These reports were distributed over the Big Heads electronic discussion list in the weeks prior to the New Orleans, LA annual meeting.
This compilation was prepared by Judith Hopkins, University at Buffalo
Columbia University
Cornell University
Duke University
Indiana University
Library of Congress
National Agricultural Library
National Library of Medicine
New York Public Library
New York University
Northwestern University
Ohio State University
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of California at Berkeley
University of California at Los Angeles
University of Chicago
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Pennsylvania
University of Texas at Austin
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Yale University
Indiana University Libraries
1999 ALA Annual Technical Services Report
Since the Technical Services Reorganization Committee submitted its report to the Director of Technical Services last July, we have been awaiting campus approval of funding for the physical moves that the report presupposes. Funding has finally been approved and we expect to consolidate the Department this summer. Members of the former Serials Department will be moving up to the Third Floor to join the rest of the Department. We are now organized along 'classical' lines, with an Acquisitions Division and a Cataloging Division. Acquisitions includes a FastCat component (utilizing student help) and an Electronic Databases Acquisition Specialist. Cataloging includes a unit devoted to Area Studies, principally CJK, Slavic, and Eurasian studies. JoAnne Deeken, formerly of Clemson University, joined Indiana University in February as Head of the Acquisitions Division, and Mechael (Gago) Charbonneau was promoted to Head of the Cataloging Division this spring.
Indiana University had long used a shadow accounting system for monographs. Serials, on the other hand, used the NOTIS accounting system. Effective July 1 monographs will be moving to NOTIS accounting. Not only did we need to unite on a single standard and strengthen staff competencies, but also it turned out that the FoxPro database might not have been Y2K compliant. At the same time as this has been going on, we have introduced a new funds structure in NOTIS to reflect better the new organization of serials, monographs, and approval plans. We are beginning to move toward a heavily subprofiled set of approval plans with Academic Book Center (Blackwell) and are receiving MARC files corresponding to the books being shipped on a weekly basis. (Actually, we receive pre-notification for most books on these approval plans and their recordsare loaded into the catalog at that time and marked 'on order'.) We have built an inhouse, Visual Basic-based loader to run these records into the catalog and build their OPR structure based on the encoded fund information.
Meantime, we will be devoting several hundred hours of TS staff time this summer to testing NOTIS 6.5 and our new Y2K mainframe for Y2K compliance.
As part of the overall strategy and as part of a regular upgrade practice for desktop computers, we will be ordering and placing into service some 700 staff workstations this summer and fall. These machines will be vastly more powerful than their 3-year old predecessors which were mostly 133 MZ Pentiums. The most significant changes, for the users, will be the 19" monitors and use of Windows NT. The initial specification for the new generation is:
As part of the long-term migration strategy toward a new ILS, we will be consolidating a number of our monographic and serial accounts. Currently IU has many accounts direct with publishers, and we also use a number of different jobbers. We plan to cut that number down considerably as we move toward a heavily EDI-dependent environment. Our hope (perhaps our fear) is that this will be one area of the new ILS where we can and should be able to expect major productivity gains.
We succeeded in loading the complete LC authority file (names and subjects), the complete GPO file, the complete LC maps and music files, and 3 years' worth of LC books this winter. We now batch-load our holdings to OCLC, although we still contribute our original cataloging on a real-time basis. With these and other changes to our OCLC telecommunications structure, we have succeeded in reducing our telecommunications costs by over 50% and our transaction costs by a considerable margin, as well.
OCLC has now converted about 100,000 of the 380,000 titles we are submitting to them as part of our Recon project. The good news here is that the Campus at last agreed to pick up most of the cost! We have just about finished adding holdings for those titles that had records already in the catalog, and the CJK and Cyrillic conversions (in-house) will be finished shortly. HAPY will continue throughout the year. While we are still working out the details of the Arabic/Persian conversion, we are upgrading a fair amount of the Hebrew cataloging that we find in OCLC. Classed-together monographic series (250,000-300,000 titles) remain to be done in house, probably over the next two years. Conversion of the Lilly Library's rare book collections will begin in a few months (Dis volentibus) and continue for three to four years.
After a year's development we brought online a Data Warehouse this spring. It has been put to immediate use in TS in identifying serial titles that are candidates for vendor consolidation, unlinked item records for cleanup prior to ILS migration, etc.
Finally, we are beginning to investigate options for vendor-supplied authority control in the context of the new ILS. The days of NOTIS new heading lists are drawing to a close. We need to move beyond one-at-a-time heading control and approach authority control on a machine-driven batch basis.
Michael Kaplan, Ph. D.
Associate Dean of Libraries
& Director of Technical Services
Indiana University Libraries
Main Library C2
Bloomington, IN 47405-3907
Voice: (812) 855-3403
Fax: (812) 855-2576
From: Barbara A. Stelmasik <
Here is the Round Robin Report for the University of Minnesota Libraries.
I will not be able to join you at the meeting due to a meeting conflict. Stephen Hearn, Team Leader for Authority Control and Database Management will substitute for me.
The State Library Planning Task Force reaffirmed its decision to enter into negotiations with DRA. If all goes well and we get a contract out of the state and DRA within the next six months (and UCLA and DRA have product for us to review during that time frame), we anticipate we will be migrated by summer, 2001. General information about the MnLINK project is posted at
The MnLINK Gateway is available in both frames and ADA compliant versions. You can link to either from . Discussions regarding the impact of the gateway on ILL protocols and agreements have begun.
We are participants in the CORC project. Our planning group includes staff from reference, distance learning, special collections, administration and technical services. The group has developed goals and standards (posted at
The new access center on the West Bank of the Minneapolis campus nears completion with occupancy expected this fall. Many staff are involved in planning strategies to move special and archival collections into the center and planning both bibliographic and physical control of both the storage portion of the building and the special collections. See for the latest information on the center.
