Magalí López Cortez

Ph.D. student in Linguistics
University at Buffalo, SUNY

About Me

I'm originally from Mendoza, Argentina.  My undergraduate education was in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, but as I TA'ed in Linguistics courses and collaborated in different research projects, I fell in love with linguistics. I received a Fulbright grant to pursue my Ph.D. at the University at Buffalo, where I'm currently working as a Teaching Assistant for the Linguistics Department.

I'm interested in lexical and discourse semantics and in computational approaches to modeling discourse. My current research focuses on the production and classification of discourse relations across genres.

I have also worked as a Corpus Linguist Intern for the Dictionaries Team at Cambridge University Press and as a Research Assistant in the Causality Across Languages project (NSF Linguistics grant #1535846) under the supervision of PI Jürgen Bohnemeyer at UB.

I'm a member of the Semantic Typology Lab and of the Latin American Graduate Student Association at UB.