Associate Librarian
University Libraries
State University of New
York at Buffalo
Services Research and Analysis Officer
Technical Services
University Libraries
State University
of New York at Buffalo
Description of current position: Develops, monitors, and analyzes the full range of technical services operations and programs for the libraries served by Central Technical Services. Responsible for developing methods of analyzing current and proposed technical service activities, programs and procedures; carries out the selected methods. Solicits and analyzes information and drafts reports and policy statements related to technical services activities. Writes narratives and prepares budgets for grant proposals for projects in which Central Technical Services is involved. Plays the primary role in developing and maintaining a current awareness of national technical service developments and trends. Served as RLIN Liaison and coordinates OCLC and RLIN documentation. Participates in the coordination of technical service activities with those of other areas of the University Libraries. Assists the Director of Central Technical Services and the Heads of the Acquisitions and Cataloging Departments in technical services planning.
Head, Original Cataloging Section 1977-1983
Cataloging Dept., Central Technical Services
State University of New York at Buffalo
Bibliographic Editor 1970-1972
OCLC Online Computer Library Center
Columbus, Ohio [now, Dublin, Ohio]
Assistant Head, Catalog Department 1965-1967
Law Library, Yale University
Cataloger 1957-1965
Mount Holyoke College Library
Serials Assistant (half-time) 1955-1957
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library
Adjunct Assistant Professor 1979-1983
School of Information and Library Studies
State University of New York at Buffalo
Assistant Professor 1974-1977
School of Library Science
The University of Michigan
Instructor 1973-1974
Graduate School of Library Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Visiting Instructor Summer 1969
School of Library Science
State University College at Geneseo
Listowner of AUTOCAT@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU: Library cataloging and authorities discussion group [an electronic discussion group with 3,600+ subscribers in 45 countries]. The AUTOCAT homepage can be found at: http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/cts/autocat/
Consultant on implementation of AACR2 at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.April 1980
Graduate School of Library Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mount Holyoke College
Wilkes College [Wilkes University as of 1990]
Research Libraries and their Implementation of AACR2 / edited by Judith Hopkins and John A. Edens. Greenwich, CT. : JAI Press, 1986. xiii,341 p. (Foundations in Library and Information Science, v.22)
Reviewed in:
Library Resources & Technical Services: v. 32, no.
2 (April 1988): 181-182.
Reviewed by Alice J. Allen, University of Oregon
Journal of Academic Librarianship: v. 14, no.3 (July
1988): 167.
Reviewed by William J. Crowe, Ohio State University
Library and Information Science Annual: v.4 (1988): 105-106.
Reviewed by Marjorie E. Bloss, University of Illinois at Chicago
Library Quarterly: v. 58, no.4 (Oct. 1988): 393-394.
Reviewed by Michael Gorman, University of Illinois at
Index to Chapter 6 (1974) of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, North American Text. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1975. 12 leaves.
Manual for OCLC Catalog Card Production. Columbus, Ohio : Ohio College Library Center, February 1971. Revised (with Ruth L. Tighe) August 1972. vii,61 p.
"The community of catalogers: its role in the education of catalogers." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, v. 34, no. 3 (2002): 375-381. [invited article]. This issue was also published as: Education for Cataloging and the Organization of Information: pitfalls and the pendulum, edited by Janet Swan Hill. New York : Haworth Press, 2002, p. 375-381.
"USMARC as a Metadata Shell." Journal of Internet Cataloging, v. 2, no. 1 (1999): 55-68.
"Copy Cataloging in an Acquisitions Department," by Susan M. Neumeister and Judith Hopkins. The Acquisitions Librarian, no. 12 (1994): 81-94. [invited article]. This issue was also published as: Management and Organization of the Acquisitions Department, edited by Twyla Racz and Rosina Tammany. New York : Haworth Press, 1994.
"The French Cataloging Code of 1791 and the Origins of the Card Catalog." Libraries and Culture, v. 27, no. 4 (Fall 1992): 378-404.
"The Ohio College Library Center." Library Resources & Technical Services, v.17, no.3 (Summer 1973): 308-319.
"Anti-spamming devices in an electronic discussion list" [Article submitted to College & Research Libraries News]
"Paper to online: necessary preparation" Newsletter on serials pricing issues [online electronic publication], No. 122 (Oct. 16, 1994), pp. 2-4. The URL is http://www.lib.unc.edu/prices/
"Technical Services and the Internet", ALCTS Newsletter, v. 5, no. 4 (1994), pp. 48-51. [issued by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, a division of the American Library Association]
"Classification and Cataloging Education." The Bookmark [issued by the New York State Library], v.47, no.3 (Spring 1989): 179-182. [Issue theme: "Uncovering information: subject access to information in libraries"]
"American Library Association, 112th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.[June 1993; Reports of meetings]" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, v.18, no.2 (1993): 120-130.
"ALA Midwinter Meeting, Denver, Colorado [Jan. 1993; Reports of meetings]" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, v.16, no.4 (1993): 128-130, 134-137.
"American Library Association, 111th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. [June 1992; Reports of meetings]" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, v.15, no.4 (1992): 129-133, 136-139.
"Reports from ALA in San Francisco." T.R.G.C.C. Talks: the Newsletter of the Texas Library Association's Texas Regional Group of Catalogers and Classifiers, v.3, no.1 (Fall 1992): 2-4.
"ALA Midwinter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas [Jan. 1992; Reports of meetings]" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, v.15, no.2 (1992): 108-111, 118-127.
"American Library Association, 110th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Ga. [June 1991; Reports of meetings]" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, v.15, no.1 (1992): 103-109.