Major building renovations on the Twin Cities campuses have or will dislocate many collections. Some of the moves are temporary and some long term. We have made it through the first round of moves and hope that we have learned from that round how to better manage the next moves. Education, psychology, social work, science and engineering, journalism, film and video, architecture and other collections either have or will be relocated because of the building renovations or related events. Communication and timing have proven challenging.
Three working group projects were completed this spring;
Barbara A. Stelmasik
Team Leader, Materials Acquisition and Control
University of Minnesota Libraries
160 Wilson Library
309-19th Ave. So.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-625-8074
Fax: 612-625-3428
Subject: Round Robin Report from New York University
Carol Mandel joined NYU as Dean of Libraries on April 19. Linda Lerman began as Head of Acquisitions on April 5. We are currently recruiting for a Special Formats Cataloger and Head of Member Copy Cataloging.
We are installing release 6.8 of Geac ADVANCE, which among other things will give us USMARC holdings.
We received BIBCO training in January. We got off to a slow start, but should be "official" contributors next month. At this point full-level continues to be our default.
In February we loaded our 1.5 million records into OCLC...and our ILL Department has felt the impact.
We have signed a contract with MarcLink to convert approximately 125,000 manual records for the New-York Historical Society Library. As we inventory monographic holdings for Bobst Library--NYU'S main library--we continue to uncover thousands of books that mysteriously escaped conversion during our REMARC recon project of the late 80's. Otherwise, aside from about 14,000 Middle East vernacular script records and microform titles, our retrospective conversion is complete.
In July we begin a one-year, NYU/New-York Historical Society Library grant-funded project to digitize visual and archival materials from the N-YHS collection relating to the Civil War. This project, coordinated by the Library of Congress and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will provide access to collections of caricatures, posters, sketches, stereographs, newspapers and letters with MARC records linking to browsable databases for each collection.
The Acquisitions Unit has completed a preliminary analysis of the Library's out-of-print vendors for domestic titles. Currently vendor selection is divided between Blackwell North America's O-P service, Bibliofind and Fred's Book Service depending on the status of the request as replacement copy, firm order or reserve order. BNA is supplying 43% of orders placed; of the titles that BNA cannot supply, 55% appear on Bibliofind--an increase from last year's 40% hit rate. Fred's has been successful for locating rarer materials. A complete report will soon be available on the Library's web site along with a pricing comparison.
We are embarking on a major serials holdings clean-up project of over 47,000 titles. Under Linda Lerman's direction, the shelf verification project will utilize staff from Bobst and departmental libraries in a two-phase project that takes advantage of scheduled system downtime in August during the installation of Geac release 6.8. Holdings will be corrected to conform to USMARC Format for Holdings and input according to the recently approved NISO stand Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items.
From: Richard J. Schulz
Subject: Princeton update
Don Thornbury, Head of Catalog Division, will represent Princeton at Big Heads and will present a brief report on our CORC activities which he has chiefly been responsible for initiating. The following is an update on major developments of the past six months.
The saga of acquiring a new (integrated) library management system continues, with light finally flickering at the end of the long tunnel (or so we hope!). In May, a first round of single day product demonstrations by various academic market vendors was completed, and the reactions of the several hundred staff, faculty and students invited to participate in the evaluations were tabulated and analyzed. On the basis of this exercise two system vendors have been invited to return in July for more intensive multi-day (in effect week long) demonstrations of their systems for evaluation committees targeted on specific modules, processes and/or technological aspects. Selection Committee site visits to libraries running these systems are planned for July as well. Migration to whichever system is selected is scheduled for completion by September 2000.
The migration schedule is being driven hard by our local systems situation.
On the brighter side, our ambitious recon project continues apace featuring the conversion and loading of 70,000 records per month on average. For this we are definitely grateful to have that robust mainframe processing power at our disposal. With the exception of the CJK catalogs of the Gest East Asian Library which were not included in this project, full conversion will be completed by the first quarter of 2000, in time for the migration to the new system.
We have invested a lot of cataloging time and effort in the CORC project in the form of training, discussion and record production. Virtually the entire professional staff of the Catalog Division are actively participating. Our goals at this point continue to be general and educational rather than targeted and practical, i.e., to stay abreast of metadata related developments particularly the application of metadata to bibliographic or analogous control of information resources, keep the professional catalogers educated and involved as a means to shift their intellectual focus to the evolving field of electronic resources which bodes to require a different order of application of their talents and skills, and to stay positioned to participate in or lead campus wide efforts to provide integrated access control to locally produced digital resources supporting teaching and research.
All management and support staff of the library are currently heavily engaged in the design and implementation of a new salary increase distribution system for support staff. The Princeton University Library Assistants union agreed in the last round of contract negotiations to a merit increase program which goes into effect on July 1, 2000. Preparatory to this a new system of performance rating and appraisal has to be devised as a supporting structure. This involves the development of mutually agreed upon standards and criteria to measure work performance, an appraisal instrument to document performance, and a merit pool distribution system.
Bob Wolven and I are representing our respective institutions on the Library Operations Group of the Columbia-NYPL-Princeton consortium which will jointly build and operate a high density book storage facility in Plainsboro, New Jersey, on Princeton's Forrestal Campus. The facility is scheduled for opening on July 1, 2001 and is projected to receive nearly 5 million volumes during its first three years of operation due to pent up demand. Environmental control set points of the new faciltity will be extremely book friendly at 50 degrees (F) and 35% RHU for the main storage area. Separate cold storage areas for acetate and non-acetate based film and other color media are also part of the design. Delivery of materials requested from the facility will be next business day. Our efforts to date have perforce concentrated what it will take to get the facility operational within the project's timeframe. Some of the more interesting longer term issues, such as joint access and cooperative operations in areas such as preservation, digitization, collective de-duping, etc., which have the potential for significant additional common advantage, will be explored later on.
From: Christian M. Boissonnas
Subject: News from Cornell
We are in the process of negotiating for the acquisition of a new system to be installed in July 2,000. We anticipate some difficulties particularly involving the migration of information from serials acquisitions records.
