Statement about uncompleted BioSeTI webpages

        After setting up the main BioSeTI webpage, which included links to subsequent pages detailing some of the results already obtained and their implications, I decided it might be worth a try to first get some of it published in a mainstream venue.

        In may ways, this change of events has an ironic twist because rapid dissemination of results in this website are precluded. This also happens to reside within one of the criticisms I have about mainstream publishing becoming a burden to free and uninhibited distribution of information. However, practicality sometimes strikes when least expected.

        My intention is to place these pages on the BioSeTI site as soon as is practical, but with the wheels turning at the usual snail's pace in our system of publishing, I don't expect it to occur by the end of the year.  It could be longer;  please be patient.   --  RDS