Byrne, Deborah J. MARC Manual: Understanding and Using MARC Records. 2d ed. Englewood, CO : Libraries Unlimited, 1998. and Fritz, Deborah A. Cataloging with AACR2R and USMARC. Chicago : American Library Association, 1998. Reviewed in Library Resources and Technical Services, v.42, no.4 (October 1998)
Baker, Barry, ed. Cooperative Cataloging: Past, Present, and Future. New York : Haworth Press, 1993. Reviewed in Library Resources & Technical Services, 38, no. 4 (October 1994): 425-426.
Piggott, Mary. The Cataloger's Way through AACR2: from Document Receipt to Document Retrieval. London : Library Association (distributed in the U.S. by American Library Association), 1990. Reviewed in Library Resources & Technical Services, v.35, no.1 (January 1991): 123-124.
Crawford, Walt. MARC for Library Use: Understanding the USMARC Formats. Boston : G. K. Hall, 1989. Reviewed in Library Resources & Technical Services, v.34, no.1 (January 1990): 118-119.
George Kelley Paperback and Pulp Fiction Collection, Lockwood Memorial Library: Cataloging Manual. (April 1997; latest revision 5 July 2001) 25 p. URL: http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/cts/about/kelley.html
Cataloger's Workstation Task Force: Report. (25 June 1996; updated 4 October 1997) 10 p. URL: http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/cts/cat/catws.html
Format integration at the University at Buffalo; prepared by Judith Hopkins and John A. Edens (17 February 1995) 5 p.
Guidelines for CWIS providers. Draft 8 (29 November 1993)
[Drafts 1-8 prepared for the UB Wings Task Force] 5 p.
Collection level catalog records: guidelines. (May 1992) 4 p.
Authority control and the online catalog. (15 May 1986; revised 23 May 1986 and 4 September 1986)
AMC Guidelines (Archives and Manuscripts Control): [a manual]. (11 October 1984) 14 p.
Series authority manual for the use of Central Technical Services, University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo. (Oct. 1981; rev. Nov. 1982) 35 p. [Editor]
AACR2 options and alternative rules: a CTS manual. (April 1981) 1v. (looseleaf)
Retrospective conversion project: a manual. (August 1981) 70 p.
Uniform titles: a manual for the use of Central Technical Services, University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo. (1981) 56 p.
"Issues in metadata", presented at the SUNYLA (State University of New York Librarians Association) Conference, Adirondack Community College, June 18, 1999.
"What is metadata", presented at a seminar sponsored by the Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, August 3, 1998.
"USMARC as a metadata shell", presented at the 16th International Colloquium on Library Science Research, sponsored by the Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, August 5, 1998. Proceedings published in Spanish by CUIB; original English version published in the Journal of Internet Cataloging.
"Privacy and security issues in an electronic discussion list", a presentation at a meeting sponsored by the New England Chapter of the American Society for Information Science (NEASIS) on the topic of "Privacy in the electronic environment", Cambridge, Mass., 13 November 1996.
"Cataloguing Trends for the 90s: the impact of the Internet", a presentation at Ontario Library Association Super Conference, Toronto, 14 January 1995.
"Technical Services and the Internet" a workshop presented for the South Central Research Library Council at Binghamton, NY, 4 November 1994. Preceded by two abbreviated workshops on 3 November 1994 for the University at Binghamton Library technical services staff.
"Practical uses of the 'Net: Technical Services" a presentation at the Western New York/Ontario ACRL [Association of College and Research Libraries] Spring Conference, Grand Island, NY, 29 April 1994. Published as "Technical Services and the Internet" in ALCTS Newsletter, v. 5, no. 4 (1994)
"Cataloger uses of the Internet;" a presentation sponsored by the Rochester Regional Library Council, Fairport, NY, 19 November 1993.
"How to use E-mail;" a presentation to the Western New York Library Assistants Discussion Group Electronic Communications Workshop, University at Buffalo, 18 May 1993.
"Beyond E-mail: BITNET and the Internet;" a presentation sponsored by the University at Buffalo Library Faculty Development Committee. 5 December 1991.
RLIN refresher course, presented to staff of University at Buffalo Libraries.Feb.-Mar. 1988
"AACR2 Cataloging and Filing Update": staff development course for library media specialists, Erie County (NY) Board of Cooperative Educational Services. Fall 1986.
AACR2 orientation to staff of the University at Buffalo Libraries. 1981
Speaker on AACR2 at various meetings throughout New York State. 1980- 1981
New York State/United University Professions Joint Labor-Management Committee PDQWL Study Leave, 1987/88 $2,470 Used to work on article on French cataloging code, published 1992.
New York State Regional Automation grants
1989 $ 10,000 (received)
1992 $ 10,000 (received)
1993 $ 6,100 (received)
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship (SUNY) 1985
Title II-B (Higher Education Act of 1965) Fellowship 1969/70 - 1971/72
BETA PHI MU (International Library Science Honorary) 1957-
Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
(formerly: Resources and Technical Services Division)
Membership Committee, 2000-2002
Electronic Communications Committee (CCS rep.)
The Best of LRTS [Library Resources & Technical
Services] Committee 1992
Technical Services Cost
Committee 1987-1991
RTSD Filing Committee 1979-1981
Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
OCLC USERS COUNCIL. DELEGATE FROM FIVE ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES (FAUL) [representing: Syracuse University; University of Rochester; State University of New York at Albany, Binghamton, and Buffalo] 1978-1983
(representing Public Higher Education - SUNY, State Operated Campuses)
University at Buffalo Faculty Senate
Library Faculty Service
Attended various workshops, institutes, annual and midwinter meetings of the American Library Association, etc.
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