Use of common definitions for terms 'outsourcing",
"contracting out", and "privatization"
Outsourcing is the transfer of functions formerly
performed within a library to an outside agency.
(Paraphrase from memory). There was some dispute about
this proposed definition, especially the inclusion of
the word "formerly" on the basis that it excludes those
functions that a library would have liked to perform
but had been unable to do for any of a variety of
reasons and which now are being performed by an outside
agency. [See further definitions at end of minutes for
Monday's meeting]
What other past ALA policy discussions are relevant to this
What are the ethical principles that drive the discussion on
What do librarians uniquely do that cannot be outsourced?
How do we establish 'public good' vs. 'private interests'?
CARMEL BUSH, Assistant Dean, Technical Services, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO:
When you have a disaster, outsourcing of services for
recovery is inevitable. Need storage space,
communications, document and engineering recovery, packout
services (78,000 boxes), freeze-drying services, cleaning
services, technology salvage services (didn't impress her),
facility recovery services (fire alarms, elevators, etc.),
sanitizing, telecommunications, utilities, people to move
material, etc.
Document repair. Had to set up information/database
management system as they had 125 people working in two
shifts. This was library controlled.
Service replacement. Passenger services to other libraries,
a courier service to connect your spread-out locations.
A disaster recovery plan is essential. Librarians must know
what is in their collections (if you have done full recon
you will be well off).
Definition evaluation. Needs library expertise.
Need to pre-qualify service vendors before the disaster
occurs. Have draft contracts ready.
Need to know costs, quality measures, etc.
In response to question: have not yet decided if they will
permanently contract-out some of these services.
JEWEL ARMSTRONG PLAYER. President Federal Librarians Round Table
ANNE A. HEANUE, Associate Director, ALA Washington Office
HEANUE: ALA disagrees with OMB inclusion of library services
as a commercial activity.
PLAYER: The types of federal libraries parallels those that
exist in private sector. Often have to justify their
Some federal libraries contract out particular services and,
in last 5 years, full library operation. It is imperative
that librarians remain in charge. It is not contract
librarians who are the trouble, it is the contract managers.
Check article in American Libraries, Jan. 1998.
The trend is to state what you want done in general terms,
but not to say HOW it should be done. The latter is
dangerous. It is important to say WHY something has to be
done. Need standards based on various levels of service.
(Example is a work by Jose-Marie Griffiths that contains a
list of functions that should be performed). One should
perform a study and prepare a performance work statement.
You must limit yourself to what you are currently doing and
the size of your current staff; you cannot require an
increased level of service.
46 air force libraries were targeted for outsourcing; 17
were contracted out, usually the larger ones. A detailed
and very good generalized performance work statement was
Contractors tend to over-state their experience and tend to
get in touch with base commanders and others at that level
instead of with the librarian.
MURRAY MARTIN (representing ILERT: Independent Librarians
Exchange Round Table):
In New Zealand libraries are being defined as businesses and
being required to operate at a profit. (See Cooper and
Lybrand study which he reviewed for Technicalities) All
services must be commercialized. The state, city, etc.
still retains ownership of the assets. There is no
understanding of the value and costs of managing libraries.
Independent Library vendors offer services and expertise
that a library cannot provide, including consulting.
(However, some states forbid state libraries to hire
He expressed concern about fragmentation of the contract
librarians working in libraries.
GEORGE COE, Vice-President of Book Division and Library
Automation Division, Brodart
COE: For over 60 years Brodart has been involved in
outsourcing at various levels. To them outsourcing involves
various types of services.
Collection development: They provide list services so
libraries can make appropriate decisions. TIPS is a
customized profile-driven service consisting of
reproductions of reviews, arranged in order preferred by
library. To them, outsourcing is the degree of service
that the library asks them to perform.
They provided opening day collections to numerous libraries:
e.g., Virginia Beach, VA; Atlanta-Fulton County, GA.