We were charged by Sarah Thomas 15 months ago with eliminating our cataloging backlog in three years. We plan to finish by June 2000, or 9 months ahead of schedule, in order not to have to contend with this project while we are implementing a new system.
We have contracted with OCLC to convert all materials in the P, D, and E LC classifications, or 440,000 titles. This will be completed by February 2000, and will leave 600,000-700,000 titles to convert.
As a result of discussion at PCC meetings at Midwinter, the chair of the Standing Committee on Automation, who is a Cornellian, worked with the CONSER Coordinator at LC to prepare a charge for the Standing Committee on Automation's Task Force of Journals in Aggregator Databases. The task force has been working since February, with John Riemer of the University of Georgia as chair and other members from Cornell, Harvard, Yale, the University of Maryland, MIT, and EBSCO. The task force member from Cornell has devoted a good deal of energy to this task force.
To date, the task force has
Members of the task force will be discussing their work at this conference--on Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30 at the Medium Heads of TS meeting, and on Sunday evening from 7 to 9 pm at the PCC Participants meeting.
We have become CORC participants and have been trained. Through participation in CORC, we expect to:
Our specific research objectives include:
Staffing includes .5 FTE provided by a variety of staff across campus (project coordinator, original cataloger, copy cataloger, reference librarian and collection development librarian).
We are moving forward on three projects.
From: Roxanne Sellberg
Subject: Northwestern round robin report--6/99
Here is the news from Northwestern.
In the category of "be careful what you wish for"--or maybe just when you wish for it, Northwestern is working with the results of a healthy increase in our materials budget this year (note: our fiscal year ends August 31). Combined with the challenges of adjusting to the Voyager system, the pressure this year to order and pay for significantly more materials is running Technical Services staff ragged. For the past several months, monograph cataloging staff have been asked to spend many hours helping with orders and invoice processing instead of cataloging. Backlogs are resulting. The collection budget increase is to the base, and we are expecting another healthy increase for FY2000; so the challenge to scale up technical processing production is definitely a long term one.
As some of you may remember, we are also in the midst of a reorganization in Technical Services. The combining of monographic acquisitions and copy cataloging staff into one unit seems to be working pretty well. Part of the goal of the change was to increase the flexibility of monographic processing staff--to develop staff who would be able to do both acquisitions and copy cataloging work comfortably as needed. For reasons mentioned above, the former copy catalogers have been doing a lot of acquisitions work and that has been wonderful, but the former acquisitions staff have not had much chance to master copy cataloging yet. On the other side of the aisle, the new Serials Department is also doing as well as could be expected. Serials staff are working hard to create purchase order records and predictive checkin "patterns" for Voyager. Although we have a long, long way to go, the patterns we have already created are starting to have a positive effect on checkin of some frequently-received serials, and we plan to begin automatic claiming on the Voyager system in September. We also hope to be able to make an announcement about a new Head of the Serials Department soon (thanks to those of you who suggested possible candidates).
Among the other things we have been working on in Technical Services are: CORC, a big withdrawal/transfer project connected with the physical merger of our "core" collection with the reserves operation, a retrospective conversion/barcoding/tattle taping effort designed to facilitate the move of the Transportation Library into new quarters, a re-design of the Library's Website, and hosting a number of visitors, most inquiring about Voyager.
I'll mention one more thing because I am especially happy about it. We recently had a breakthrough on what has seemed a perennial problem at our Library: how to make sure the correct special book plates are affixed to monographs purchased with money from named gift funds. Gary Strawn was able to add a feature to the system he developed for generating call number labels for books, which automatically alerts the labeling staff when they are about to label a book needing a special gift plate. We think this will work better than any of the methods we have tried before (assuming we are alerted to update the relevant table when new gift plates are created). Yeah!
See you all in a few days,
Roxanne Sellberg
Assistant University Librarian for Technical Services
Northwestern University Library
1935 Sheridan Road
Evanston IL 60208
tel: (847)467-5359
fax: (847)491-8306
From: Carol Diedrichs
The search committee has completed its work and we are awaiting word from the Provost's Office re the naming of a new director.
The University has placed the renovation of the Main Library on its planning agenda and capital funding request. In reality, this means the beginning of a 5-8 year process for planning, fund raising and renovation of the Main Library. This renovation is long overdue but represents an substantial undertaking in actually renovating a building under very active use and filled with people and materials!
Technical Services was reorganized in December 1998 to realign three large departments into five smaller departments: Monographs, Serials/Electronic Products, Cataloging, Special Collections Cataloging and Technical Services Accounting and Administration. After approximately 6 months, the new organization is settling in as expected and many improvements are already evident. I am very pleased with the manner in which the staff and faculty in Technical Services have adapted to these changes and thank them for there support and positive outlook on these changes.
Interviews have been held for two vacant librarian positions: Serials Coordinator reporting to the Head, Serials/Electronic Resources; and Non-Roman Cataloging Coordinator reporting to the Head, Cataloging Department. I am please to announce the appointment of Tschera Connell as the Serials Coordinator. Previously, Tschera was a faculty member teaching at the Kent State library school, Columbus Program. She begins in August 1999. A decision has not yet been made on the Non- Roman Cataloging Coordinator position.
The Head, Special Collections Cataloging, Hannah Thomas, has resigned. A job announcement will be going out shortly. A copy of the job description will be sent to the Big Heads and other listservs. I would welcome any nominations for this important position.
As part of the OhioLINK Approval Plan Project, OSU moved our English language approval plan to YBP on January 1, 1999. We have also implemented PromptCat and the YBP GOBI system for transfer of orders between YBP and our III system. Although we are still working out the inherent bugs in a transition from one approval vendor to another, we are pleased with the new plan.
