Big Mouff 's Author & Poet pages

A listing of author and poet pages I made, big and small

Big Mouff's Biography, Bibliography, Work & or Links

Maya Angelou -
poetry, novels

Amiri Baraka/LeRoi Jones - poetry

Gwendolyn Brooks - poetry

Octavia Butler - scifi

Lucille Clifton - poetry

Samuel Delany -
scifi, contemp lit, essays

Rita Dove - poetry

Paul Laurence Dunbar - poetry

Ray Federman -
poetry, contemporary lit

Nikki Giovanni - poetry

Dick Gregory -
humor, politics

Chester Himes -
mystery, protest fiction

The Last Poets - poetry

June Jordan -
poetry, plays

Haki Madhubuti / Don Lee - poetry

Toni Morrison - novels

Walter Mosley - mysteries

Ishmael Reed - novels ,

Jean Toomer - poetry

Derek Walcott -
poetry, plays

Alice Walker - poetry, contemp lit, essays

Richard Wright - poetry, literature


Snally Gaster's work samples
Arna Bontemps Countee Cullen Mari Evans
Gloria Wade-Gayles Langston Hughes Georgia W. Johnson
Helene Johnson Audre Lorde Claude McKay
Eugene Redmond Sonia Sanchez Ntozake Shange


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