For the text of the Round Robin on issues of concern to these institutions, which was distributed via the Big Heads electronic discussion list in the weeks prior to the Washington, DC meeting see
Lee Leighton, UC Berkeley was unanimously chosen to be
Mike Bruer said that his question about
de-accessioning has several sources, including Nicholson Baker's article
in the New Yorker on withdrawals from the San Francisco Public Library and
a letter to the President of NYPL from a book-dealer about material
getting out of that library and into the hands of others such as himself
(material that had been withdrawn after being microformed). The question
has grown into a larger one: Is there a difference between accessioned and
owned? A member of Congress (who shall remain nameless) is understood to
be preparing legislation that would make it almost impossible for research
libraries to get rid of anything. Under what circumstances is it
legitimate to dispose of material? What means of disposal are legitimate?
He emphasized that this is something we may all need to deal with.
In response to a question from Brian Schottlaender (UCLA)
Mike said that NYPL routinely discards originals after micro reproduction
unless the original has intrinsic artifactual value. In response to
another question from Brian Schottlaender he said the potential
legislation would apply to gifts as well as purchases.
Brian Schottlaender asked what grounds the potential legislation
was predicated on? What was the logic behind it? That a research library
is supposed to keep everything?
John Lubans (Duke): Does the public think we should keep
everything? In his opinion most people don't think much about that
question but a few individuals have a reactionary view of the matter.
Brian Schottlaender said the cultural heritage argument says that
libraries in the AGGREGATE are responsible for preserving the aggregate
heritage, not that each library has to preserve everything.
Judith Nadler (Chicago) suggested that collection
development policies should state the library's policy for removing
material. Mike responded that NYPL has a new 25 or so page policy that is
much more conservative than its predecessor. It will need to be
accompanied by a statement of Policy and Principle, and then by specific
Sharon Clark (Illinois) asked if there is New York state
law that governs such matters as there is in Illinois. The answer was
Yes; institutions in New York State must first offer material to all
other state institutions that might want it.
Bob Wolven (Columbia) suggested that the feeling behind the
proposed legislation probably is that libraries are wasting public money
when they discard material that might have been sold. Mike said NYPL is
doing a survey of a sample of material discarded in the past and having
Christie's or Sotheby's value it. Early indications are that most of the
stuff that has been discarded, as we would have assumed, is of a routine
and essentially valueless nature.
Michael Kaplan (Indiana) and Brian Schottlaender
(UCLA) were the presenters of this topic. Brian said the major issue in
his view has to do with input streams. He spends inordinate amounts of
time coordinating 'acquisition' of such material, reviewing licenses,
talking to the right people about IP addresses, getting resources on
webspace, publicity, etc. Many decisions are now being made by those
external to university; more and more people are getting involved in the
process and there is need to keep them all informed.
Michael Kaplan asked who in your organization is responsible for
electronic publications? One or several people? Do you maintain a legal
review? By whom, with what background? What is meant by 'cataloging' for
electronic resources? Indiana University has a project to acquire about
1100 ejournals. What if you later decide not to keep all of them? The
Peak Project which was predicted to provide input about user behavior on
full-text journals has not provided the level of information that had been
hoped, at least to date. In general, he feels the need to put one person
in charge.
Sally Sinn (NAL) said this question is taking more of her
time than anticipated. NAL uses a team of public and technical services
staff. They are taking a detached view towards cataloging. Users are
having no problem finding ejournal text without catalog records. NAL's
primary interest is in connecting Agricola database (which indexes the
material) to the electronic texts.
Beacher Wiggins (LC) said that LC is developing a model. LC
had internal staff work with a contractor to see what all the pieces of
the question are. The final report from the contractor and group,
submitted in late 1997, included a list of recommendations. One major
recommendation was to create a position for an 'electronic czar' to have
oversight over all aspects of dealing with electronic materials.
Questions to be addressed include: Who will report to the czar? What will
be the copyright implications? Budget implications? Collection
development guidelines? Cataloging issues? LC is currently drafting a
budget initiative for FY1999 to encompass these identified needs.