As planned, OSU has begin using YBP's GOBI system for order request and selection by our collection managers. The OhioLINK view of the system will allow them to see what their colleagues around the state are doing and, we hope, make better informed decisions on marginal titles. Collection managers can tag orders that they want to purchase directly in GOBI. Those orders are then gathered in the Monograph Dept., searched for duplication, transferred to our III system and then confirmed for order online with YBP.
We continue to use OCLC TechPro for Slavic materials and serials cataloging. We have just implemented an agreement to extend our use of TechPro to Arabic and Hebrew materials. In addition, we are in discussions with the University of Kansas to outsource some Slavic cataloging to them through BCR.
As a member of the CIC, we have committed to participation in OCLC's CORC Project for the cataloging of Internet resources. It took considerably longer than we anticipated to get the CORC contract signed locally. Thus, our use of CORC is still under exploration.
With its availability in April 1999, we switched to OCLC's flat rate Internet access structure. At present, we allow staff over the threshold of 23 users to sign on and be charged at the hourly rate as we assess whether 23 users is the appropriate number. Our early statistics indicate that we do regularly exceed 23 users but rarely for extended periods of time or by more than 2-3 users. We will decide how to proceed, i.e. whether to turn off the hourly access, raise the number of flat rate users, after a bit more data is available. However, the flat rate approach has already lowered our monthly invoices by $2000-3000.
Carol Pitts Diedrichs
Assistant Director for Technical Services and
Liaison to the Regional Campus Libraries
Editor, Library Collections, Acquisitions
and Technical Services
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH, 43210-1286
tel: 614-292-4738
fax: 614-292-7859
From: Beacher J E Wiggins
Subject: LC update
In May 1998 the Library of Congress awarded a contract to Endeavor Information Systems, Inc. for their Voyager integrated library system.
Since January 1999, over 400 people working on the 76 implementation teams have all made great progress, and we are still on target to have all the components up and running by our original target of October 1999. We are conducting several *test loads* of our records in preparation for the production load and the results have been very helpful in refining our preprocessing programs for loading bibliographic and authority records, as well as patron records, vendor records, circulation charge records, and open orders. Formal training began in April with classes on OPAC and staff searching taught by our cadre of excellent volunteer trainers from among LC staff. Starting June 1 we began cataloging training. Approximately 3,000 LC staff members will be trained through October in the various modules (cataloging, circulation, OPAC, and acquisitions/serials check-in). Cataloging, circulation, and OPAC are scheduled to *go live* in August, and acquisitions and serials check-in on the LC ILS will begin in October.
LC*s bibliographic and authority records will continue to be distributed during the transition. Please see the Cataloging Distribution Service announcement about the plans for the MARC Distribution Service. The official master CONSER database will remain on OCLC, and LC will continue to provide maintenance for those records. The LC ILS Local Database will reflect all records for materials in LC collections, as well as all authority records. A special database in the LC ILS will be established to continue the production of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, and a master database will be maintained for the production of the Library of Congress Subject Headings.
Over 2,000 PCs have been replaced and loaded with the latest Voyager software - a huge effort accomplished by the Automation Planning and Liaison Office (APLO), the ILS Workstation Group, plus many volunteers from divisions library-wide and staff from t he Information Technology Services (ITS). The Library installed its two new ILS servers during February, and a performance benchmark was conducted in April. The benchmark included documentation of the system's Y2K compliance. The results from the bench mark will be used to optimize performance of the system.
As important steps in capturing our *manual* inventory information, the Library will have three Requests for Proposal (RFP's) out for bid this year:
The Library introduced a public ILS home page on February 8, 1999. The Internet address is:
Since January 1999 the Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team (BEAT), which operates under the auspices of the Cataloging Directorate but includes representatives from many areas of the Library, including public services and electronic programs, has focu sed particular attention on three projects:
The Digital Tables of Contents (TOC) project creates TOC data from surrogates of the actual TOC, and using scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) as well as original programming written by project staff, materials are subsequently HTML-encoded and placed on a server at the Library. In the process the underlying MARC records are also modified to include links to the TOC data. Both the MARC records themselves and the linked TOC data may be viewed through the Library's online catalog, at URL: . The Z39.50 server and the browse search capability are recommended for direct searches and subsequent viewing.
This project originally concentrated on printed monographic publications in the fields of business and economics (particularly, the areas of small business and entrepreneurship). Now fully in production mode, the scope of materials covered has expanded to include wider areas of economics, computer science, technology and other areas in which BEAT sponsored projects or conducted investigations previously. The project has created about 1,400 TOC records to date and adds approximately 100 new TOC data and their related links each month.
An additional project is underway which aims to substantially modify and rewrite in the Visual Basic language, the original OS/2 VX-REXX program so that it will be compatible with the Library's new Integrated System.
For further information about TOC, contact Bruce Knarr, project manager, at
BECites+ is a new BEAT 1998/1999 initiative, designed to enhance traditional bibliographies by placing them on the World Wide Web and including, along with annotated citations, links to the scanned tables of contents, indexes, and back-of-book bibliograp hies contained in the sources. In addition, the project plans to provide links to pertinent online indexes to journals and other related web resources where available. For the initial phase of the project work has focused on a single bibliography, "Guide to Business History Resources," a revision of chapter 13 of Finding Business Reference Sources at the Library of Congress, comp. Richard F. Sharp. (Library of Congress. Business Reference Services, 1995). Most of the works included in the bibliogr aphy have now been linked to the types of sources described here, and a number of test records have been already been created. The team anticipates that public availability and access will be provided through the Library's Web-based cataloging search tools shortly.
For further information about BECites+, contact the project chair, Carolyn Larson, at
BEOnline continues in production mode, and as originally conceived was intended as a pilot project to serve as both a model and a catalyst for developing approaches to meet the challenges of identifying, selecting, and providing bibliographic as well as direct access to electronic works that are remotely available on the World Wide Web. This project is concentrating on business- and economics-related materials, especially those which will facilitate business reference in the area of entrepreneurship and small business.
