MICROGAL is used to create a coordinate file with your data. Please enter name of segment. ==>ANY_Name Where are your labels? ==>c:\A\study.lbl [See? Short name!] Where are your data? ==>c:\A\galileo.dat [This is the file created by SPED.] Enter Maximum Value. ==>1000 [When someone enters over this limit, it will be ignored.] Do you want a log transform? ==>n What do you want to name the print file? ==>c:\A\color.prt [Enter any name you want with .prt extension.] ...and where would you like the coordinate file? ==>c:\A\color.crd [Enter any name you want with .crd extension.] Reading data.... Do you want the scalar products? ==>n [For now, we don't want to worry about this.] DONE, this process will create a .prt file and a .crd file in the directory you created. You can open your .crd file with a program called "ThoughtView". Look for TV32.exe.