WILDER: Cataloging and processing. Primary core of their
business is providing outsourcing services, starting with
provision of plastic covers over 35 years ago.
Since 1980s the bar of services provided by vendors has been
raised. Vendors have been asked to provide call numbers,
original cataloging, etc. The library must remain
responsible for quality; it must provide vendor with
detailed performance statements and must provide evaluations
to vendors.
Library staff must be involved with development of
It is important that vendor professional librarians remain
involved in mainstream library activities.
In 1985 they had 6 customers; today, over 300.
TF member (Raymond Santiago): Outsourcing is not a
substitute for bad management.
PAT WALLACE, Chair of SRRT Hawaii Working Group.
Her primary concern is with using tax-provided funds to pay
vendors to select for public and school libraries.
The Hawaii experience was precedent-setting: it was the
first example of using tax funds to select. Staff are civil
servants. Service deteriorated. ALA Council took no
Features of the Hawaii plan.
SHEILA S. INTNER, Professor, Graduate School of Library and
Information Services, Simmons College:
She defined outsourcing as contracting with outside
organizations to provide library materials and
Outsourcing has been used throughout the 20th century
to provide functions of libraries. While criticism has
been made of all types of outsourcing, only the
outsourcing of selection has been legally challenged
(Hawaii). Outsourcing is accompanied by down-sizing of
staff and re-organization. There are correlations with
the growth of technology.
TF member (Pat Schuman): We must take into account the whole
attack on public services from Reagan administration onward.
TF member (Gary Shirk): There are hammers looking for
things to hit. Society is facing question of where to place
its money. Outsourcing is a manifestation of changes that
are taking place at all levels.
Janet Swan Hill (TF member): Institutions are making
decisions in terms of their own needs without taking into
account the general good of the profession (a training
ground for catalogers or acquisitions librarians, etc.)
TF member (SS?): What does society value?
JAN ISON, Director, Lincoln Trail Libraries System, Champaign,
The Lincoln Trail Library System consists of 118 multi-type
libraries, from UIUC to small public, school, and special
libraries. Funding comes from state via legislative mandate
and from local support.
Ms. Ison listed some of the services the system performs
that they consider to be providing outsourcing services to
their members: shared automation system. Lincoln Trail is
also manager of the telecommunications system. Some systems
in Illinois and elsewhere offer shared reference, 24 hours a
day. Lincoln Trail manages cataloging for libraries that
lack MLS librarian (libraries pay for this service). The
system does contract negotiation for its members. A past
service was management of a shared collection of video
materials. Some systems in US run Community Information
networks. Electronic licensing. Continuing education and
training program.
Levels of control for various services vary; for many it
ranges from medium to full control being given to the
system. In a sense they have outsourced these functions to
the system. She foresees greater shared automation and
telecommunications, training of patrons on how to use new
resources; at any rate, certainly training the trainer.
Collection development of electronic resources and other
systems and services that libraries do not have experience
in performing.
In response to a question, she said that the area of
evaluation of services offered is one of their weakest.
Questioner expressed bother at considering services offered
by a library cooperative as outsourcing. Realized that Task
Force had not yet defined the term. Membership vs. customer
role for participating libraries.
CAROLINE A. KILLENS, Acquisitions Librarian, University of
Georgia, Athens, GA.
She provided a user's perspective of OCLC. The University
of Georgia began using the OCLC database in 1970s and began
recon in 1980s. Services used by the University of Georgia
TECHNICAL SERVICES: TechPro and PromptCat. Despite a
cataloging department of 40 persons, they use TechPro for
materials in which they lack language expertise. One person
supervised the project which involved several thousand
titles. PromptCat is a 3 phased project: expanding a large
scale approval plan into the trade arena (March 1995);
implementing PromptCat (discussions began in summer 1996) in
early 1997; not implementing label segment of PromptCat
until Windows 95 is installed. They are also not using
OCLC's Bibliographic Notification System.