Monographic BEOnline records were released from the Library's database for distribution in April, and more than 200 BEOnline records can now be found in OCLC, RLIN and with other subscribers to Library of Congress cataloged records. Each selected resource is listed on the BEOnline Web page and can be accessed directly through hyperlinks. The address is URL:
For further information contact the project head, Allene Hayes, at
The Special Materials Cataloging Division continues to make its Music Cataloging Sabbatical available to qualified music catalogers. The sabbatical is an opportunity for working music catalogers to come to the Library of Congress for three to six months and receive one-on-one training with a senior music cataloger in cataloging sound recordings. The participants will also participate in various arrearage reduction projects. If you would like more information, please contact Susan Vita ( or Phillip De Sellem (
The Library of Congress and RLG are working together to prepare for conversion of Chinese bibliographic records in the RLIN database to pinyin. LC is now identifying bibliographic records in the Chinese script which need to be loaded into RLIN for conversion. The target for their conversion is the spring of 2000. The Library has sent draft specifications to RLG. The draft will be used to write a computer program which will perform as much of the conversion as possible. The program should also be able to change headings for the most frequently used Chinese conventional names. A copy of the draft specifications was also sent to OCLC.
Changes to subject headings that contain Wade-Giles romanization are being evaluated in the Cataloging Policy and Support Office. Class numbers will be retained whenever possible, and the reference structure will be utilized in the classification schedule to lead the user to the proper location. Beginning later this year, probably around October 1, subject headings in the Subject Authority File will be converted to pinyin. Related changes to classification schedules will begin to be initiated at the same time. Topical subject headings will either be converted just after subject authorities, or at the time bibliographic records are converted. After that date, new subject headings with romanized Chinese words will follow the new pinyin romanization guidelines.
In recent weeks, the Library has heard from librarians and automation experts from several institutions who have recommended conversion of Name Authority Records in advance of conversion of bibliographic records. The Library has held several strategy sessions in recent weeks and is attempting to rework its time-line to respond to these concerns. Possible scenarios for conversion of authorities will be presented during meetings to be held at ALA, and input will be widely sought.
The Library has also begun a related project to bring Chinese conventional place names into conformance with the forms currently recommended by the U. S. Board on Geographic Names. CPSO changes headings for geographic locations, one province at a time, along with the cities therein. Catalogers then change related authority records. As of June 1, 24 provinces and major cities (including Beijing) have been changed; only six more remain to be changed. Up-to-the-minute information about changes can be f ound on the CPSO home page at URL:
Further information regarding the pinyin conversion project is available on the Pinyin home page, which was recently mounted on the Library of Congress's Web site to provide a vehicle for significant documentation and up-to-date news. The address is:
In the Library's existing local online systems, MUMS and SCORPIO, the PREMARC File includes about 4.7 million bibliographic records created prior to the adoption of AACR2. These records, since they reside in a separate physical file, have heretofore not been taken into account for daily cataloging activities such as headings maintenance. The descriptive and subject headings on these records may differ from current practice and for the most part have not been assessed with respect to accuracy or completeness. Under the LC ILS, the records from PREMARC will be included in the LC Local database along with all other bibliographic records for materials held by the Library. The Cataloging Directorate is responsible for maintaining the overall quality of the LC catalog and to this end has developed a plan for treatment of these records in the LC Local database. It basically proposes that the headings on these records will be assessed, heading by heading, and brought into conformity with current descriptive and subject cataloging practice. The content of the records (the bibliographic description) will not be assessed.
Excluded from the heading integration plan are about 1.47 million records which were replaced by external records and loaded into PREMARC to replace counterpart records in that file. They can be identified in LC Local by the code *oclcrpl* in subfield c of the 906 local processing field. These records in general are much closer to current cataloging practice and the headings generally meet AACR2 standards for accuracy and form. They will become subject to regular bibliographic heading maintenance by cataloging staff on Cataloging Day One of the ILS.
The remainder of the PREMARC records will be loaded into LC Local with value *premunv* or *premver* in subfield c of the 906 field, indicating that the record has not been assessed with respect to completeness or heading structure. The Cataloging Direct orate is currently forming a new database maintenance unit within the Cataloging Policy and Support Office to perform quality sampling, removal of duplicate records, and maintenance of holdings and item records; to handle necessary cleanup of records orig inating in PREMARC, shelflist conversion, and general bibliographic problem resolution; and to carry out PREMARC heading integration projects, perform global updates to headings, and generally maintain ILS authority records. It is anticipated that most of the heading integration plan will be accomplished within five years after Day One of the ILS. The first headings to be assessed will be those, generally subject access points, which were established in earlier decades and are considered offensive by c ontemporary standards.
Until each heading has been assessed and brought into alignment with current practice, it will be identified by the addition of a character string, such as *[non-current hdg.],* at the end of the last field in the heading that will serve to mark it as originating from the MUMS PREMARC File. The addition of this label will result in *split files* for many headings in LC Local, but it is essential to enable the CPSO maintenance unit to identify those access points which are candidates for the integration plan, as well as to alert end users of the LC catalog that the Library does not consider them to be current standard headings.
Mid-year statistics show that contributions of new name authority record submitted to the NACO program equal 39% of last fiscal year's totals; new series contributions stand at 54%; new SACO contributions equal 47% of last year's total and contributions of new bibliographic records to the BIBCO program are at an all time high surpassing last year's mid-year totals by 23%. International growth has increased dramatically with five new international libraries scheduled to join the PCC in the coming months which will bring the number of overseas participants to 25 libraries.
The two major initiatives currently being addressed by CONSER members involve aggregator databases and publication patterns and holdings. The aggregator issue originated with CONSER, but is now a task force under the PCC's Standing Committee on Automation. Further discussion of this topic will take place at the CONSER At Large meeting on Sunday morning.