Judith Nadler (Chicago). At Chicago they think
e-publications activity falls into four aspects or categories:
They need good coordination among these.
Carol Diedrichs (OSU) said that OSU has been heavily
involved in the licensing aspects, with much of the work delegated to the
Head of Serials who is working with University Counsel. The Head of
Serials has educated the University Counsel about libraries. The
University Counsel has indicated that the Head of Serials now has the
skills of a paralegal in this area. University policy is that if you sign
a contract you are responsible for your own legal fees.
Jeffrey Horrell (Harvard) described Harvard's digital
initiative infrastructure. There is a Digital Acquisitions Coordinator
who will be responsible for licensing and renewals and the position was
just filled by Ivy Anderson. Robin Wendler is serving in the position
responsible for metadata and Steve Chapman holds the reformatting
position. A position devoted to digital archiving will be developed and
recruited for in the not to distant future.
Lee Leighton said that Berkeley set up an organization
structure similar to Chicago's but after a reorganization it didn't work
so well. People have taken it upon themselves to learn as much as they
Beth Warner said that Michigan has had a Digital Library
for several years. They have moved from having everyone involved to
having things funnelled through a few teams to more decentralization
through creation of teams with technical services representation. The
team decides what level of cataloging is needed for various categories of
electronic materials. Michigan decided to put everything in catalog as
well as to create a special database of e-materials for people who want
only e-materials and who need to be informed of local web pages.
Joan Swanekamp said that Yale has had a fair amount of
experience over the last several years. As to notification: Ann Okerson
and her staff inform library staff of all new electronic resources through
an electronic discussion list; they are also listed on a webpage. Yale
has been entering their records for web cataloging for several years.
Sally Sinn (NAL) said that one problem is dealing with
purchasing officers.
Larry Alford that at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill (UNC) they make vendors compete with each other. This is done
more by discussion and negotiation rather than through formal purchasing
Duane Arenales (NLM) said that they have been
concentrating on the input stream. Perhaps for the next Big Heads meeting
(Philadelphia) we could combine this with Mike Bruer's retention issue to
discuss questions relating to access and preservation. Perhaps we need to
revive the old idea of a National Periodicals Center and to create a
National Electronics Center.
John Lubans , in noting how rapidly things change in the
electronics area, offered this definition: A geek year is 90 days.
The URL for CIAO is:
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is designed to be the
most comprehensive source for theory and research in international
affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 on that
includes working papers from 65 university research institutes, occasional
papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, conference
proceedings, journal abstracts, and books published by the CUP. The site
also contains a schedule of events and links to other online resources.
Each section of CIAO is updated with new material on a regular schedule.
Working papers are augmented every month, as are conference proceedings.
Links and resources, the schedule of events and the response files are
updated weekly. New journal issues and books are added as they become
CIAO is a collaborative publishing project of the CUP, the CU
libraries and its Academic Information Systems, and the Faculty and
Librarian Advisory Board.
The participants share responsibilities and skills, e.g.:
The project combines traditional values with new technologies. It
has high quality scholarly content, skilled acquisitions and editing,
professional marketing and sales staff and infrastructure, global
accessibility, rapid dissemination and updating, and interactive
CIAO Goals and future development involve evaluation of how
scholars and libraries use online publications in this field and
development of additional funding.
David Millman then took over. He showed some
transparencies (which can be viewed at
He provided a description of their local work toward enabling online
sites comprised of highly fragmented and distributed collections. In
order to do this, they extend the notion of metadata to include
"structural" information, such as the nature and relationship of small
digital fragments to each other.
Among the points he made were:
Mr. Millman concluded by putting fragmentation and integration into
the context of metadata:
Bob Wolven said that cataloging the contents of CIAO was
not difficult. They had decided to catalog all the working papers as an
unanalyzed series; the same was done for the conference proceedings.
