Present: Manual Urrizola) Chair, Janet Belanger (SS), Vanda M. Carnes (CRG), Mary Case (liaison to the ALCTS Board), Michelle Crump (AS), Judith Hopkins (CMDS), Cherie Madarash-Hill, Tony Olson (CCS), Sheila Smyth (PARS)
Absent: None
Guests: Carol Diedrichs (ALCTS President-Elect); Brian Schottlaender (President, ALCTS), Kirsten Ahlen (ALCTS staff);
Manuel introduced the new members: Sheila Smyth (PARS representative) and Mary Case (liaison to the ALCTS Board)
The minutes of the
Brian thanked the members for agreeing to serve on this
committee. As part of ALA strategic
planning in preparation for Action Plan 2010, ALCTS will be gearing up to
revise its strategic plan and the ALCTS Board has decided to hold a strategic
planning retreat on Friday afternoon, June 25, 2004 in Orlando. All ALCTS
division-level committee members, including interns, plus ALCTS section chairs
and members of the ALCTS Board (75-80 people) will be invited to attend the
retreat. The Board is also considering trying to use virtual focus groups. Since the ALCTS activities will occur before
the ALA-level planning effort gets underway, what ALCTS does may influence the
Brian reported that at the Presidents breakfast that morning
there had been some discussion of
The new brochure which the committee had prepared will be
ready by
B. ALCTS booth at summer conference
Manual reported
that there had been lots of traffic at the ALCTS booth in
ALCTS Booth in
3. It was agreed that the call for volunteers would be posted to the following lists: AUTOCAT (Judith Hopkins), ACQNET (Janet Belanger), SERIALST (Manuel Urrizola), COLLDEV-L (Mary Case); ALCTS leaders (Janet Belanger); PADG (Charles Wilt can post).
4. Janet will probably announce the availability of the booth web-site for volunteers to sign-on in late March 2004.
C. Continuation of the Reduced Fee for Library Support Staff
Tony Olson asked about the status of our committee’s
recommendation that the ALCTS Board endorse continuation of the present reduced
fee for library support staff, beyond the 3 year pilot project, until the new
dues category takes effect. Manuel said
the ALCTS Board had endorsed our recommendation; it now has to be approved by
the ALA Membership Committee and the ALA Council before it goes on the
Kirsten said that, based on discussion on the NexGen electronic discussion list, an automatic deduction
from salary would help encourage membership.
Dues are a big hurdle for
Marion Reid moved that the ALCTS Membership Committee
recommend that the ALCTS Board endorse the idea that
Kirsten urged creation of new interest groups for support staff and new members. All it takes to establish IGs is for one person to fill out a form containing the name of the group, the name of the chair, and names of 10 persons who have petitioned to form it; only the chair has to be an ALCTS member. Kirsten runs web meetings, chats, etc. for IGs.
A. Goal 1. The Committee will continue to engage students by:
Manuel commented that schools contacted are either near committee members or near conference sites.
Manuel Urrizola and Marion Reid
reported that they had attended Career Day on the campus at California State
University, Fullerton (where a Master of
Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree program is offered by the San
Jose State University’s College of Library and Information Science, the only
ALA accredited program in the California State University system). ALCTS was
the only
Kirsten said the ALCTS has calendars which can be distributed to students as well as literature which can be sent to the schools.
Marion Reid suggested that, in addition to contacting the
schools, that we contact student organizations there, such as
Simmons (Janet Belanger)
Janet reported that Simmons is planning a program for students with speakers from various library organizations. Her contact at the School had also suggested that we contact professors who teach classes in technical services to ask them to speak on our behalf in their classes if there is no opportunity to speak to the schools or student groups.
Janet Belanger pointed out that if local library school faculty are involved ALCTS members they can speak themselves without any of us going to speak.
Michele Crump suggested that the section representatives on the committee ask their sections for a list of names of section members who might be willing to speak to schools to promote ALCTS and careers in librarianship in general and technical services specifically.
We need to get a list of the CRG regional groups from the ALCTS office. Manuel will get the list; we can then contact groups in our geographical areas.
B. Goal 2. The Committee will assist Kirsten in developing a plan for international membership in ALA/ALCTS.
The Committee has recommended that the ALCTS Board endorse a new dues category for international members. We hope that it will be passed by the ALA Membership Committee when they meet today and by ALA Council so that the proposal can go on the forthcoming ballot. International support staff would have the option of joining either the International Members or the Support Staff dues categories.
C. Goal 3: The Committee will identify appropriate committees and ask Kirsten to notify them about our target groups.
D. ALCTS website.
Some segments will be available only to members. Janet Belanger said the E-brary will be working with American Libraries to make it available online. The question was raised as to whether ALCTS Newsletter Online (also known as ANO or AN2) should remain open to anyone or be made available only through subscription.
Judith Hopkins moved that ANO remain open to all as a public relations vehicle for ALCTS; Sheila Smyth seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
Mary Case said that Peggy Johnson, editor of Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) is planning to make its Tables of Contents and abstracts publicly available via the web. Janet Belanger suggested providing a perks page for members that would provide features such as advance availability of material; ability to print newsletter issues via a single button, etc.
Marion Reid moved that ALCTS keep open as much as possible at this time; Sheila Smyth seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
E. ALCTS membership reception.
Manuel attended part of its meeting.
1. Today they will discuss the special dues category for support staff.
Sheila Smyth reported that the next
Members health insurance. This insurance is intended to be supplemental
to what people already have; it will be good for people between jobs and should
serve as an incentive for people to stay in ALA. This
4. The Intern orientation program was successful.
There were no announcements.
The meeting was Adjourned at