Bibliographic Records | FY99 through April | FY98 |
LC Full-Level Cataloging | 96,516 | 175,103 |
Copy Cataloging | 16,943 | 39,265 |
Minimal-Level Cataloging | 2,123 | 24,880 |
Collection-Level Cataloging | 1,645 | 2,965 |
TOTAL records created | 117,227 | 242,213 |
TOTAL volumes cataloged | NA | 274,890 |
Authority Records | FY99 through April | FY98 |
Names | 51,360 | 167,441* |
Series | 4,960 | 9,713 |
Subjects | 3,625 | 7,194 |
TOTAL | 59,945 | 184,348 |
*includes 64,194 machine-generated Names
The Library entered into a cooperative agreement with the UMI Company for US dissertations. Under this agreement, UMI will submit copyright claims and dissertation deposits in digital format through CORDS (Copyright Office Electronic Registration, Recor dation, and Deposit System). The electronic copyright deposits will remain in the Copyright Office repository and LC will eventually have access to all dissertations in digital form (all dissertations beginning in 1997) through UMI's digital repository "ProQuest Digital Dissertations." The Library will, for the foreseeable future, also receive and retain microfiche copies of the dissertations.
CDS will meet with MARC Distribution Service subscribers on Sunday, June 27, 9:00-10:30 am, (location TBA), to review information sent to subscribers in April 1999 about impacts of the LC Integrated Library System (ILS) on the MARC Distribution Services.
The information sent to MDS customers during the week of April 19, 1999, is posted on the Web at URL .
The first edition of the MARC bibliographic format with its new name, "MARC 21," went to press on Monday, May 10th. The first printed copies are expected to be available from the Government Printing Office (GPO) in late June. The 908-page publication c ulminates more than a year of editorial work required to prepare the new "harmonized" format. The MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data replaces the USMARC Format for Bibliographic Data and the Canadian MARC Communication Format for Bibliographic Data, w hich were fully harmonized in 1997. Part of the revision process eliminated more than 200 pages from the document, making it more manageable physically. Although still in two volumes, each volume is now lighter and more succinct. A French language edit ion will also be available, prepared and published by the National Library of Canada, facilitating MARC 21's continued expansion and success. Separate English and French web sites will be maintained for the revised format. Plans are to revise and publis h the other four MARC formats as "MARC 21" editions in the near future. These will be supplemented by MARC 21 document sources in other languages maintained by other national agencies. At present work is underway on MARC 21 documentation in German, Russ ian, and Spanish. Collaboration of Dublin Core/MARC Mapping
NDMSO is collaborating with OCLC, Inc. on updating and expanding the Dublin Core to MARC mapping, which is currently available at the MARC Web site ( ). This effort is undertaken as part of OCLC*s Cooperative Online Resource Catalog (CORC), which uses a mapping for integrating, exporting and importing records for online resources both in Dublin Core and MARC. The mapping will provide a crosswalk in both directions, both from Dublin Core to MARC and from MARC to Dubl in Core.
At the present time, the search system being accessed via LC's Z39.50 server is MUMS. This will change to the Voyager system when LC catalogers begin using Voyager in mid-August. (The current Z39.50 server will still be available for several months after Voyager is implemented.) On Cataloging Day One, searches through the WWW/Z39.50 Gateway will begin to be sent to the Voyager system. Prior to Voyager implementation, library system software vendors and Z39.50 interest groups will be notified about th is change.
Some anticipated changes to LC's Z39.50 service when Voyager is implemented include:
In November 1997, the Library awarded a second contract to Preservation Technologies (a Pennsylvania company) to provide book preservation services to the Library using the firm's Bookkeeper mass deacidification process. This contract will run through October 2001; we are now in the second half of year 2 of this 4-year contract. Continuing application of the mass deacidification technology has ensured the effective deacidification of 225,000 Library books to date.
Given the effective operation of its mass deacidification program
in recent years, the Library is serving as a demonstration site for
managers and technical staff from other libraries, archives, and cultural
institutions who are interested in learning firsthand about
administrative and workflow procedures required for mass deacidification
programs. Interested organizations should contact Kenneth E. Harris,
Preservation Projects Director,
Preservation Directorate,
Congress, LM-G21,
DC 20540-4500.
Telephone: (202) 707-1054;
Fax: (202)
In September, the Geography and Map Division hosted a six-day meeting of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Committee for Cartographic Materials. Representatives from all five member countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the Unit ed States, were present and participated in the meeting. These meetings were held to discuss and finalize the revision of Cartographic Materials: A Manual of Interpretation for AACR2. The second edition of Cartographic Materials will document and expla in the changes made to the rules in the 1988 and subsequent revisions. The publication will also be expanded to cover the cataloging of remote-sensing images and electronic or digital cartographic resources.
In March five members of the Cataloging Team presented a two-day workshop on cataloging cartographic materials sponsored by the Federal Library and Information Center Committee. The workshop covered descriptive cataloging, subject analysis, and classifi cation of maps, atlases, and electronic cartographic resources. Although the class was limited to 25, the session was so popular that the attendance was expanded to 28 federal librarians and one public librarian.
The comment period has ended for the draft revision of Archival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual. The purpose of this manual is to provide rules for the descriptive cataloging of archival film and video within the framework of AACR2. The LC AMIM Revision Committee is currently examining the comments received in order to consider them in the final revision process. Committee members are Arlene Balkansky (chair), Laurie Duncan, Pearline Hardy, Stephen Kharfen, Marzella Rhodes, and Betty Wilson, all M/B/RS Moving Image Processing Unit staff. Bob Ewald, CPSO senior cataloging policy specialist, is serving as CPSO liaison to the revision committee during this process. The following organizations were among those who reviewed the draft revision:
From: khsu
Round robin report from The Research Libraries of The New York Public Library
When NYPL first started automation for cataloging in 1972, it designed its own system which had a linked authority control function. Any change in a heading made to an authority record would automatically be reflected in the heading used in any bibliographic record. That great feature was lost when the Library abandoned its own system and moved cataloging to RLIN in 1980, NYPL being one of the founding members of RLG.
