Allows you to “chain” commands together
  • | = pipe
  • | take output from command on left and send as intput to command on right
$ cat my_file.txt | wc -l
$ cat my_file.txt | grep -i "hello"
$ echo "Hello World" | wc -c > num-chars.txt
$ echo "1234" | rev


  • Find . . . finds files :)
  • find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +365
# Find all files
$ find .
# Find all directories
$ find . -type d
# Easily find all folders that are older than 365 days
$ find . -type d -mtime +365


  • Stream editor
  • sed 's/find/replace/g'
  • Replaces one or more occurances of a pattern
  • Similiar to Find and Replace in MS Office
  • Example: Renaming chrIV to chr04
$ echo "foobar"
$ echo "foobar" | sed 's/foo/bar/'

Using paste

  • Quick way to join two files side-by-side
  • -d : specify delimiter (-d "\t")
$ head -n 1 blacklist-names.txt
chr1	564449	570371	High_Mappability_island
$ head -n 1 blacklist-score.txt
chr1	564449	570371	1000	+
$ paste -d"\t" blacklist-names.txt blacklist-score.txt | head -n 1
chr1	564449	570371	High_Mappability_island	chr1	564449	570371	1000	+

Using paste continued..

  • Multiple commands with redirection are very powerful
  • This string of commands takes two files, pastes them together, and reformats it with cut into a properly formatted BED file
$ paste -d"\t" blacklist-names.txt blacklist-score.txt | head -n 1
chr1    564449  570371  High_Mappability_island chr1    564449  570371  1000    +
$ paste -d"\t" blacklist-names.txt blacklist-score.txt | cut -f1,2,3,4,8,9 | head -n1    
chr1	564449	570371	High_Mappability_island	1000	+

AWK: Versatile Scripting

  • Initially developed in 1977 by Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan
  • Extremely versatile stream editing tool
  • Column Order, Arthimetic, Data Transformations
  • awk condition {action}

AWK: Example

  • More flexible than cut, but steeper learning curve
  • Often the last step to finalize column order
$ awk '{print $1,$2}' < blacklist-names.txt | head -n 1
chr1 564449
$ awk '{print $4,$2,$1}' < blacklist-names.txt | head -n 1
High_Mappability_island 564449 chr1

AWK: Sample Scripts

  • Capable of doing some pretty awesome things
# Print the number of fields in each line, followed by the line
$ awk '{ print "Field Count:" NF "\t" $0 } ' fimo.bed  | head -n1
Line Count:6	chr2	232477432	232477450	MA0139.1	27.1967	+

# Print fields in reverse order
$ awk '{for (i=NF; i>0; i--) printf("%s ",$i);print ""}' fimo.bed | head -n 1
+ 27.1967 MA0139.1 232477450 232477432 chr2 

Examples using real data

  • Processing tabbed gene-expression data
  • Producing an expression table for post-processing
  • Common file reformat (FIMO to BED)
Cufflinks is an industry standard tool used to compute per-gene expression levels directly from Next-Generation sequencing data. It produces a tabular format file, one table per sample.
$ ls *.cufflinks.txt
5952_SRR015086.cufflinks.txt	5952_SRR015088.cufflinks.txt
5952_SRR015090.cufflinks.txt	5952_SRR015092.cufflinks.txt

$ head -n 2 5952_SRR015086.cufflinks.txt
tracking_id	class_code	nearest_ref_id	gene_id	gene_short_name	tss_id	locus	length	coverage	FPKM	FPKM_conf_lo	FPKM_conf_hi	FPKM_status
FBgn0085737	-	-	FBgn0085737	CR40502	-	211000022278158:591-1036	-	-	212.084	184.737	239.432	OK
We need to extract useful information from this file and generate a tabbed table for post-processing

Cutting cufflinks tables

  • Interested in gene_id, locus, and FPKM value
  • Columns 4, 7 and 10 respectively
  • cut -f4,7,10 *.cufflinks.txt
  • Store output in temp files
$ for i in *.cufflinks.txt; do cut -f4,10 $i > $i.temp ; done
$ head -n 2 *.temp
==> 5952_SRR015086.cufflinks.txt.temp <==
gene_id	FPKM
FBgn0085737	212.084

==> 5952_SRR015088.cufflinks.txt.temp <==
gene_id	FPKM
FBgn0085737	0

Sorting the temp files

  • We need to maintain gene order!!
  • sort -k1,1 -k2,2
$ for i in *.temp; do sort -k1,1 -k2,2 $i > $i.sorted ; done
$ ls *.sorted
5952_SRR015086.cufflinks.txt.temp.sorted	5952_SRR015090.cufflinks.txt.temp.sorted
5952_SRR015088.cufflinks.txt.temp.sorted	5952_SRR015092.cufflinks.txt.temp.sorted

