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Format an old essay into HTML by adding tags by hand. That means you'll need to tag up each paragraph, any bold or italic elements, and block quotes.

Family Tree Photobook

My goal with this project is to research my family name history, use photos from my immediate family as picture resources, and collaborate with my parents for date information. I would hope to be able to add interactivity into this project through the use of input fields for family members to add new names, photos and information.

Family members interested in and learning more about the history of my family name and the lives of one another. The site would be useful for the children of the extended family to be able to see the history of who am I and where I came from.

The idea behind the design would stem from a color scheme relevant to each members information about my family name, dates and location information on family members along with old photographs. I would like to be able to have input fields for new names and information to be updatable by family members through a personal login. The design will need to be easy to use for different ages and learning abilities. This project could be a potential template to be used by other users interested in setting up a family tree photobook.