In 1997, as a result of an RFQ process, WLN (Now OCLC/WLN) was selected as the vendor to do authority control for the Library's records. WLN's service consists of two steps: Machine-processing and manual review. And in addition to verification of headings (name, subject, and series) against Library of Congress Name Authority File and Subject Authority File, the service also includes deletion of obsolete MARC fields and subfields or moving them to valid ones. Last year close to 3.7 million records were sent to WLN and 3.1 million were modified by machine-processing. The Library is now in the midst of reloading these records into its local system CATNYP. In order to avoid disrupting any day-to-day CATNYP operations such as ordering, check-in and other cataloging maintenance, reloading is taking place only in the evenings and weekends. It may take two to three months to finish the reloading. After that, records modified during manual-review will then be reloaded. Newly created records will also receive authority control. This is going to be a long process. But the staff accepts this as growing pain and eagerly awaits the time in early next year when all the see and see-also cross references will be in CATNYP to serve the library users.
The Library launched a huge 5-year retrospective conversion project in early 1996 to convert two million monograph records into machine-readable form. There are two catalogs that the library users must consult now, one online and one printed catalog. Everything cataloged since 1972 is online while records created before 1972 are in an 800-volume printed book catalog called the Dictionary Catalog of The Research Libraries. It is estimated that 2.5 million titles are listed in the Dictionary Catalog, of which two million are monographs published in the Roman alphabet. OCLC has been contracted to do the conversion for these two million monograph records. NYPL's shelflist cards are shipped to OCLC for OCLC's operators to use as a basis for conversion. The overall hit rate for copy found on OCLC was projected at around 79%, with 21% requiring creation of original records. In some subject areas the copy hit rate was actually as low as 60% and in some other areas as high as 87%. As of the end of May, 1999, over 1.4 million titles in the humanities, sciences, business, and economics have been converted. The remaining are records for the Rare Books Division and Performing Arts Center, also microfilmed titles and titles belonging to the pamphlets collection. Roman-alphabet titles for the Jewish Division, Oriental Division, and the Slavic and Baltic Division are also included in this category. By September of 2000, all monograph records in the Roman-alphabet should be converted. The only non-Roman conversion project presently in place is the conversion of records in Hebrew characters. This is a separate 3-year (1998-2001) project being processed by an in-house staff.
Immediately after the completion of monograph conversion, the Library will proceed to the conversion of around 130,000 serials titles in the humanities. Further down the line is the conversion of non-Roman records such as CJK and Cyrillic. Also waiting at the sidelines are records for non-book non-print materials such as sound recordings, music scores, and moving images. Converting everything online is a process which seems to go on forever.
Adding to the urgency of retrospective conversion is the Library's imminent plan to build a high density off-site storage facility. Columbia, Princeton and NYPL have formed a consortium to jointly construct and operate a remote storage facility on Princeton's campus. In two years time two million items from NYPL could be moved into this new facility. A unique problem faced by NYPL now is that the collections of The Research Libraries do not have bar codes nor do they have item-level records. Since NYPL is a closed-stack non-circulating library, there has never seemed a real need to attach a bar code to the items in its collections.
Plans are being aggressively drafted and soon to be executed on attaching bar codes to two million items which are targeted to be transferred to the off-site facility. At the same time, online bibliographic records must be ready for the bar codes to be scanned into item-level records. The titles to be transferred will be mostly infrequently used older items, the timing of the conversion of their records is crucial. There will be no problem with regard to monograph records. However, some of the targeted titles will inevitably be serials, whose conversion project will not commence until late next year. The Cataloging Division is planning to revise its serials cataloging routine in order to absorb the conversion of some of these serials.
While there are so many issues concerning the handling of physical items, one would think that things would be much simpler if everything were online. As a matter of fact, online resources have presented themselves with even more issues and problems. What kind of access, both bibliographic and virtual, should the Library provide for its users? How should the Library handle the servicing issues? And how should the Library address the maintenance problems? These issues have been discussed and debated within the Library, and an NYPL Metadata Task Force has made its report. Among the recommendations made are a one-record approach for multiple versions, providing MARC records for the free Internet resources that are deemed worthy by the public services staff, and using metadata Dublin Core elements (instead of MARC records) to describe non-textual images digitized by the Library. As to the aggregator databases, it is hoped that eventually publishers would provide some sort of set records.
A new structure is being constructed within the south court of the Library's Central Building on 5th Ave. and 42nd Street. The Central Building, being a landmark, may not be altered in any way. Therefore, the new structure will not touch the existing walls except at the roof. There will be several levels. Two of them will house the better part of Technical Services. The senior staff of Technical Services have been involved in the planning of the floor space, and everyone is looking forward to the completion of this structure in two years.
The position of the Director of Technical Services has been vacant for several months and the Library vigorously continues its efforts to fill it.
Karen Hsu
NYPL's Interim Representative to the Big Heads
Assistant Director and Chief of Cataloging
The Research Libraries, The New York Public Library
42nd St. & 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. 10018-2788
(212) 930-0702
(212) 930-0785 (Fax)
From: Judith Nadler
Phase I of the Regenstein Reconfiguration Project, which includes
Phase II of the Regenstein Reconfiguration is in the planning stages. This phase will include the relocation of Technical Services, which now occupies prime space on the main floor. Where to?!
The project to convert the approximately 1.3 million cards in the General Card Catalog is almost complete. Editing and correcting will continue for some time. The Card Catalog will be removed from its prime first floor location but kept available for consultation until we complete the editing work.
Approximately 120,000 titles from the John Crerar Library collections are also to be converted within this calendar year. A pilot project to establish standards and cost for the conversion of the East Asia Library collections (approximately 150,000 titles) is now in progress.
