SPED is the program to enter data to the survey you created with ELQM. Please type in Study Directory. ==>c:\A [This is where you created a questionnaire.] Type in ID (Ctrl-Z when done) ==>1 [This is an ID number for subjects of the survey. Since you're the first one who's answering the question, enter '1'.] 0102 YOURSELF RED ==>50 [Enter any number you want indicating how far these two concepts are.] 0103 YOURSELF GREEN 0104 YOURSELF BLUE .... 0607 PINK PURPLE [Keep entering numbers until you get the final pair.] Galileo corrections (Y/N)? ===> Y [Enter "Y" to correct any of the answers.] Type in cell #. (Ctrl-z when done.) ===>0102 [Type in a cell number you want to correct. You can see the cell numbers on the left of each pair of concepts.] 0102 50 [Then SPED will show you the number you entered.] Enter correct response. ==>60 [Enter correct number.] Type in cell #. (Ctrol-z when done.) ==>^Z [When you're done correcting responses.] Demographic corrections (Y/N)? ===> n Type in ID (Ctrl-z when done) ==>^Z [Keep going if you have more people to answer.] DONE. SPED will create a "galileo.dat" file in your study directory. Now move to Microgal in your RUNNER folder. SPED will create a "galileo.dat" file in the Study Directory. It will overwrite.