Tf member (Karen Schneider) asked if there had been any
staff reductions. No. What do you catalog yourself? Those
for which there is no PromptCat record.
Does your staff think of cataloging done through PromptCat
as outsourcing? More as special projects. Another TF
member pointed out that OCLC is a shared cataloging system.
JOHANNAH SHERRER, Director of the library, Lewis and Clark
College, Portland, OR.
One of the TF charges was to examine past ALA policies,
especially ALA Code of Ethics. The current Code of Ethics
dates back to 1995.
Governance of committee: will provide comments on Code and
expand it, either itself or through policies elicited from
other bodies.
Ethical dilemmas occur when values are in conflict.
Committee's role is NOT to play a role in specific
situations in specific institutions.
What can committee do for the Task Force? Meet with TF to
help distinguish ethical issues from management issues.
Work with TF to determine if a statement on ethics is needed
as part of TF output.
Two ALA associations (ALCTS and one other) have developed
their own statement of ethics based on ALA Code of Ethics.
GRETCHEN FREEMAN, Dynix Communications Officer
Library automation is an area where libraries have had
successful experience with outsourcing since the 1970s. In
1994 AmeriTech first offered a total library automation
outsourcing (AmeriTech owns the hardware, provides and
maintains it, provides staffing). Need for it came from
large libraries which found automation taking over and from
small libraries which wanted sophisticated systems that they
were not able to provide.
Provides predictable growth path and costs, increases
service levels (e.g., after-hours services); allows library
to concentrate on its core services.
Needs detailed description of services and support you
expect vendor to provide. Need to define what system
administration consists of. Is vendor expected to provide
system updates and if so on what schedule? Do you expect
vendor to print and mail overdue notices? What evaluation
mechanisms will exist?
ALA should help libraries act as businesses.
TF member asked what kinds of risks libraries expect? Loss
of control.
TF member commented about loss of technical personnel
available to libraries. Answer: Expertise may not be
needed on-site fulltime. There is a question of economies
of scale for vendor to provide technical skills.
Policies from Intellectual Freedom Committee, Legislation
Committee, and a third ALA unit. Policy Monitoring
Committee of Council.
Instead of asking them to share their expertise, TF should
prepare a draft document and ask them to comment on it.
Will ask for meeting sites at Convention Center.
ALA listserv. Will provide input from those who do not
attend ALA. But will the input be any different from that
obtained from speakers at ALA open forums? Need to provide
parameters and statements to which people can respond rather
than open-ended questions.
American Libraries for those who lack access to listservs
and web sites.
Discussion and organization of issues generated at Saturday
TF members volunteered to prepare draft one-page papers
on groups of issue, defining what the issue is and why
it is an issue. To be done by 15 Feb. 1998.
LaDonna Kienitz provided some draft definitions:
CONTRACTING OUT: To have an outside contractor produce or
provide a service.
PRIVATIZATION: To contract out to the private sector
activities being undertaken by the public sector.
There was some feeling that definitions will naturally arise
from TF discussion.
The meeting was adjourned.
"Outsourcing for disaster recovery".
"Federal libraries"
"Services of Independent Librarians"
MICHAEL WILDER, Manager of Customized Library Services, Brodart
"Book vendor services"
"Outsourcing experiences of Hawaii Library System"
Lessons learned.
"Historical overview".
Timeline (incomplete):
Librarianship and our vision of what librarians should
do with their time changes. We now work more closely
with vendors.
Suggestions received:
Monday, January 12, 1998
"Services provided to Libraries of Multi-Type Library
"Use of OCLC Services."
PUBLIC SERVICES: FirstSearch, implemented at statewide level
as part of Galileo. Interlibrary loan, both ILL Micro-
Enhancer and ILL Fee Management System.
"ALA Professional Ethics Committee"
"Criteria for Automation Outsourcing"
OUTSOURCING: Contracting with external organizations to
perform library functions. services, and activities.