The Library received the following grants:
This award will support digitizing rare books, pamphlets, maps, prints, and manuscripts relating to the early development and settlement of the Ohio River Valley. The resulting digital collection will bring together related holdings from two partner institutions, the University of Chicago Library and the Filson Club Historical Society of Louisville, Kentucky. Upon completion of the project the digital collection will be made available through the Library of Congress American Memory Collection.
This project will contribute to the CUIP, a collaboration between the University of Chicago and the Chicago Public Schools to enhance teaching and learning through the use of the Internet and computer technologies. The grant will support the creation of a shared scanning facility, housed at the University of Chicago Library; the purchase and installation of 8 satellite scanning stations and 32 workstations in eight local public schools; the creation of a model technology training program for educators in the eight public schools; and the digitization of materials drawn from the Library's collections to act as a seed collection for the CUIP digital library. Material to be digitized will be keyed to the public school curriculum and will include the Ida B. Wells collection, held by the Department of Special Collections.
The Poetry Magazine Archives Project: This project will conserve, stabilize, reformat, and digitize materials from the archives of Poetry; A Magazine of Verse. Selected materials will be conserved by deacidification, paper repair, and encapsulation. The entire archive will be re-housed in acid-free folders and boxes and re-formatted onto microfilm. The first decade of the printed magazine,1912 - 1922, will be digitized and converted for full-text searching. Selected materials from the archive, for which permissions can be obtained, will also be digitized and a web site will be created to provide an historical and cultural context for the material.
Two interdivisional task groups: the Intellectual Access to the Digital Library Task Group, charged to recommend guiding principles and goals for providing intellectual access to digital information, and the Task Group on Retrospective Digitization, charged to consider the future role of retrospective digitization at the University of Chicago Library, have submitted reports to the Director. The task groups have done very fine work in addressing these complex new areas of development, and their reports and recommendations will be invaluable as we continue to incorporate information technology into the Library's services to the University Community. Recommendations from these reports are to be implemented soon.
A Library Web Site Redesign Project is underway. Along with others, staff from Technical Services will contribute to this project as a priority commitment.
We have been participating in the OCLC Cooperative Online Resource Catalog project (CORC) since its beginnings. The following points reflect the status of our CORC project to date:
We are in the process of reassessing Technical Services programs and organizational structure with an eye to changes that will strengthen our position to meet present and future goals. In light of everything else we are engaged in, this has been a slow process so far.
Judith Nadler
Assistant Director for Technical Services
University of Chicago Library
773 702-8743
FAX 773 702-6623
From: Catherine Tierney
Stanford Update, Catherine Tierney
June 23, 1999
From: Geri Bunker
Geri Bunker Ingram, Interim Associate Director of Libraries for Resources and Collection Management Services (formerly Tech Services) since 1996 will turn full-time attention to her position as Coordinator, Digital Initiatives. She will continue to report to Betty Bengtson, Director of University Libraries.
From: Leighann Ayers
An electronic resources tracking database was created to enable staff to track titles from selection through cataloging. The database is currently in test.
Between August 1998 and the end of June 1999, 4,700 volumes from the Library's RLG conspectus level 5 collection in mathematics were treated by the Bookkeeper process. Every two weeks a batch of 225-270 volumes were sent to Preservation Technologies where the books were treated and returned the following week. Costs were under $18 per volume, including vendor costs, shipping, and Library staff.
The only obvious difference to the book after treatment is a slight chalky feeling on the paper; books with slick cover material or glossy paper may have a visible thin coating of white dust, which wipes off. This dust - magnesium hydroxide - is not toxic. The treatment regularly raises the pH of the paper to 8.5 to 9.5 (sample papers are randomly inserted In several volumes in each batch for testing) and is estimated to extend the useful life of the paper by a factor of three to four.
A recent Preservation survey shows that as many as half of the books in the Library's collection of nearly seven million volumes are now too brittle to benefit significantly from deacidification. About 17% of the collection is printed on paper that is already alkaline since manufacture. The rest, over two million volumes, are printed on acidic paper that is in good condition now but will deteriorate significantly over the next century unless treated. While the Library is pursuing a vigorous program in microfilming and digitization, reformatting - at costs of $100 and up per volume - is not the best option for every book. Deacidification provides an alternative.
Leighann Ayers
Head, Acquisitions/Serials Division
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1205
This spring also saw the opening in Butler of a new Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. Operated by the University's Academic Computing Inforation Services, the Center provides consultation and support for faculty in incorporating electronic resources and technology in curriculum development.
NLM ALA Update 1999
In January the Serial Records Section began using the check-in module. By the end of the first quarter, staff had completed creation of the prediction patterns required by the new system for about 7,000 of the Library's current serial titles. In mid-April NLM released the client and Web-based versions of the online public access catalog LOCATORplus for public use and implemented the call slip and other onsite circulation functions.
NLM staff are continuing to work with Endeavor on adding new features to the product, including a binding module and also are participating on the Acquisitions Task Force that is looking at a redesign of the acquisitions/serials module.
Subject headings in CATFILE are recombined for distribution in the conventional LCSH main heading, topical subheading, geographic and form subheading string rather than in the indexing like format now used in NLM's online file.
NLM's CIP and authority record covering the same period were submitted to the Library of Congress (LC) and made available through LC's record distribution service.
In April, NLM began distributing SERFILE, which replaces SERLINE, in MARC 21 format. The base file contained 110,000 serial records. SERFILE is now available for monthly ftp distribution.
The goals of next generation SERHOLD are to provide holdings data to support routing of ILL transactions, to improve the quality and timeliness of holdings data by empowering all SERHOLD participants to view and maintain data online, to facilitate the exchange of data by conforming to national standards (USMARC, ANSI/NISO Z39.71-199X), and to provide SERHOLD services and products in a resource effective manner.
The new system was previewed at the Medical Library Association meeting in May. NLM hopes to allow Regional Medical Libraries to test the new system in early Fall and to put the system into production by the end of the year.