Pasting cufflinks temp files

  • Create a multi-column file for all samples
  • paste -d"\t" : -d specifies tab delimited
  • Note: this will paste the files side in order of name
$ paste -d"\t" *.sorted | cut -f1,2,3,6,9,12 > Gene-Table.txt
$ tail Gene-Table.txt
FBtr0347422	Y:3272834-3273532	0	0	0	0
FBtr0347466	Y:3267087-3268196	13.4179	0	15.302	13.4467
FBtr0347566	Y:3047605-3048886	7.18664	0	7.04498	7.88644
FBtr0347604	3L:21949824-21951550	0	0	0.0992518	0.195406
FBtr0445173	X:20217401-20218244	16.3069	0	17.2985	18.7958
FBtr0445175	X:20209745-20210592	20.2268	0	19.9883	23.4011
FBtr0445177	X:20202075-20202922	20.4815	0	19.9792	23.2494
FBtr0445213	X:8397156-8398298	1.40773	0	1.81782	2.47734
FBtr0445214	X:1163619-1164105	0	0	0	0

Viewing the Table

  • Any text editor or spreadsheet application will do!

Reformatting Files using Linux

  • A very common request . . .
  • “Can you reformat from X to Y?”

UCSC File Format Resource

FIMO to BED Format

FIMO is a command line tool that is part of the MEME-Chip analysis package. It is capable of searching a DNA sequence for matches to transcription factor motifs. Unfortunately, the output is not compatible with most downstream analysis tools. It's output is the following:
FIMO Format BED Format
  1. Motif PWM identifier
  2. Fasta sequence record
  3. DNA strand of Motif
  4. Start position of motif
  5. End position of motif
  6. FIMO score
  7. p-value of occurance
  8. q-value of occurance
  1. Chromosome
  2. Left-most coordinate of record
  3. Right-most coordinate of record
  4. Name of record
  5. Score
  6. Strand

Format Exercise: Fimo to Bed

$ more fimo.txt 
#pattern name   sequence name   start   stop    strand  score   p-value q-value matched sequence
MA0139.1        chr2    232477432       232477450       +       27.1967 4.53e-12        0.00752 TGGCCACCAGGGGGCGCCG
MA0139.1        chr16   85004316        85004334        -       27.1311 6.58e-12        0.00752 CGGCCACCAGGGGGCGCCA
MA0139.1        chr3    97742256        97742274        -       27.1311 6.58e-12        0.00752 CGGCCACCAGGGGGCGCCA
MA0139.1        chr5    136835086       136835104       -       27.1311 6.58e-12        0.00752 CGGCCACCAGGGGGCGCCA
$ awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$1,$6,$5}' fimo.txt
name sequence name #pattern stop start
chr2 232477432 232477450 MA0139.1 27.1967 +
chr16 85004316 85004334 MA0139.1 27.1311 -
chr3 97742256 97742274 MA0139.1 27.1311 -
chr5 136835086 136835104 MA0139.1 27.1311 -
Note: This is not correct!!! BED format is TAB-Delimited, not space. Also, we need to remove the header line.

Format Exercise: Fimo to Bed

Pipe output into `grep -v` to invert match and remove header line
$ awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$1,$6,$5}' OFS="\t" < fimo.txt | grep -v name > fimo.bed
chr2	232477432	232477450	MA0139.1	27.1967	+
chr16	85004316	85004334	MA0139.1	27.1311	-
chr3	97742256	97742274	MA0139.1	27.1311	-
chr5	136835086	136835104	MA0139.1	27.1311	-

Sorting Data

  • Sorting BED format is standard practice
  • Allow for indexing, increasing speed of access
  • -k, --key=POS1[,POS2] start a key at POS1, end it at POS2 (default end of line)
$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n
chr16	85004316	85004334	MA0139.1	27.1311	-
chr2	232477432	232477450	MA0139.1	27.1967	+
chr3	97742256	97742274	MA0139.1	27.1311	-
chr5	136835086	136835104	MA0139.1	27.1311	-
Note, sort handles chromosome names lexicographically, thus chr16 comes first. There are more advanced ways of sorting that are implemented in popular tools like BEDTools and BEDOPS.

In-Class Exercises

  • Use cut to view the first three colums from blacklist-names.txt
  • Use awk to view the first three colums from blacklist-names.txt
  • Paste the blacklist-names.txt and blacklist-score.txt files, and use cut or awk to generate a properly formatted bed file

Homework #1

Due: 2021-02-16 09:00:00