Interdisciplinary Degree Programs Office: 641 Baldy Hall/North Campus

Course Description

This course introduces students to some of the current research in medicine, issues in health and human service problems as well as programming. Through the assignments, class materials and discussions, students are provided an orientation to health and human services. Key themes in each of these main concentrations are studied including America's health and health care system, contemporary health hazards, mental health and depression, nutritional health, weight management, women's health, human sexuality and consumer health information. The human service segment of the course will review problems and services related to poverty and welfare programming, parenting and family issues, adolescent problems, special concerns of older people, substance abuse in society as well as problems related to violence and crime.

The course is divided into two main segments: the first half focuses on medical and health related themes up to the mid-term exam. The second half of the semester examines some social problems and the human service response. The course format encourages small and large group discussion.

Course Evaluation

Students are evaluated by a mid-term and final examination which are scheduled at the times indicated in the syllabus; the completion of a research project is also required. Regular class attendance is strongly encouraged.  The subject matter for the mid-term and final examinations is based upon required text readings, lecture material, in-class distributions, discussions and videocassette materials which may be presented. The research project must be eight to ten pages (double-spaced, following the guidelines outlined in the MLA Handbook For Writers of Research Papers by Gibaldi) on a topic within the scope of this course and of interest to the student. The project due date is the date of the final exam. A proposal of the project  with a working is to be submitted for approval no later than the date of  the mid-term examination. The research topic may not be changed without approval of a written request specifying the new topic and it's basic bibliography.
Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for this course.

The three-part course grade (mid-term, final and research) will be credited equally. The final examination is not cumulative.