Digital contents appear in more than one place and are accessible through
more than one webpage. Since they lack a full holdings record capability
they "kludge" together locations, the bibliographic record. One
interesting challenge is keeping up with updates of CIAO materials; they
need continually to monitor the site.
Michael Kaplan (Indiana) asked how are the libraries were
kept updated? Kate Wittenberg said that a monthly list of new materials is
sent to everyone involved.
Christian Boissonnas (Cornell) noted that this cataloging
was add-on work for the catalogers at Columbia and asked how they
determined work priorities. Bob Wolven said that they had added an
Electronic Resources Cataloger and added a portion of the time of one
existing staff person, a Bibliographic Resources Specialist. They gave
priority to Columbia products.
Arno Kastner (NYU) asked for more input on levels of
cataloging. Bob Wolven responded that they had a single collection level
bibliographic record for each of the 65 research institute. They do not
analyze at the working paper level but then, they had never done so in the
past either.
Sally Sinn (NAL) asked about the purpose of the
structural metadata and the ability to structure the item in various ways
as contrasted with brief cataloging? Bob Wolven said they needed to decide
what aggregation of images forms an item.
Brian Schottlaender (UCLA) said that sounded as if this is
the future we are all working towards. What is your thinking about
archiving? Kate Wittenberg said that their licensing agreement allows for
provision of a CD of all that a library has subscribed to up to the point
at which they unsubscribe. Brian pointed out this implied that Columbia
is taking responsibility itself for archiving. Ms.Wittenberg agreed.
John Lubans (Duke) asked if there is tension between those who
think electronic resources siphon dollars away from books and supporters
of CIAO. It is a question of measuring the utility of the electronic
Kate Wittenberg wondered why she had to provide the
libraries with a monthly list of the working papers added to CIAO if they
are not cataloging at the working paper level.
She noted that she gets requests for sample subscriptions from
scholars at institutions that are subscribed and they didn't know. Does
whether or not the project succeeds depend just as much on what people
know about it as it does on providing the content?
Mike Bruer (NYPL) noted that a real issue is getting the
right publicity out to the scholars who need it. They need to provide a
list of working papers on a web site with metadata added to provide
keyword access.
Catherine Tierney (Stanford) asked for what percentage of
the content is copyright held by individuals vs by the University? Kate
Wittenberg said that the Press holds copyright to all books on CIAO (about
40 % of site); authors hold copyright to working papers.
Catherine Tierney (Stanford) asked what change Ms.
Wittenberg foresaw in the balance between scholarly and commercial
publishers? The answer was: Not much.
Joan Swanekamp (Yale) asked if they will publish an evaluation
of the project. Ms. Wittenberg said they submit a report to the Mellon
Foundation each fall. She will ask if they can make it more widely
David Millman said he would supply some data to Bob Wolven
to provide to the Big Heads electronic discussion list.
The project involves the libraries of Cornell, Iowa State, the
University of California at Santa Barbara, the University of Missouri at
St. Louis, and Vanderbilt, and is headed by Dilys Morris, Assistant
Director for Technical Services at Iowa State University.
The group is working on 4 activities:
The software that is being developed has not been tested yet. It
is based on the Microsoft Access database management program.
Some basic principles agreed upon by the group are:
Mike Bruer (NYPL) asked why this is being done. After
all, there have been lots of similar efforts tried in the past. Once the
project is done, what is one to do with the data generated?
Christian responded that he liked dealing with numbers; that he
believes it is important to cost the things we do; and that this is worth
a try.
Judith Nadler (Chicago) said she thought comparing times
is more important than comparing costs (latter vary by levels of staff,
local costs, etc.) The data collected would be useful in determining
whether to outsource an activity. She thinks the definitions will be very
valuable. She asked if effort would be expanded to cover other activities
within libraries? Christian agreed that it was important to record times
as well as costs, but he could not answer the question about what
activities beyond technical services might be involved. Right now this
has been conceived and is being implemented as a technical services
Mike Bruer (NYPL) said that comparing times can also be
comparing apples and oranges, depending on different local processing
Catherine Tierney (Stanford) said this data would provide a
benchmark that could be used after outsourcing.
