Modern General Topology

with Dynamics and Homotopy

by Scott W. WILLIAMS

Modern General Toplogy with Dynamics and Homotopy is a working title of a textbook, known informally as THE BLACK ARTS OF TOPOLOGY with HOMOTOPY, by Scott W. WILLIAMS to be published by John Wiley & Sons. Projected date of appearance is the Fall of 1996.

EMAIL Scott W. Williams at:

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Even the table of contents is still subject to changes. In a subsequent version of this document, I will include important results from each section.


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PART 0. Introduction

PART I. Fundamentals and Set Theory

PART II. General Topology

PART III. Functions

PART IV. Separation Axioms

PART V. Covering axioms

PART VI. Compactness

PART VII. Metric spaces revisited

PART VIII. Continua (under construction)

PART IX. General dynamics

PART X. HOMOTOPY (under construction)

APPENDICES (under construction)


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