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Chris S. Renschler - Teaching Schedule

Fall Courses:

Geo 352 Introduction to Soils (as graduate student enroll in Geo 534)

Geo 470/570 Integrated Environmental Management (as law student enroll in Law 777)

Spring Courses:

Geo 101 Earth Systems Science

Geo 475/575 GIS Data Science Project Management - Landscape Modeling with GIS

Other courses offered in the past:

Geo 444/547 Advanced Earth System Science

Geo 426/504* Earth System Science

Geo 426/504* Natural Resource Management Tools

Geo 426/504* GI Science and Environmental Assessment

Geo 655* Geo-spatial Analysis & Process Modeling

Geo 655* Environmental Assessment with GIS & Remote Sensing

Integrated Watershed Mgmt. & Soil and Water Modeling (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)

Geospatial Project Management (Natural Resources & Life Sciences University, Vienna, Austria)

Integrated Environmental Management (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)

Practical Training in Geomorphology & Natural Hazards (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)

Process-based soil/water conservation modeling (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)

*Please note that course numbers were published under the following temporary titles and course numbers:
Geo 426 Geography Seminar Section CR
Geo 504 Geography Seminar Section REN
Geo 655 Advanced Topics in Geographic Information Systems Section CR