Christian Boissonnas said that the comparative institutional
approach is one thing. The really important piece is understanding the
various components within your own institution. Why do we spend so much
time on this or that activity? Why is this category of staff doing this?
In short, it is a management tool.
Bob Wolven (Columbia) asked how they were coping with the fact
that many costs cannot be attributed to staff? Christian said he had
dealt with that by apportioning non-staff costs to the staff cost centers.
Dilys Morris (Iowa State) said they had been doing time/cost
studies at Iowa State for 13 years; they have been expanded and improved
since the group project began. She agreed that time is a more important
factor than costs. It has proved to be a remarkable management tool. She
has used it to show that technical services have increased productivity,
etc. It has facilitated getting positions reclassified. Her son, a
software engineer, is developing the software.
Chris Filstrup (North Carolina State University) He
asked about general practice of pushing this paralegal work related to
electronic publications licensing into middle management such as Head of
Acquisitions instead of University Counsel?
Karen Hsu (NYPL) asked Bob Wolven whether Columbia
provided MARC records in the catalog for CIAO material or only as embedded
metadata in CIAO? She noted that NYPL provides collection level records
in the catalog with 856 links to individual items. She said that some
divisions there feel very strongly that they need individual item records,
eg., for each piece on a sound recording.
Catherine Tierney asked for audience suggestions for future
Big Heads topics. John Lubans said to send them to his email
A quick look around the table showed that, generally, this is no
problem. Sally Sinn said that financial systems are experiencing
more of a problem than are catalogs.
NAL is still investigating.
Robin Fradenburgh said that the University of Texas at
Austin anticipates some problems.
Lee Leighton (Berkeley) said that the catalog is OK but
that the University as a whole faces problems.
NYPL requires all suppliers to contract in writing that everything
supplied is Y2K compliant.
Illinois expects to be OK with its new DRA TAOS integrated library
Here are the URLs for the University of Michigan Year2000 and
other related sites:
Opening remarks/ announcements, introductions - John Lubans,
Election of Chair-Elect - Catherine Tierney,
Incoming Chair, presiding
"What's bugging Mike?" Technical Services Leadership Issues
Retention policies: the joys of de-accessioning
Responsibilities for and expectations of electronic
Electronic publications: a conversation with Kate
Wittenberg, Editor in Chief, Columbia University Press and Director of
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) and Chair, Library/University
Press Relations, Association of American University Presses, Inc; and
David Millman, Head, Academic Information Systems, Columbia University
Project to analyze technical services costs,
Christian Boissonnas reporting
The project is open-ended and will include several phases. In
phase 1, the current one, the cost centers and tasks involve only staff
costs. Overhead and other costs (equipment, supplies, contracts) will be
addressed in subsequent phases. The methodology has been tested in
several of the participating institutions (twice at Cornell, once for two
days and the second time for a full week). Data will be gathered in all
the institutions during the same six weeks each year. The first week of
the current fiscal year, chosen at randon, will be in August 1998.
Audience input about Technical Services
leadership issues
Catherine Tierney (Stanford) said that until recently all
contracts at Stanford had to be signed by University Procurement; now it
can be done in the Library Director's office.
Christian Boissonnas (Cornell) said he didn't spend any time on
that stuff; his Acquisitions Librarian does all the licensing and signs
all contracts.
Sally Sinn (NAL) said that work is being pushed down to lower
levels but is providing more work for all involved.
Brian Schottlaender (UCLA) said he sends very little to campus
counsel. He does much of that work himself in his other role as Head of
Collection Development.
Dilys Morris said that Iowa State has established an
Electronic Resources coordinator position. They use MARC records and put
them into an access database to create the web page. They capitalize on
the MARC record. They use this approach to stop everyone in library from
creating their own web pages.
Bob Wolven asked what can publishers do about providing
metadata? What do you mean about item level? Working paper, chapter in
book, image?
Year 2000 barometer on your campus.