Project 5: Mapbox

US Population Choropleth Map

The map seen above was created using a GeoJSON file containing data about the shape and population of US States. The GeoJSON file was uploaded into Mapbox and used to create a new map style. The states were divided into eight different layers based on population; these layers were then styled based on population density (lighter shades indicate states with less dense populations, darker shades indicate states with denser populations) to create a choropleth map.

The data used to create this map is available here.

US College Population Graduated Symbol Map

The map seen above was created using a shapefile with US college location and population sizes. The shapefile was downloaded from USGS and then was uploaded into Mapbox to create a new map containing point data about US colleges. These points were divided into seven different layers based on the size of total enrollment; these point layers were then styled based on the size of enrollment (smaller dots indicate smaller total enrollments, larger dots indicate larger total enrollments).

The college shapefile used to create this map was downloaded from USGS.